
Revenge To My Ex: With the help from his boss

Follow the stroy of a young woman betrayed by her lover. And she vowes to take revenge. with the help of her ex's boss. will she get her revenge?. In the opulent confines of their exquisite mansion, Lorain stepped into the bedroom, calling out with excitement, "Honey, I'm back from the market! What should I prepare for dinner?" However, what awaited her was a heart-wrenching scene that shattered her world. Before her eyes, her once-beloved boyfriend, Chris, was entwined with her best friend, Jane. The shock hit her like a tidal wave, and tears welled up as she launched into a fury, attacking Jane. "Jane, how dare you sleep with my boyfriend!" A stern voice interrupted the chaos, "Lorain, STOP!" It was Chris, and what he uttered next was a devastating blow. "Lorain, I no longer want you as my girlfriend. Jane is my soul mate." This revelation left Lorain stunned. Chris, who had professed his love for her for three years, was now claiming another as his soul mate. Doubt and disbelief clouded Lorain's mind. "Did she talk you into this? Is it a prank? I know you don't mean this, right, love?" As emotions spiralled out of control, the truth emerged – a truth Lorain couldn't fathom. "Lorain, come to terms with it. I don't want you," Chris declared, his once-loving tone now distant and cold. The pain of Chris's sudden change weighed heavily on Lorain. Moments ago, they were planning their future, and now everything seemed lost. “Lorain don’t leave please.” "Wait, my love. When I come back from the market, I'll prepare a nice dinner for the two of us," “But I don’t want you to leave.” “Stop being such a cry-baby I’ll be back in no time.” “Fine when you come back, I have a surprise for you.” A flash back of earlier enveloped Lorain’s brain as a wave of disbelief came across her face. It never occurred to Lorain that this unexpected twist was the "surprise" Chris had alluded to. "Lorain, you and Chris were never meant to be. I always had been the right person for Chris," Jane asserted, adding another layer to the betrayal. ‘The one right for him what absurd’ Lorain couldn’t take any of this blow of betrayal no longer. “No No how come the two of you are soulmates all of a sudden Chris tell me tell me Chris!!”. Shouting She can not just believe this is true no way. The smile that flashed across Jane’s face. Thia came like a slap to Lorain. ‘What they were cheating on her under her nose’. Desperation and confusion consumed Lorain as she pleaded with Chris, "But Chris, you love me! Tell her you love me, not her. Tell her to leave, Chris!" However, Chris's callous words cut deep. "You are not in my level, you are not working, you just sit home and do nothing you are a good for nothing.” “And tell me why I would want someone like you. You are not worthy of being a Miss Williams.” "Your bags are already packed what's left for you is to take them and leave dear best friend". "Please Please Chris stop this madness and come to your senses please tell Jane she is the one who has to leave". Chris just turned his back on her. Left shattered and rejected...

boudy_01 · Urban
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10 Chs

Useless Grandfather

During a family dinner, Lorain declared after careful consideration "I'm thinking of going back". She, along with her parents, had relocated from City VI to the neighbouring City H, where Lorain's maternal grandparents resided. After spending six months there, she felt it was time to go back. She was determined to seek her revenge and stand up against all odd to rise above all challenges and find her happiness. Running away and hiding was not how she wanted to resolve her problems.

"But Lory, my dear daughter, you can't go back there alone to face those vicious people," objected Lorain's grandmother, Lisa. She was unwilling to let her granddaughter confront those demons on her own, fearing potential harm to her granddaughter.

"No, Granny. I have to go back. I need to find my way, exact my revenge gracefully, and, besides, my life is there," Lorain asserted refusing to abandon her planned future in City H because of malicious individuals.

" James, Marry, Pablo, try to talk some sense into your daughter. Tell her it's dangerous; what if they threaten her life?" pleaded Lisa, aware of Lorain's stubborn nature. She hoped that Lorain's grandfather, Pablo, could influence her decision. Since the stubborn Lorain always listens to her grandfather.

"Let the brat kid go," Pablo said dryly. Despite Lorain being their favourite granddaughter, their love was tough on her. Pablo believed that toughness was necessary; he didn't want her to turn out like his other grandchildren, who were spoiled and acted boldly because of their influential family background. The Crystal family, to which Lorain belonged, was the most feared and influential family in City H and surrounding areas including city VI, but Lorain's family had never exploited their power. They worked hard for everything they owned and had kept it a secret that they are related to the Crystal family.

Pablo respected James, Lorain's father, unlike his other sons-in-law. James never took advantage of their wealth and never relied on the Crystal family's name. "Dad!" Marry objected, siding with her mother, unwilling to send her daughter back to those people.

"Marry, let her go back. She'll be fine; she's your daughter, and she has proven herself many times," Mark reassured. He had discussed this with Pablo, emphasizing the importance of sending Lorain back to build her own way. Lorain needed to be strong if she were to inherit the Crystal empire and Smith cooperation. Pablo had thought this through the only person to take over everything was her, but she had to be strong and know how to fight her own battles without backing down since his other grandchildren and sons will fight to take over. Or else they will devour her, and she will lose everything he had worked for.

"Yes, thank you. My useless grandfather doesn't seem to be that useless after all."

"No, I've changed my mind. She stays," Pablo declared with an indifferent voice. Lorain's face reflected horror; her unpredictable grandfather was really an eye sore, she can never go against him and if he really changes his mind. She will be forced to stay.

"Did I hear someone say anything? No, I don't think so. That's settled; I'm leaving tonight."

"Tonight?!" Lorain knew she had to depart as quickly as possible before they could persuade her to stay.

Soon Lorain arrived in her new apartment, it was exquisite, with two bedrooms and a well-appointed dining and kitchen area. But that now she is back here, However, as she settled back into her surroundings, haunting memories of betrayal began to echo. Lorain felt the weight of emptiness like never before, she knew it was definitely not going to be easy.

As Lorain pondered her next move, a sense of determination started to emerge within her. She refused to be a victim any longer. "I won't let them destroy me," she whispered to herself, wiping away the tears that lingered in the corners of her eyes.

With newfound strength, Lorain decided to take control of her destiny. She couldn't change the past, but she could shape her future.

Meanwhile, at the Crystal mansion, Marry's voice echoed with concern, "Dad, why did you have to let her go alone there?" She worried about her daughter facing those people.

"Relax. How could you think I would send my precious granddaughter out there with no protection? I've sent my best man to watch over her in the shadows," Pablo assured her. He knew Lorain's stubborn nature and decided it was best that she remained unaware.


"Then its settled, I'll rest assured" Marry sighed in relief, comforted by the knowledge that her father had taken care of her daughter's safety.


The next morning, Lorain went to the market to get some groceries. Even though her scandals had subsided, some people were still giving her weird looks. She didn't care less about them, she is not going to back down this time.

 On her way back she noticed a small clothing shop. Upon entering, she saw that they didn't just sell clothes, they design them. She grew interest and wondered around. On a table a few drawings were lay down. Lorain took a look, with a background in fashion and an innate talent for design since she used to own a fashion and beauty company. Where they designed clothes and produced beauty products. She could see the talent in them, the drawings. They were magnificent, but they lacked something. Lory took a pen and began fixing what she thought needed improvement.

"What the hell are you going??!!"