

Quickly snatching the bunny, Nova returned to her little camp. During her material gathering, she had collected a number of logs and dry sticks. The logs were rotten so they were very easy to carry.

Nova placed the logs around a pile of sticks. She crisscrossed the logs around the sticks and put the shavings from her spear inside the little cube of logs.

Next, Nova made sure that the unlit fire wouldn't be seen and that the pit was deep enough. Nova used a flat piece of wood and carved a little groove into it.

She took one of the smaller sticks and rubbed the stick into the grove. Once she had created enough friction she put the smoking wood on the shavings and they took a few seconds of blowing before they caught fire.

Nova cleaned the rabbit and cooked the meat. She had never really known how to cook correctly so she burnt the meat.

[Atleast it's still edible]

She devoured the meat and began to clean up the mess she had made on the forest floor. The smell from the meat lingered in the air and many animals would probably come to investigate.

She dug a small hole to put the leftovers and buried the fires remains in the pit. Then, she rinsed her wound in the river once more.

After running 10 minutes away she climbed up a tree and settled down for the night.

Next chapter