
The Beginning or the End?

Have you ever envisioned what it's like to be trapped in a void surrounded by nothingness, darkness and the worst of all loneliness?

Have you ever taken into consideration what the earth would be like if we were swallowed by a black hole, devoid from the light and taken away by it's gravitational force?

This was how I felt the moment my whole family died because of me, my mind was trapped in a void filled with nothing but darkness, loneliness and the worst of all, regret. It should have been me.

Before my life was turned upside down I lived a rather happy life the way I remember it with my mother, my older sister, my little brother and my dad.

Life was perfect, my mum always carried me in her laps each night and told me a bed time story, each time I cried she comforted me and assured me everything was going to be just fine. It was no surprise why my dad showered her with love and care.

She was the sweetest thing anybody could wish for, But everything changed when my fifth birthday approached. I always wanted a birthday party with lot's of stuffs like pinatas, dances just like my friends always had so I persuaded my mum and out of mutual love she rented an apartment just for me.

That afternoon my sister accompanied my mum to set everything up but that's everything went wrong, unaware gas had leaked all around the building they lit a match and everywhere burst into flames.

Both my mom and older sister died in that gas leak explosion.

That night my dad wept bitterly in the kitchen, my brother was still 2 years old, so he didn't understand emotions or what it was like to love someone at this point. I went to the kitchen in tears as well because I heard sobs coming from it.

I saw my father there and approached him trying to comfort him, a mistake I shouldn't have made. The moment my father heard my voice, his eyes was taken over by anger, he grabbed a hold of the knife besides him and instantly swung it at my face.

I barely dodged it but at the cost of my right eye, I screamed in pain as he took my right eye with his own hands.

"This is your fault!" He blamed me.

"We never planned to throw a party for you, but you kept insisting and your mother agreed and rented an apartment specially for you and now.."

The thought of her death made him weep even more.

"Now she's dead and it's all your fault!"

Blood dripped from the knife which he used to slit my right eye and gave me a permanent vertical scar on. He kicked me out of the way as I stood in his path, he loved mom more than anything in this world.

"I never want to see your face, disappear the way you killed them and never come back."

Those words hit me deep, why did the world have to play such a cruel game? why must fate be harsh to a five year old child?

My little brother was all my dad had to remember his beloved wife and daughter who he mourned for years. He deemed me a curse, the only casual factor of despair in his life.

I grew distant from my remaining family, even my brother who had come a little of age bore hatred for me, I couldn't help but feel like I really was a curse placed in their lives.

Eight years later it was the twelfth of June, the day it all happened and the day I resented the most.

The moment the clock's shorthand shifted to twelve, I vacated the house and went away for a while as my presence bore rage in my father's heart whenever he saw me during this day.

The entirety of my being especially during this day was a constant reminder of what they lost.

I thought I was doing them a favor by leaving, which was the only plausible gift I could offer them on this accursed day. That perspective all changed when I returned at the end of the day and met our house set ablaze.

It happened like a movie. It felt like my sensory perception had been muted temporarily, I couldn't hear a sound anymore the moment my knees made contact with the ground.

Tears rolled down my only good eye to my cheeks before it left my face as drops of water on the hard ground, slowly my left eye followed two stretchers that contained two bagged bodies towards an ambulance, the first body was long in length and the second short, undoubtedly my father and brother.

"He just couldn't take it anymore, poor Renji didn't even know...."

My neighbor who stood behind me uttered in tears and sniffled as she sudden shortage of words revealed the cause of death. I however was stricken deeply by shock; my father committed suicide and took my brother with him?

My vision was blurred as the tears in my eye poured down like a heavy rain and I began to cry loudly, my neighbors tried to comfort me, but can they?

For a moment it appeared as though a holographic board had appeared in front of me, however it was only for a second so it was barely worth reasoning in my state.

At the age of thirteen I lost everything, I lost my family, I lost my father's love, I lost my happiness, and I lost my reason to live.

The news regarding the incident spread throughout the town like wildfire, my uncle heard what happened and came to pick me up.

Unfortunately for him all shred of emotions I once possessed, semi-happiness, sadness and even the feeling of love had dissipated, my heart was filled with only despair and loneliness.

Even after he took me to his home and his family tried to comfort me it was of no use, my smile was taken away from me, my eye showed a deep void of emptiness and I couldn't cry anymore.

I realized at a young age that happiness was short lived, having hope only leads to more despair and the moment you lose the ones you love, you have nothing to live or fight for anymore.

"He's gone!"

A day had passed since the incident but one fateful night one of my cousins shouted as my uncle and aunt rushed to the living room to figure out what the reason was for his outburst.

"What is it junior?"

My uncle questioned him.

"He's gone dad, h-he ran away!"

My uncle rushed towards the guest's room as this information was revealed to him; he sped through the door and on arriving his eyes met with an empty bed.

He slowly approached it and sat down before displaying a great sign of disbelief, he placed his right hand over his mouth and his left arm on top of his leg.

My aunt joined him inside the room and sat down beside him before placing her right hand on his shoulder.

"He'll be alright, we just have to trust wherever he is, he'll be okay."

That was a nice statement from my aunt made about a boy who literally just turned thirteen, it was none of my concern anyways.

Hours later, I found myself in the forest, it appeared as if I had been walking unconsciously this whole time although my eye was open.

It was a dark night and barely any stars were present in the sky, the crows squawked in the trees as I passed. The leaves were shuffled by the gentle breeze that circulated through the forest.

Normally a child like me would be completely horrified by an environment like this, but my despair far surpassed my fears. I fell to my knees still with the depressed look on my face. My body was weakened due to starvation and dehydration.

Since the day my father and brother died, I haven't put any food or liquids in my mouth, I was unable to do so and as a result it took a huge toll on my body.

I collapsed on the ground and began losing consciousness little by little, but before my vision was blurred completely, I heard footsteps approaching and my eye captured the silhouette of a man.

He stood in front of me but before I could figure out who it was, I completely lost consciousness.

A few days had passed since I passed out, the only good eye I had left opened slowly but my vision was still a bit blurred, as I tried looking around I found myself on a bed and inside a room where the walls were made of wood.

By the time my sight returned completely I saw a man sitting on a chair right in front of me.

"So you've finally regained consciousness huh." The man spoke to me as I was flustered by everything that had happened so quickly.

"Where am I?"

I spoke out loud asking myself this question, the strange man crossed his arms and stared at me mainly because I didn't even realize what had happened to me.

My name is Xavier Storm, and this is the story of how I became the wind mage of Elvesmore.

If this first chapter peaked your curiosity do this author a favor and add this book in your library and also leave a review.....that's all i'll say.

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