

" Want to lick it? "


-Brain- said, "yes"....

-Pride- said, " don't lick it even if you die with thirst..."

-Heart- said ,"KILL THAT BITCH"

At the end, Ray showed no reaction and dropped his head down. Cussing him, Freima used -"Evaporate"- to wipe the spit off her cheek and faced the audience. Ray wanted to die by thirst rather than tortured to death, but as a Hero his instinct of survival kicked in, so he started to lick his blood flowing close through his lips, hoping that Freima would not notice him.

Freima whispered something in Grozo's ear and he began....

"The benefitting capital punishment for The Defender Hero for the crime of killing the King and Queen, also releasing the Monsters in the capital is... to get torture lessons daily till the day he dies of old age. This will engrave the pain in his soul, making him unable to forget his crimes even in his after life."Grozo declared, facing me he continued," don't worry Defender Hero we will take good care of you so you won't die easily." The audience caused an uproar. It amazed Ray to see how no longer anyone mourned for the deaths of the victims. The Heroes floating beside him were discussing various torture methods. Hearing them, he shivered crazily.

Grozo announced, "As for today's lesson, we will go with...".


"-SHIELD LV 3-", spelled the Rook Hero, "-METAL WALL-", Land Hero followed.


Somebody attacked Grozo and the Heroes. Since it was a "S rank" spell the defensive spells broke, and it knocked all the people who were floating away (i.e. Freima, Grozo and all the heroes except for Ray).

The instant Ray heard the spell he realised that the person who attacked was none other than "KEIGO". The sudden appearance of Keigo, who shot through all the smoke as he approached Ray soaring from the sky in an instant, his face gleamed in joy as he opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something.

As the Heroes and others were still recovering their senses from the explosion , Keigo removed the sword which nailed Ray's hands and slashed the chains with that sword and placed it in his waist. Still floating, he princess carried Ray in his arms as he went away from the crowd.

"-DISPELL-" Keigo spelled.

Unable to realize what happened Ray asked," Why did you use that?"....shocked he continued "What! now I can speak.... That means someone used "-Tongue Tied on me.... Keigo! at last you showed up.... What happened? Where were you?"

As Ray continued asking questions, Keigo replied ,"Shut up! Now is not the time to ask them"

Ray stopped asking questions and noticed wounds and blood in his body.

[It seems Ray had to go through so much to save me.]*Ray

[Escaping from the heroes and guards all night was very tough, even though we got surrounded by Envy and Mist Heroes, Urg sacrificed himself to let me escape. I won't waste this chance. I will for sure save you.... my brother..... Ray] *Keigo.

"Keigo," Mist Hero shouted. She held Urg by his hair as Envy Hero buried her index finger in his neck. She continued ,"Return Ray or I will kill Urg." They could not use floating magic so they held to taking Urg as a hostage.

Keigo ignored and continued going away.

"Keigo! stop," Ray demanded.

"Stay still !... don't worry Urg is safe.," Keigo assured.

[He seems's to know something..... better to ask him later] *Ray

Just before Keigo reached a safe distance.

"-FRENZY CHAIN-" Chain Hero spelled.

A chain made of mana shot through his hand, which caught Keigo's leg. Using his sword, Keigo slashed it, but more chains appeared and finally caught both his legs. Ray simmered down as his last ray of hope started to disappear. He tried using his magic, but he lost all of it thanks to the sword which nailed him. Something struck Ray's mind.

[If all my magic was drained by the sword , then that means it's full of my magic now. I can't let this chance go. ]*Ray.

Hoping that his plan works, he grabbed that sword from Keigo's waist and spelled "-Storm Blade-"

(SFX- puff ) Nothing happened....


---BLAZE DOOM-~S Rank Spell - wide range

~Only Strong Heroes (A rank or above) with high magic and fire affinity can use it using Royal ornament.

~ Medium casting time (that's why Keigo had to wait for the right moment to cast it)

---SHIELD-~ C Rank spell ( level upto 3)

~Anyone can use as long as they learn it

~ Not too strong

---METAL WALL-~ B Rank spell

~ Only heroes with Land affinity can use it

~ It is capable to block some A rank spells which are weak against land.

---DISPELL-~ Cures any psychological or status effect.

~Can only be learned by A or above rank heroes

---FRENZY CHAIN-~ A Rank spell

~Long range

~ More magic used and durability of chain depends on user.

*Ray is not Keigo's real or step brother. Keigo referred Ray as his brother since both were together since long time and both had fire affinities and similar tastes. Ultimately he thought Ray was his "brother from another mother".

* Ray, Keigo and Urg are all A rank Heroes.

*Land, Envy, Healer and some other are S rank heroes

*Even SS rank heroes are present

*SSS rank hero is said to only appear during a SSS rank monster is set lease

Next chapter