
Revenge of Iron Blooded Sword Hound

Player_Undead · Sci-fi
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129 Chs

Episode 420: Goodbye Nouvelle Vague (2)

Episode 420: Goodbye Nouvelle Vague (2)

Rumbling… …

abyss. A distant void.

Due to the pitch-black visibility, the passing of large amounts of water bubbles can only be felt as a sound.

The balloon eel that Vikir and Iyen were riding on shook violently and emerged into the middle of the deep sea.

Drudddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd… …

For a moment, I thought I might have been riding the wrong current because of the eddies swirling violently in all directions, but in fact, this was the only current that worked properly.

Compared to other ocean currents that are only stable at the beginning, this ocean current 3021 is severely shaken and unstable, but in the end it becomes the safest path.

Soon, the faint light produced by the balloon eel's skin began to illuminate the surroundings.

As the darkness became a little brighter, the outside of the deep sea was visible through the transparent skin.

Rumbling… …

The Nouvelle Vague was completely submerged in water.

Nouvelle Vague, covered with flames and steam from inside the volcano, looks dangerous as if it might explode at any moment.

This is probably because the Gate of Good and Evil on the ceiling of the Nouvelle Vague prevents a volcanic eruption.

Therefore, the Nouvelle Vague looked like a champagne bottle that had been shaken and shaken to its current limit.

The moment the bottle cap at the top, the Gate of Good and Evil, is destroyed, an enormous explosion and rising current will occur.

The seawater that flows into the explosion and the resulting cavity is heated by geothermal heat and expands, creating a massive primary fire pillar and secondary water pillar.

It will start from the strata of the bottomless pit far below the ground, penetrate the bottom of the sea, soar high, pass through the water, and pass through the sky, rising very high.

"And it will create an abnormality strong enough to create an abnormal climate on the ground."

Iyen nodded at Vikir's words.

She was currently maintaining the balloon eel's balance by pulling on the hook and rope hanging from its lip.

In other words, it is the role of the coachman who drives the carriage.

As Bikir was about to grab the rope, Iyen, who had a good sense of humor, felt something.

"Does it look like there's something attached to the eel's tail?"

"… … ?"

Bikir looked back.

Indeed, something was seen hanging from the end of the balloon eel's tail.

It was dark and the water current was so strong that I couldn't see exactly what it was.

… … However, even without paying attention, something began to move closer and closer to Vikir.

A figure pulling the eel's tail and slowly approaching its body.

"… … !"

Vikir opened his eyes wide.

The person holding the balloon eel's tail was none other than the Marquis de Sade!

He even had a sadi at his side.

Soon, the Marquis de Sade grabbed the balloon eel's body, crawled up to its mouth, and crawled inside.

"Puh-ha! My bones were almost crushed by the water pressure. Pussssss… … "But after being in solitary confinement for a long time, I'm starting to get used to it."

"Hello, Night Hound. "It's shameless, but I'll take a free ride~"

The Marquis de Sade laughed jokingly.

Sadi, who has lost her mind, also lies down like a mollusk and laughs.

The balloon eel was originally a large species that could accommodate dozens of people, so adding Sadi and THAAD would not cause any problems.

"If you just behave, I'll give you a ride."

"Oh my. I feel sorry for my young friend. "I don't think I can stay quiet."

Hearing Bikir's words, the Marquis de Sade shook his head with a sad expression.

Bikir also quickly realized why he was saying this.

"… … !"

Something was fiercely chasing after the balloon eel, which was slowly flowing along the ocean current.


A terrifying sound began to be heard from beyond the pitch-black curtain.

At first glance, it sounded like a boat horn, but the vocal range was too high for that to be true.

Is this the size of the Siren that appears in legends?

Even the swimming eel twists its body as if in pain.

These unidentified sound waves fill the distant void of the sea floor.

Bikir felt that the entity producing the sound was approaching.

"It looks like an orca has arrived."

The Marquis de Sade grinned.

Soon, something huge appeared beyond the transparent wall of the eel's body.

A body with a black luster, white spots clearly visible even through the darkness.

Tight muscles all over the body, a powerful dorsal fin, and forearms and legs exposed under a tattered fur coat.

Orca. He transformed into a strange body and once again blocked Vikir's path.

"… … "Are you a killer whale-type beastman?"

Bikir spoke to himself in a low voice.

Just as Dordium transformed into the shape of a saltwater crocodile, Orca also had a similar constitution.

He grasped with webbed hands the chain and club hanging from the end of his long tail that extended out of his coat.

"THAAD! "You can never go out!"

The orca's roaring voice could be clearly heard even in this distant deep sea.

In the end, I ended up meeting Orca as my enemy in the middle of this open sea.

The worst situation that everyone feared had come.

The Marquis de Sade chuckled.

"If it were on land, it would be suicidal to deal with that old man in the water."

"… … "What do you plan to do?"

"Well, shamelessly, I'd like to ask you what you think?"

The Marquis de Sade was implicitly indicating that he would follow Bikir's words.

Bikir spoke clearly.

"You owe me. How can I repay this?"

"Pussssssssssssssssssssssssssss…" … ."

The Marquis de Sade, who was silently smiling, then raised three fingers.

"The people of Sade will repay kindness three times, and enemies three thousand times. "I owe you one life, so I guess I'll have to repay with three lives, right?"

"… … ."

"Tell me three names of the people you want to kill. "No matter who it is, I will kill it for you."

The Marquis de Sade narrowed one eye at the end, saying, 'If only we can get out safely to the ground.'

Vikir nodded quietly.


Soon, Bikir tied Sadi's whip around his waist.

And the other end was tied around the Marquis de Sade's waist.

"Hold on to this."

Vikir placed the middle part of the whip into Iyen's hand.

Sadi, unable to move due to the aftereffects of demonization, asked.

"Are you going out?"

"There is no other way."

Vikir looked into Iyen's eyes and said.

Iyen was looking at Vikir with anxious eyes.

"I'd rather go out west."

"You drive the eel. "It's safer that way."

"I don't want to break up again. How did we meet again... … ."

"Holding the line is also important."

As Vikir spoke in a serious tone, Iyen lowered her head.

Finally, she raised her head, biting her lip so hard that it bled.

"never. "I will never let go."

"That's enough."

Bikir stood up.

Then he squeezed the balloon eel's mouth and threw himself into the deep sea.

To cross the final hurdle to go to earth.

* * *

The water pressure at 10,000 meters deep was beyond imagination.

So much so that even the protection of the River Styx, the stats of the Maw Tree, and Vikir's body, which had entered the realm of supremacy, could not withstand it.

'I understand why the demons were unable to overcome this place until the latter half of the battle of annihilation.'

A pressure that feels like your whole body will be crushed just by existing.

It looks as if hundreds of elephants are riding on eggs.

'This is why the Marquis de Sade asked for help.'

Bikir glanced sideways.

The Marquis de Sade, who had a whip tied to his waist, was seen slapping hard as if he was suffocating.

Right then.


Invisible pressure began to distort the facade.

Tsunami. If it had been on the surface of the water, it would have soared to an enormous height, but because it was underwater, it was completely invisible to the eye.


A vision swirling with a roar.

An orca in the shape of a killer whale passes before your eyes.


For a moment, my vision turned red and blurred.

Bikir's eyes widened, but that didn't stop his face from crushing.

The impact felt like my skull would be shattered like a grain of sand, and not only my nose bone but also my cheekbones and front teeth were all shattered.

A shock as if a warhammer swinging in full swing had hit the exact center of the face.

'… … 'Is it a drop of water?'

In the distance, the orca was grabbing water with its wide, webbed hands and throwing it away.

Condensed water droplets! It flies in like a cannonball and targets Bikir and the Marquis de Sade.



Bikir stretched out his knife and cut the shot put water droplets flying diagonally.

Additionally, the orca's location was detected based on the direction and angle of the water droplet flying.

… Flash!

The Decarabia on its chest widened its eyes and shot out a red light.

In an instant, the surroundings became brightly colored.

"oh. "Did you know you could do something like that?"

[You look down on me too much.]A radius of a dozen meters became brightly lit by Dekaravia's arrogant gaze.

Then the figure of the Orca in front was clearly visible.

He is wearing a jailer's uniform and coat and holding a club in his hand.

It looked like a mixture of half a killer whale and half a human.

"Get lost!"

Orca swung the club in his hand.

A huge tsunami occurs and collapses the surrounding space.

But Bikir was confident.

"As long as you know the direction, blocking is no problem."

As mana ebbed away, Decaravia revealed its true form.

Red inverted pentagram. Wailing Wall.

Although it consumes a lot of mana, its defense is a solid shield.

It was blocking all of Orca's long-distance attacks.


Rather, Orca's attack made the speed of Iyen's balloon eel even faster.

Bikir and the Marquis de Sade, who are connected by a whip rope, also rise upwards faster and faster.

"… … "These guys."

Orca eventually changed its attack method.

Close combat. The most primitive and most certain attack method is to rush in with a club and beat it up.

And that was what Bikir and the Marquis de Sade wanted too.

A monster whale rushing through the turbulent ocean currents.

Bikir confronted Orca with the magic sword Beelzebub, and the Marquis de Sade also took up a sword he had picked up from an unknown source.

The power of the three gathered in one place again.

The black sun created by Bikir, the snake-like aura created by the Marquis de Sade, and the tsunami created by Orca's club were all tangled together in one place.


A huge whirlpool was formed in the sea.

The sword trajectories created by Vikir and the Marquis de Sade form the upper layer of the whirlpool, and the tsunami created by Orca's club forms the lower layer of the whirlpool, meeting in the center.

… Quack! Gurgling!

With the sound of thunder, shock waves spread out in all directions and tore the surrounding sea apart.

As water and air refilled the empty space created when the wave was torn apart, a violent water current was created, crushing the surrounding space.

The pressure rushing in all directions crushes and pulverizes everything, regardless of whether it is a cliff or a rock.

"… … !"

Thick veins appeared on Vikir's forehead.

Instincts sharpened by crossing countless lines of fire were making a cool judgment of the current situation.


You never win.

As long as an orca is under the sea, it is no different from a god.

They can breathe underwater and move much faster with stronger muscles.

He could shoot sound waves to see everything several kilometers away, and he could create a tsunami to intercept enemies from a distance without having to move.

Moreover, confronting him in this harsh seabed, in an environment where everything is unstable, is literally like a bug attacking a wild beast.

The Marquis de Sade also seemed to have felt it and grinned.

'Is this going to kill me?'

'… … .'

Even before Bikir's return, the Marquis de Sade attempted to escape from the Nouvelle Vague, but was ultimately stopped and killed by Orca.

Even though Bikir was with him now, it still seemed difficult to overturn the fate that had been decided.

The wheel of causality was rolling at every moment.

Vikir just becomes a praying mantis and stands in front of him.


"… … ."

"… … ."

The gazes of Bikir and the Marquis de Sade stayed together.

As if they had made a promise, the two moved their hands and cut off the whip on their belts.


In the distance, Iyen, who was driving the balloon eel, shouted, but it was already too late.

The current became even more violent, pushing the balloon eel upward.

Those who will go must go and those who will remain must stay.

at the same time.

"… … !"

Orca felt something.

Two people who chose to remain in a distant space in the deep sea.

The momentum of Bikir and the Marquis de Sade had completely changed.

A determination to never let this go from now on. It was sharp enough to make even the Orca of the world break into a cold sweat.

… … Right at that moment.


The balance between the three men who were confronting each other in the distant space of the deep sea was broken.

A strange thing that is difficult to explain rationally.

… … What would it be, luck? There was no other way to explain it.

Bikir, who had never been blessed with much luck in his entire life, could not help but feel somewhat bewildered.

… … To properly explain this phenomenon, we have to go back a few seconds.

Grumble! Kuddeuddeuk!

A pillar of fire spewed out when Poseidon was activated.

It was like a fine root that spewed out in the process of condensing the power of a volcano.

The intense heat surged as if it were going to explode, but it was blocked by the 'Gate of Good and Evil', the final gateway to the Nouvelle Vague, and was trapped and unable to escape until now.

But now.

As the chains and pulleys that held the door in place were broken and destroyed one by one, changes occurred in the Gate of Good and Evil, which was heated to its limit.

… Ting! … Taean! … Teuong!

The moment when all the chains connected to Nouvelle Vague are broken.


The Gate of Good and Evil was thrown up into the air like the cap of a champagne bottle that had been shaken to its limit.

The gate of good and evil that was opened by tremendous pressure.

Diameter 70m. 5m thick. Weight 6535 tons. Made of mithril and adamantium alloy, it was blown away like a bottle cap on the end of an exploding champagne stem.

And this huge and heavy lump of alloy, which had accidentally bounced away, ended up heading towards Orca, who was confronting him while turning his back on the true nature of Nouvelle Vague.

The direction in which the wheel of fate rolls cannot be predicted one inch in advance.

… Pow!

Orca fell forward as this huge object passed by his head out of nowhere.

Red blood spreads out.

This monster whale, hit on the head by an unexpected impact, was helplessly caught up in the ocean current and sank like trash.

"… … uh?"

The Marquis de Sade opened his mouth as if it was absurd.

But that was not the reaction shown to Orca.

… Quack!

The Gate of Good and Evil flew far away, broke a corner of the cliff, and then tumbled down again.


Nouvelle Vague, which had broken through the gates of good and evil, began to walk down the path of full-scale decline.

A castle submerged in water.

The space between the black bricks began to glow red.

In the first place, Nouvelle Vague was a castle built by digging into the inside of an extinct volcano, but now that the volcano has started volcanic activity again, everything is over.

Cheolongseong, a castle with a long history that has never shown any flaws, has now become like a cork blocking a bottle of champagne that is about to burst.

Also, various parts of the body were corroded and crumbling.

The huge pillar of fire that soared through the Gate of Good and Evil was only the beginning.

The red-hot pillar of fire soon seemed to turn blue from the bottom, and then expanded greatly in a second and third order, instantly expanding in size.

… … ! … … ! … … ! … … !

There was an explosion so large that it seemed like the entire ocean was blowing away, far beyond the range of human hearing.

It was the beginning of a major eruption that would easily surpass 10,000 meters deep in the ocean and extend tens of kilometers into the sky.