
Revenge In Grins

In a dystopian world divided by class and power, where justice is a facade and truth is manipulated, Daemon Corvus. Falsely accused of a heinous crime he did not commit, Daemon and his family face public condemnation and are executed in a gruesome spectacle that scars the world's memory. But death is not the end for Daemon, as he awakens two years later with an unexpected and ominous companion of a Unknown System, offering him the power to exact vengeance on those who wronged him. -The God of Death has taken interest in your life- "Smile for me, darling, as I paint the canvas of your demise with the blood of your sins. Your screams will be my music, and your pain, my masterpiece. So, smile, for in your final moments, you'll know true artistry." Daemon's grin widened with sinister delight.

Danger_God · Urban
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54 Chs

Chapter-39 Dance With Vines

While walking through the hollow, the moon cast a silvery glow through the dense canopy of the forest, illuminating patches of shadow-covered ground and large obsidian-like rocks. Ethan using black and grey goggles crafted from a combination of enchanted glass and metal, his goggles allowed him to see ghostly apparitions and supernatural creatures like vampires, he scanned their surroundings with a mix of vigilance and fascination.

Ethan leaned over to Aaliyah. "There are three patrolling vampires up ahead," he whispered, at the same time he felt a tight knot of anxiety in his stomach, he was aware of the danger they were walking into.

Aaliyah, like Daemon, could see in the dark, but they understood not as well as Ethan with his specialized goggles... Still when she looked, she saw three vampires perched in a tree, scanning their surroundings she felt a surge of adrenaline.

"Do you want me to deal with them?" Ethan continued, trying to keep his voice steady despite the unease he felt.

"No. Time for Aaliyah to test her plan... Three targets. Vulnerable. Take them out swiftly," Daemon said.

Aaliyah nodded and moved further ahead, then with a silent grace, she moved closer, her footsteps barely making a sound on the forest floor, halfway there she manipulated the shadows around her, utilizing her unique ability, Shadowmeld.

'My Shadowmeld will allow me to dissolve into shadows, move through solid objects, and reappear at will to get close enough to them,' Aaliyah thought.

The closer she got she managed to hear one of the vampire speak in a low tone. "Did you hear that?"

The first vampire who just spoke was tensed, as he was sensing a presence nearby. Aaliyah froze and quickly blended seamlessly into the tree trunk beside her, she waited patiently for a couple moments allowing the forest to cloak her presence once more as her heart pounded in her ears.

When she noticed that the vampire had started to relax, Aaliyah decided it was time to strike, she materialized from the shadow of the tree, then in one swift motion, she wrapped a tendril of darkness around the vampire's neck and pulled him into the depths of the forest, where his muffled screams were swallowed by the night.

At the same time the second vampire, no longer sensing the presence of his comrade, asked, "Where did he go?" his head darting back and forth, and Aaliyah could almost taste his fear.

Now with the remaining two vampires glanced around, their eyes scanning the darkness for any sign of their missing comrade, however Aaliyah used their distraction to her advantage, circling around them silently, she felt a rush of confidence, knowing she had the upper hand.

She then summoned another tendril of shadow, this time from the forest floor, It snaked up the trunk of a nearby tree, forming a coiled noose of darkness, then with a flick of her wrist, Aaliyah sent the shadowy noose hurtling through the air.

That it descended upon the second vampire neck, tightening around his neck with a deadly grip, he clawed at the darkness in panic trying to free themselves, but Aaliyah's control was absolute. With a final, swift tug, she hoisted him off the ground, his struggles growing weaker until he hung limp then she then threw her dagger through his heart to finish him off.

The last vampire, now terrified, exclaimed, "What's happening?!"

The last vampire whirled around on multiple trees, his eyes wide with fear as he realized he was alone. Aaliyah emerged from the shadows behind him, her silver dagger in hand. Before the vampire could react, Aaliyah struck her dagger slicing through the air with deadly precision. The vampire's head separated from his shoulders in a single swift motion, and his body collapsed to the forest floor, dissolving into ash.

At the same time Aaliyah reappeared beside Daemon and Ethan.

"Good job but...I can still feel the eyes of the forest on us. Something sinister is waiting... it's already here," Daemon suddenly whispered.

Then suddenly after Daemon spoke a mixture of damp earth, moss, and the sweet scent of flowers permeated the air around them, it even started to mask the underlying scent of decay and death.

"Fools! You've walked right into my trap. This forest is Thorne's domain!" A deep, resonant voice sounded.

Before anyone could react... Ethan was suddenly pulled up into the sky by his leg.

"Ethan!" Aaliyah shouted.

When Aaliyah was about to attack the thorny vine she saw wrapped around Ethan's leg, she felt a tap on her shoulder it was Daemon and when she turned to see a man standing a few feet away.

The man's body was encased in an intricate network of dark, twisted vines that pulsed with unnatural life. The vines snaked across his body, intertwining with his flesh, his skin was pallid and tinged with a sickly green hue, partially obscured by the dense foliage of the vines. Faint veins of pulsating green energy ran beneath the surface, and his eyes were a piercing green, glowing faintly with an eerie luminescence. Aaliyah felt a chill run down her spine at the sight of him.

Vines protruded from his scalp like twisted tendrils, adorned with small, blooming flowers that emitted a faint, sweet fragrance juxtaposed with the decay, each of his limb was adorned with thorny vines, and he wore remnants of ancient, ceremonial robes that were tattered and overgrown with moss and small mushrooms, blending seamlessly with the vines that enveloped him. A verdant aura surrounded him, exuding a faint scent of earth and decay. Wisps of green energy occasionally flickered around him.

The man, named Thorne, moved forward with a sinuous grace, akin to a serpent weaving through the underbrush around at the same time his vine whip coiled around his arm as a malicious grin spread across his face.

Aaliyah said, "Stay sharp, Mortis. Thorne is a vine vampire, not an easy target."

Daemon nodded but kept an eye on Thorne. 'His energy feels about level B, almost... How long have these vampires really been here?' he thought.

Raven Sword who had been following Daemon, flew through the air into his hands, its blade gleaming in the moonlight, Aaliyah gripped her dagger, shadows flickering around her. Thorne's eyes narrowed as if he was assessing them.

"Its still, two against one? Hardly seems fair," Thorne said mockingly.

After Thorne spoke with a flick of his wrist he unleashed his vine whip, the whip snapped through the air, aiming for Daemon, however he sidestepped and brought his sword down, slicing through the vine. Aaliyah, seeing the opening, darted forward, her dagger a blur as she aimed for Thorne's torso.

Thorne blocked Aaliyah's strike with another vine whip, then retaliated with a backhanded swing. Aaliyah melded into the shadows, reappearing behind Thorne and slashing at his back. Thorne roared in pain, her silver dagger causing damage as it should to a vampire, but his wound quickly closed as he activated Verdant Regeneration, his regeneration was more powerful than a normal vampire thanks to his connection to nature.

"You'll have to do better than that!" Thorne snarled.

Thorne slammed his hand into the ground, summoning his Verdant Stranglehold, at the same time Thorny vines erupted from the earth, wrapping around Daemon and Aaliyah, the vines tightened their thorns digging into their flesh.

Ethan who was up in the tree looking down thought again, 'Do I really want to help them? This could ruin everything...'

Daemon gritted his teeth, summoning his strength to break free, he slashed at the vines with his sword, each strike severing more of the grasping vines, He knew that Thorne's vines posed a persistent threat, from their regenerative abilities.

Aaliyah, using her Shadowmeld, became intangible and slipped out of the vines' grasp, she then materialized next to Thorne, her dagger flashing as she went for his throat however again Thorne manage to parry with his whip, still Aaliyah's speed and agility kept him on the defensive.

Daemon, who kept slashing at the incoming vines at the same time he realized that there must be a specific way to kill him so he said, "These damn vines... they just keep regenerating. We need to find their source!"

Ethan who was up still in the tree looking down thought, 'If they find out... No, I have to focus.'

Aaliyah, who backed away from Thorne for space, said, "Keep him occupied! I'll find his weakness!"

Thorne who listening to Daemon and Aaliyah conversation swiftly activated his Thorn Barrage, that caused the hardening of the tips of his vines into sharp, spear-like points and launching them at Daemon and Aaliyah. Daemon deflected the incoming barrage with his sword, the impact sending sparks flying also Aaliyah danced around the spears as her heart was racing.

Daemon gritted his teeth called out, "Aaliyah, we need to coordinate!"

"Right behind you!" Aaliyah responded, appearing behind Daemon.

Daemon charged at Thorne, his sword slicing through the air, Thorne met him head-on, his vine whip snapping and coiling like a living serpent, Their weapons clashed, the force of their blows sending shockwaves through the forest, even breaking two trees in half.

Meanwhile, Aaliyah used the Thorne distraction to her advantage, she melded into the shadows once more, reappearing behind Thorne. She lunged with her dagger, aiming for a critical spot. Thorne twisted at the last moment, but Aaliyah still managed to drive her dagger into his side. He howled in pain, vines lashing out wildly She wanted, more than anything, Aaliyah wanted to end the Thorne threat swiftly.

Daemon seizing the opportunity he delivered a powerful overhead strike that cleaved through Thorne's whip and bit deep into his shoulder, Thorne staggered green and blackish blood pouring from his wound. He attempted to heal using Verdant Regeneration, Aaliyah felt that this was their chance to finish him so she with dagger remained lodged in his side, disrupting his ability to draw life energy from the earth.

"No! This can't be happening!" Thorne cried out in desperation.

Aaliyah, being so close to Thorne noticed something. "Mortis, the crystal! It's in his chest!" She knew she had found his weakness.

Now that Thorne's movements were growing sluggish, his regeneration failing to keep pace with the onslaught, He understood the necessity of destroying the crystal embedded in Thorne's chest, the key to weakening his regeneration maybe his death so Daemon, delivered a crushing blow to the crystal embedded in Thorne's chest, that the impact sent Daemon a couple of steps back from the shockwave, but the crystal started to crack. Aaliyah stepped forward, her dagger poised for the final strike.

"No!" Thorne screamed.

Breathing heavily Aaliyah looked around. "We did it. The vines are retreating."

"Good. But this isn't over yet," Daemon said.

Ethan, who had been struggling, thought, 'They can't know the truth...'

Aaliyah remembered Ethan and turned to look up at him however she saw he was being pulled strongly by the vines as he struggled to break free.

As she chased after Ethan, she almost caught up, but Ethan was pulled off a very deep cliff edge.

"Ethan!" Aaliyah shouted.