
Entering the Cherry tree sect

Walking out of the inn Su Li and Xia Rong headed to the Cherry tree sect .

The Cherry tree sect is known to produce numerous handsome and beautiful people. For the average people a cherry tree disciple would be above their standard on both their looks and talent .

The cherry tree sect was created from a single seed which grew and became a large cherry tree that produces mass amount of Qi . Which is why the sect is a good place to cultivate as the Qi inside is more abundant than outside . Like all other sects the students are divided into 3 factors , outer court, inner court and the core disciples .

Not just anyone can be outer court disciple's one has to bear tremendous talent and a pretty face , but it is much easier to enter the outer court than the inner court . The outer court only needs one to be under the age of 21 and at the 2nd stage of the Qi foundation realm. And for the male students the require a Dao partner to enter .

For inner court disciple's one has to be below the age of 21 and a foundation establishment realm cultivator he/she must also past the test given by an inner court elder if one becomes an inner court disciple they earn much more resources than outer court disciple's . For core disciples only those cultivators under 21 that has reached the spirit severing realm or higher can become one they are given much attention and resources for their cultivation.

Walking along the way to the cherry tree sect . Su Li and Xia Rong attracted attention for instance Su Li's face was a tremendous blow to the dignity of most male cultivator and mortal alike . Even some female could feel inferior . For Xia Rong on the other side her looks combined with her body makes almost all male lustfull of her . The male could feel jealous over Su Li , and can also be said the same for the female over Xia Rong .

" Truly a match made in heaven " a young man said

meanwhile on top of a large house seven figures standed by staring at both Su Li and Xia Rong .

If Xia Rong or even Su Li was to see them they would recognize them as the assasins that they have met .

One of the assasins stood up , took of his bow and aimed it on Su Li." Brother they are in sight it's time we finish them ." The leader blocked the bow and pushed it down ." patience we haven't figure out that kid's identity , looking at him now I can't seem to figure his cultivation " The leader was a bit frightened .

A young females voice sounded from behind them " Master my brother was killed last night if you don't plan on avenging him then I must . " the young female sped up from one house to another her speed was eye catching . The leader face darkened " That girl she's looking for death quickly assist her ."

Su Li noticed the seven figures but paid them no mind , but when he saw one of them running around and preparing to attack them he quickly told Xia Rong the plan he had in mind .

" Thats a great idea " Xia Rong nodded her head , The seven caught their actions and was put on alert . Su Li looked at the seven's direction and imedietly dissapaeared.

Xia Rong and the seven were shocked after Su Li's sudden dissapearance . " Where did he go ! " the leader said he's voice containing a certain sound of fear .

the girl who was running from one house to another was also speechless . " miss I would appreciate it when you don't stalk on people " The girl was surprised and quickly launched her dagger .

The dagger slashed nothing but in the next moment she can feel her body weak . " I don't like killing women but if you prepared yourself to kill my partner then all I can do is to kill you to."

Su Li's action was quick the sudden action imedielty crippled the woman's cultivation and launched her a couple of meters back .

" sister ! , you brat I will kill you " another assasin went and ran towards Su Li . " wait you idiot ! " The leader said but was to late . Su Li has already killed him but in a harsher and cruel way slicing his head of after just a little punch on the air .

The head of the assasin flew up and fell to the ground . Su Li found some spirit stones on him " I will be taking this"

meanwhile .. .Xia Rong was staring at the entire scence , she was still standing put on the same position . After she recalled the plan . " Xia Rong I will be handling some mere ants stay put if any of them enters your vicinity while I am near them that person would imedielty die for I will be placing a talisman you can call it a barrier so stay put . "

An assasin stared at Xia Rong who was staying still andwatching the scence .

" leader this kid is to strong I suggest you take that bitch away while we handle him ."

The other assasin also nodded their heads they believed that this is the best choice, but the leader was thinking otherwise . " I dont think so this kid is to cunning to leave his woman alone " Su Li was impressed he never expected someone to notice , Su Li but up a smile and continued speeding up towards the remaining five .

The other assasins started panicking ." Leader I will grab the bitch and flee " The assasin quicky left the building and approached Xia Rong ." wait !!!! " The leader said but was to late . The assasin's speed was fast for they have practiced speed and stealth even normal spirit severing cultivators won't be able to catch them . Su Li stared at the speeding assasin he put up a smile , The leader noticed it and quickly alerted his companion .

The assasin was to late as he arrive 2 meters away from Xia Rong a light appeared an quickly blasted the assasin a couple of meters back . The assasin body was wounded some of his body parts were seperated from his main body he's face was half burned . The asasin gave a loud shriek , The leader and the remaining members were terrified . Xia Rong was impressed and gave Su Li a big thumbs up .

" Leader we must flee " one of the assasin said .

" Flee ? I wont allow you " Su Li arived near them , he quickly launched several punched on the air . The punches landed on the remaining assasins .

The assasins tried to block from it , but was unable to do so they were knocked away . Only the leader was able to block Su Li's punch . " You have injured and killed my companions I admire your strength , but you will die today ! " The leader summoned his sword ( 2 star ) and sped up towards Su Li .

Su Li gave a smile " peak stage foundation establisment realm " Su Li met the leader with a punch . His punch startled the leader . His sword shattered from the collision and his body was sent back flying . The leader was coughing blood and kneeling with one foot as he stare at Su Li . " Please spare my fellow companions and kill me "

Su Li admired this man " I admire your strength you are the first one in this world who has survived one of my hits ,I wish for you to join me " Su Li gave up one of his arm . The leader was startled " I am sorry but as a memeber of our sect I can never betray them "

Su Li's face darkened " very well " Su Li sliced the man's head off .

Xia Rong had her hands on her mouth " Su Li" She said with a soft voice .

Su Li looked at the remaining members most of them were crippled some dead . Su Li estimated that only the woman she punched survived he approached the woman . The woman did not look frightned at all being a cripple she rather die " please kill me " Her arm was placed on her waist which was severly injured . Su Li was surprised she never expected this woman to be a beautiful one her looks could not be compared with Xia Rong but her looks could kill . " I can heal you and even make you stronger if you serve me from now on . "

The woman was startled " I... " Su Li used his deity eyes and found a trace of poison on her meridians . " I see you have a poison on your meridians and will activate imedietly if you chose to betray your sect ." The woman was startled " If you wish I can save you from that poison but it's up to you . "

The woman thought about it if she went back and told her seniors she failed she would either be killed or with her crippled body put up as a slave . But if she choses to follow Su Li she can soar higher . " Please save me "She said softly . Su Li nodded " From now on I will be your brother and Xia Rong will be your fellow sister I hope the two of you will get along . "

The woman was a bit reluctant Su Li has killed her brother while Su Li was just someone she was assigned to kill , but she has always believed that the strong always makes the rules and nodded her head .

Su Li touched her chest with her hands . This action made the woman blush Su Li inserted some of his Qi and circulated the poison out . Later the woman coughed up some impurities " It's done the poision has dissapeared from your body for now I dont have the pills to heal you but after a few days I can heal you let's sign a Qi contract that I will guide you from now on and you will be my disciple . "

The woman nodded because of her lack of Qi , Su Li inserted his Qi and formed a contract with her .

" Wait for me on that inn " Su Li pointed an inn " I'll come back after I finish refining a pill from now on you are my disciple deleate all your contacts from the sect yo had prior ." The woman nodded

" I am Su Li and you are ? " Su Li asked " I'm Lai Wen " She kneeled in respect to Su Li .

Su Li helped her up and gave her some spirit stones . " Master I can't " Lai Wen could not accept the spirit stones handed to her . " Lai Wen you are now my disciple from now on anything that belongs to me of course I will naturally give you . "

Lai Wen bowed " very well " she then walked to the inn and booked a room to heal .

Su Li went back to Xia Rong's side and told her everything .Xia Rong was jelous at first but after hearing Su Li's thought she did not utter another word and the two quickly departed to the cherry tree sect .

The student guards noticed Xia Rong and Su Li and imedietly let them in , they then approached the elder's house to recieve their badge .

" I could not believe you were able to gain Xia Rong as your partner I am impresed " The elder said Xia Rong on the other hand blushed and hugged Su Li to show there affection .

The elder laughed " you are indeed meant for one another here you go " The elder handed Su Li a badge and his light white chlothing . " Su Li that indeed matches you " Xia Rong said . Su Li nodded in appreciation .

The Elder also lead him to his room female and male were seperated by dorms so they dont live together but they always cultivate together . " Su Li don't be sad I will meet you everyday starting from now " Xia Rong said . Xia Rong gave him a kiss and then left .

" Time to find the materials to refine the pill " Su Li left asked the elder if he has any of the materials .The elder was suprised " Are sect has this materials but it will require a tremendous amount of spirit stones ."

" I can pay " Su Li said

elder was shocked " very well give me 300 spirit stones and I'll get my men to gather you this pills "

Su Li thanked the elder and handed him 300 spirit stones . The elder was starteled , " Okay I'll have this gathered aftr an hour I will let Ma Gang deliver it to your room " .

1 hour later ....

Su Li was cultivating inside his room when a knock was heard . He opened the door and saw Ma Gang with his materials " brother elder told me to bring this to you this are a tremendous amount of materials may I inquire what is brother Li planning on doing ? "

" I will be refining a pill if you would wish you can watch me but I hope you can keep everything a secret even from the elder ." Ma Gang was startled " of course "

Ma Gang arranged the ingredients and the caulron in place to make it convenient for Su Li . " Thank you brother Gang " Su Li said

" Don't mention it "

Ma Gang sat on the corner as he prepares to watch Su Li refine pills in an instant Su Li's flame captured his attention " such fierce flame amazing I never thought Brother Li would be a refined alchemist and at the same time such a refined warrior this young one can only look up "

Su Li continued he placed the ingredients inside the cauldron and controlled the fire together . He used his Qi to control the ingredients to perfection . Su Li was sweating ,

2 hours later....

Ma Gang can feel the atmoshpere getting hotter after a few more minutes Su Li opened the cauldron and Ma Gang was surprised as 20 pills were floating on the air which were golden in color and emitting a lot of Qi . "Brother Li congratulations " Ma Gang gave his deep appreciation .

" Su Li I would like you to recieve one for our brotherhood " Su Li handed one pill out " Brother this" Ma Gang was crying " I know you are having a hard time reaching the 5th stage but with this pill you can reach not just the 5th but even the 7th won't be that much of a problem and after a few more years after constant practice you can become and inner court disicple ." Ma Gang's eye's teared " brother thank you very much I could never express my deepest gratitude " Ma Gang took the pill and ate it he suddenly felt his Qi functioning more than before . Ma Gang closed his eyes and cultivated .

" I have 19 more I plan on giving Xia Rong and Lai Wen 2 pieces and the girl Wang Zexi one piece also the elder I think I should pay him a visit and for me I'll be using 3 pieces and for the rest I will ask Cao Min how I can sell this pills ."

Su Li headed to Xia Rong's dorm he's face attracted everal female's attention but Su Li id not pay them head . Finaly he arrived on Xia Rong's room " Come in " Xia Rong said

Xia Rong was sitting on her bed when she saw Su LI arrive she stood up and gave him a kiss . " Brother Li what are you doing here , could it be you could not wait for tomorrow " Xia Rong said

Su Li stared at her with his bright eyes " I came to see my partner can't I besides I have a gift for you "

Xia rong looked at a box " Is that my gift ? " Su Li nodded " This pills will help you reach the foundation establishment realm I don't want to leave my partner when I leave the sect you don't want that right ? " Xia Rong blushed " Brother Li your teasing me"

" Take one pill today and one tomorrow "

Xia Rong nodded her head , Su Li handed the box filled with two pills to Xia Rong . When Xia Rong opened the box she was surprised " Brother the color is golden is this a legendary pill "

Su Li simply nodded his head ." stop looking at it and eat it "

" Brother Li is actually a great alchemist " Xia Rong ate one pill and felt her Qi strengthen after Su Li opened up her closed meridians she felt a lot stronger . " Xia Rong remeber to take the pill tomorrow also . "

Xia Rong nodded and started cultivating . Su Li left the room , and headed to the elder's house .

" Su Li what brings you here ? , was the ingredients not enough ? "The elder asked he has used up all his connections and even handed additional spirit stones just to get the ingredients . " No need I finished concoting the pill and to thank elder for gathering the pill I wish for you to recieve this "

The elder was surprised after he saw the glowing pill on Su Li's hands " you are you an alchemist ! " the elder was shocked . " Elder I hope that you can keep my secret a secret as I trust that you are a trustfull person ."

" Very well if you wish to , but with your talents you can easily join the inner court and maybe even become a core disciple ." The elder said

" I still have things to handle but the inner court is no problem " Su Li confidence shocked the elder .

After leaving the elder one pill he left the sect to find Lai Wen . When Su Li arrived at Lai Wen's room he saw Lai Wen sitted on the bed meditating . But when she heard Su Li enter she imedietly kneeled . " master "

Su Li helped her up " no need to do that her take this it will help you reach new heights take one today and another one tomorrow . " The golden pill startled Lai Wen " master this pill it's pure I have never seen such a pill ."

" It's not a big deal hurry up and eat it "

Lai Wen nodded and ate the pill suddenly she felt her Qi open up once more and it was stronger than before . " Master I can feel my strenght coming back " Su Li nodded " If you want I can open your hidden meridians to improve your intake , but you will need to undress "

Lai Wen blushed but she has already considered Su Li as her master so she accepted and gently took her clothes off she laid down with her chest exposed . " Alright I will begin " Su Li started toucing some parts of Lai wen's body with his Qi he was able to circulate and guide Lai Wen's meridians .

Lai Wen felt tremendous ammount of pleasure from Su Li's hands .

30 minutes passed by , Lai Wen's face was red and flustered " It's finished " Su Li said as he helped dress her . Lai Wen was a bit disspointed inside that the process ended fast but sat down . And she was surprised as she could feel her meridians and some additional one's and the pill she took was placed properly in order . " Master thank you "

Su Li nodded he's head was full of sweat " Okay go on and cultivate I will be back after 3 days . " Su Li left . Lai Wen looked at Su Li's leavingfigure and held her arms towards her chest she could not help but feel flustered .

It was getting late but Su Li decided to go to his last stop . The eastern city auction hall even at night it was still sorrounded by numerous amount of cultivators and mortals alike . When Su Li arrived he was quickly escorted by the clerk to Cao Min .

Cao Min was inside her office as usual bored but when she heard of Su Li's arrival she felt excitement cover her entire body . " Su Li what brings you here the auction will take place tomorrow are you planning on sleeping here ? " Cao Min asked then she saw him with the cherry tree sect uniform . " I see you have chosen the cherry tree sect " She had a smile on her face . Su Li was startled .

" Cao Min I have another item I wish to add to tomorrows auction if you can allow it with the same percentage as the beast cores I would be happy to sell them here "

Cao Min was surprised. " May I see this item " Su Li did not hessitate and showed a box filled with 10 pills emitting a golden color and Qi . Cao min was bedazzled " Could this be the rumored perfect pill the color that states their was it should be golden and emits tremendous amount of Qi"Cao Min could not help herself from shock .

Su Li nodded " it is indeed a golden pill " Su Li did not know anything about such rumors .

" Su Li are you willing on selling such valuable possesion ? " Cao Min asked

" indeed this pills have a 100% efficiency rate that can be usefull for Qi gathering realm to the Disciple realm ." Cao Min was speechless .

" Very well I would be happy to sell this but may I ask if you created this ? " Cao Min asked , Su Li smiled " Yes this is nothing I have more if you are interested " This words left Cao Min speechless

" Then may I ask if you can produce me with one pill ? " Cao Min deeply wishes for one she has been stuck at the peak stage sprit severing realm . Her voice had trace of seduction , " If you can sell all of this of with a high price I can give you a piece . "

Cao Min was delighted " You can assure that I will sell this off with a high amount "

Su Li looked around " May I ask were Wang Zexi is ?" When Cao Min heard Su Li say that her attitude changed ." well after you left a few days ago she was taken away by the Xun Family's only son . Su Li's face darkened " Where is this son of his ." Su Li said with an angered tone .

" I suggest you don't do anything foolish Xun family is one of the 4 familes under the king an this son of the Xun family is the second son even if he might be a fool he's brother is one of the prodigal sons Shao Xun the core disciple of the iron hearth sect is a 7th stage disicple realm "

Cao Min said

" it's only a disciple realm " Su Li said , Cao min was speechless " it's disciple realm not qi gathering realm . " Cao Min said

" Yes I know now tell me where this son of his is staying at .. " Cao Min was speechless the Xun family is not someone she can offend , but she also does not wish to loose such a valuable person like Su Li . " He is currently staying at the largest inn I warned you don't die "

Su Li nodded his head he handed her the box full of pills " I'll be back by tomorrow to attened the auction . " Su Li left .

The night was dark ...

on the largest inn only elites of the elites stays inside as a night cost several spirit stones . Inside a large lxurious room a woman was tied up her body had some bruises and wounds . If Su Li was here she would recognize her it was Wang Zexi she has been physicall abused .By the young man who had no clothes on . " You bitch how dare you loose your virginity before me I will fucking rape you tonight and show you what a big mistake you have done ."

Wang Zexi had tears on her eyes . Her mouth was covered with cloth so she could not speak not make a sound . But inside her hearth she believed she had done the right thing .

The 2nd son of the Xun family Gong Xun has been known as a cruel lustful man whenever he finds a woman attractive he would imedietly court her and bring her to his room . After that he would usualy kill her and her family afterwards . He has been reluctant at first from attaining Wang Zexi because she was under the protection of the eastern auction house . But with his brother and father's powers he finaly made Cao Min give her up .

Gong Xun found out that Wang Zexi wasn't a virgin anymore after he found that her Qi was different from before and her yin was taken away . He could not help but be angered and called several men to find the man who did this to her but they weren't able to find a clue.

Gong Xun stared at the tearing Wang Zexi her chlothing was stripped exposing her body .With countless of bruises from physical abuse . " I will make you beg for me everyday after this and that man you slept with I will kill him ."

outside the inn 20 guards of the Xun family were situated to protect their young master each one were on the 6th stage of the foundation establishment realm and a large man who had scars being a peak stage .

Su Li approached them . one of the guards saw Su Li and walked towards him with killing intent " brat fuck off or I will fucking kill you ." Su Li gave him a sneer .

the other guards were speechless as they see a attack coming out from Su Li it was fast and quick the guard at the 6th stage of the foundation establishment realm was killed . The other 19 guards imedietly stared at him with fright . " who the fuck are you ." Su Li did not answer and continued killing one guard after another .

The leader saw this and launched and attac but before he can attack his head was chopped off .

The remaining guards could not even speak or shout as they were speechless and started fleeing off

But they were still killed the sorrounding was full of blood and Su LI took the sprit stones on each of them . " You have some spirit stones it wasn't a waste of time killing you "After killing the 20 guards Su Li attained 400 spirit stones in total .

He asked the inn keeper for the Xun families young master , the inn keeper was hessitant at first but after he saw the murder outside he told him.

inside the inn

.... "ah yeah bitch I will fucking rape you until you die " gong Xun said Gong Xun was still forcing his way to Wan Zexi , Wang Zexi was using all her power to resist .

outside his room were to personal guards both othe them were middle aged looing men who were spirit severing realm . When they saw su li arriving with blood on his cloth they immedietly started attacking . Su Li only used one hand and knocked one of them down and used his feet to crush his head. The other middle aged man was frightened he attacked anyway but Su Li used his speed and dodged the man's attack and finished him off with a slice cutting his head off .

Su Li picked the spirit stones from them and attained another 1000 spirit stones . " as I expected peple from rich families will naturally reward their guards with huge amount of money ."

Su Li can hear the resistance of Wang Zexi . Su Li was angered and kicked the door . the door landed directly on Gong Xun knocking him off the bed .

" Su Li " Wang Zexi said after her mouth was freed from the cloth . " I came here to take you away " Su Li said . Su Li stared at Gong Xu who was standing . " So your the man who took her I won't let you escape and rape her infront of you ." Gong Xu released his Qi even if he was a wasteful son he was still a Xun Family cultivator he has been given tremendous amount of resources .

" 2nd stage of the spirit severing realm .. " Su Li gave a snicker

Gong Xun could not believe that Su Li was laughing " You will die !" , " Su Li be carefull !" Wang Zexi said . As Gong Xun launche himselft to Su Li .

" ignorant with your cultivation you dare challenge me ? " Su Li merely used his fist and punched it towards Gong Xun . boom

Gong Xun felt a large amount of Qi pushing him back and he was lunched a couple of meters back , he's face was covered with blood . " you ... you " he could not believe how strong Su Li was he was frightned . " If you kill me my family no my brother and father won't let you go .."

" I dont care no one in this mortal world can kill me " Su Li said then used his fist to kill Gong Xun . Wang Zexi eyes teared " Brother Su Li thank you for saving me " Su Li can see the injuries on her body . " Wang Zexi lay down I'll cure you .

Wang Zexi nodded she wasn't ashamed that her body was exposed like this as she saw Su Li as a man worthy of seeing her body .

an hour later ... Wang Zexi can feel her body cured . " Take this pill it will greatly help you with your cultivation " . Wang Zexi ate the pill and can feel her Qi stronger . " Let's leave I'll bring you to meet my disciple you can live with her an me from now on Wang Zexi nodded her head Su Li also took the spacial ring from Gong Xun's finger . " This kid has such a ring this will definitely help me in the future . He also sensed a lot of treasures inside the ring , their was 20,000 spirit stones which made Su Li smile.

30 minutes later...

Wang Zexi saw Lai Wen she was star strucked she never expected Su Li to have such a beauty by his side . Wang Zexi and Lai Wen were comparable in looks . " Lai Wen from now on you have an additional sister so you will take care of her from now on ."

Lai Wen stared at Wang Zexi and nodded . Wang Zexi also nodded back , " from now on both of you are my disciples I hope you will do your best in cultivating ." Su Li said

Su Li left afterwards ... And went back to his room to cultivate with 2 pills

The day finaly arrived the day of the auction he found that his cultivation has reached the 5th stage of the foundation gathering realm. He saw Ma Gang has completed his cultivation and has reached the 6th stage of the Qi gathering realm ." Brother I could not thank you enough "

Su Li smiled " If you want to take me then follow me to the auction house I will be buying some stuff "

Ma Gang nodded .

Su Li and Ma Gang arrived at Xia Rong's room . They sensed a massive amount of aura " Brother Li I feel like Xia Rong has achieved a breakthrough " Ma Gang could not help but feel admiration to both Su Li and Xia Rong .

finaly the air calmed down . Xia Rong sensed Su Li and Ma Gang outside . " come in both of you "

when Su Li and Ma Gang arrived . Xia Rong quickly hugged Su Li " brother Li I have broken through the foundation establishment realm thanks to your help , but it seems like I am still a lot lacking compared to you " She teased She also saw Ma Gang " Brother Gang congratulations to you to for reaching the 6th stage of the Qi gathering realm "

Ma Gang cupped his fist " Thank you sister but compared to the both of you I am lacking " he laughed . Xia Rong looked at Su Li " Brother Li do you need something ? "

" Me and Ma Gang are both planning on going to the eastern auction house do you want to come ? "

Xia Rong's eyes lit up " brother Li were you initially planning on leaving me " She teased

Su Li and co. headed out of the sect and left for the auction house .

Next chapter