
Revenant in an Anime World

Having the duty to reincarnate the souls from an extensive variety of worlds, 'God' ended up reincarnating a soul in a world where he shouldn't exist. A world where three 'anime' worlds are mixed in one. 'God', instead of crying on spilled milk, he decides to observe the newborn in this foreing world. **** (I do not own the front page) -It's a slow story. -'God' is not the MC, just an observer. -The MC soul comes from the 'Code Vein' world. -MC will have few memories about his past life, so when he reincarnates is a baby in all aspects. -The story has sexual content. (no NTR, no Netori, no Rape.) (It has 'incest' but they are not related by blood.) -The animes (I don't own them) for this story are: 1.-Grisaia no Kajitsu. 2.-Shinmai Maou no Testament. 3.-Highschool DxD. -The characters and their 'story origins' will be the same, however, I will not follow the story lines from the animes. **** Hi, this is my first project so I'm a newbie. And, even if this story is sort of a fanfic, I will give my all in this story. If you have an advice or constructive critic for the development of the project I will gladly read them and consider. For those who only want to write malicious critics, you are losing your time. I don't have many experience writting sexual content but in time I expect to improve. English is my Second Language so you may find some errors. I will appreciate if you give me advice in this.

Villain4ever · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Ch 01: Prologue


The source of life of every living creature. Without them, the humans would not be able to have a personality, emotions and memories, leaving just an empty shell.

Many people wonder if they are even real. At least, for 'God', it is a fact.

After all, he is in charge to make sure that every soul in every world in the multiverse is able to pass the reincarnation cycle in their respective worlds. Well, at least in the different versions of Earth, which in his opinion is the best world in most of its version due to their extensive culture. One of them being Japan, who has developed a great culture of entertainment in recent years. Sometimes due to his interference by giving dreams of 'inspiration' to the authors.

Sometimes even transferring someone in another world.

This phenomenon in special is, 'Isekai'. As he likes to say it.

However, you may ask; how does it works?

In fact, it is a very simple process. Let's say, he as 'God #1' has received a delivery order from 'God #2' from another universe for a human of God #1's universe. What he does later is to search for a 'fitting' human from the uncountable Earths in his charge. Preferably, one who is going to die soon and then send his or her soul to God #2. And finally, in exchange, God #1 receives as payment the stories of God #2 for future inspiration. Just like ordering pizza.

Well, not really.

Even if this can be considered as kidnapping, those humans were already at the verge of their lives. Being natural deaths or not.

So now. Why most of the reincarnated people are from Japan?

The answer to this is because of their culture in manga in recent years, their mind are more 'flexible' in those kind of situations. Even the humans from other countries are mostly otakus.

Just when God finished with his last 'transaction'. He stretched his arms to relax.

(Well, let's check some worlds.) He thought

Then a screen appeared in front of him, showing a catalogue of all the Earths under his management.

Like if he was using a tablet, he change the view of the different Earths with their recent information.

(Nothing bad, nothing bad.) He makes a small smile.

Even if some Earths are on the brink of collapse, it wasn't his problem. Because if he starts worrying about every single world under his watch then he'll end up exhausted.

However, it doesn't means that he is lazy. He will only interfere if the Earths are in danger due to some external influence, like wormholes, dimensional rifts, etc.

Of course he can't forget about to correct the 'errors' in the worlds. Those are his others duties as a 'God'.

God then stops changing his screen until he sees one of the ruined Earths.

[Earth XX-72347: An entity known as 'the Queen' has appeared, leading human civilization to collapse.

In the actuality, Jack ..., Gregory ..., and @%#&%@ are fighting her.]

After seeing the broken name, God put his hand on his chin. (Hmm. A corrupt name?)

A 'corrupt name' as he calls it, isn't a rare thing to see in his work. It happens when the existence of an individual isn't clear in the world. Manifesting itself as kind of a game bug. It is not something dangerous but if it's left like this for a prolonged time, then more bugs will start appearing in the world, making it fail.

So, for prevent this to happen, God has to fix the bug from the source.

He then starts checking the story of the world.

[Story: In year 20XX humanity has discovered two cells that changed the history of their civilization.

The first one was an evolutionary cell capable to devour and absorb whatever it consumes, while the second one was thought to be the key to reach immortality.]

God just rolled his eyes after reading this. (Humans never change, right?)

It isn't the first time that he had saw humans trying to achieve immortality due to greed, curiosity or good will. Even if there are some worlds where they achieved that, most of them ended with a zombie apocalypse, robot revolutions, etc.

God continues his reading.

[The first cell called $%*@ has evolved until it was proven to be a danger for all life.]

[The second cell called &@#& was believed that apart of granting immortality it can also enhance all human capacities. Cruz ... volunteer herself to be the first test subject.]

God starts to get interested about the story. (Maybe I should send the idea to game developers.)

While God was thinking about the new entertainment that he is going to share in the other worlds, red screens started to appear.

[Warning: @%#&%@ has killed 'the Queen'.]

[Warning: @%#&%@ has started assimilating 'the Queen'.

Progress: 15%... 20%... 30%...]

[Warning: Due to the accelerated assimilation and 'corrupted name' of subject @%#&%@, Earth XX-72347 is starting to present corruption in its Codex.]

God started to sweat cold. Even with his millenia of experience he has never saw anything like what's happening in front his eyes.

The image of the world has started to glitch, erasing parts of the world like ants eating an apple in fast camera.

God knows that he has to do something. With the movement of his hand, a computer board made of light appeared in front of him, and he starts to click as fast as he can.

[Assimilation progress: 80%... 90%... 99%...]

However, no matter how fast he tries to fix it, it was already too late. (Just another lost world.)

Even if he doesn't care, he isn't happy either.


[Warning: Due to the glitches in Earth XX-72347, a dimensional rift has been opened in the location of subject @%#&%@.

Subject @%#&%@ has been absorbed by the rift.

Dimensional rift closing.

Earth XX-72347 stabilizing.

Have a nice day God #1611.]


There was no sound.

"Fuuu." God let out a heavy breath of relief.

[Assimilation progress (Error): 100%]

[Subject @%#&%@ condition: Alive]

After hearing the words of the world system, he starts looking for the location of the 'anomaly'. Because if the rift has sent him to the void, then by now he will be marked as dead. But he isn't.

Which means that he is now in another world.

Fortunately, he has the means for tracking him, by following his soul signature.

Finally, he finds him, but it seems that his soul signature was somehow mixed perfectly with another. Maybe as a consequence of the assimilation.

[Earth XZ-1501

Status: Stable.]

(It seems that he was assimilated completely by this world without problem.)

God is relieved that he doesn't need to fix another 'error'.

(He or she must have be turned into a newborn for that.)

Then he notices something about the world where @%#&%@ was transferred.

Meanwhile in Earth XZ-1501.

A beautiful woman leaves a hotel building through the door, wearing blue jeans, black military boots, black T-shirt and blue jacket.

She has her long blue hair tied in a long ponytail. Her eyes were blue, and her attractive face was showing a trace of confidence and cockiness.