
Chapter 1

First Day

"Finally College"Said Zoey(This is you,You lost your mother when you were younger cause someone killed her).

(Zoey Mind):As I remember this is the place where my mom worked at...maybe I can find the person that killed my mom.

-you entered the door and saw many people-

Zoey:Well Crap, This doesn't make my day any good.

Person 1:Omg!Its totally Sage!!!!!!

Person 2:He hot!!!

Zoey:I don't really give a fuck about this

-You enter the elevator-

Zoey:Whoever this Sage is, I better start to research about him.

(Zoey Mind He will be dead if I knew about him killing my mom...)

-you got out of the elevator with madness-


Zoey:For real dude -you just stares with ugliness-

Man:I am very sorry ma'am -he runs past you-

???:Wow, Rude much

(Zoey Mind:I swear...)

Please forgive me If I do anything wrong like spelling,swearing,and many more

And please comment by what you think is happening and why you think Zoey wants to kill the person that killed her mom ^^

JustXRubycreators' thoughts