

F.E.A.R. has taken over what is left of North America, and has put in place a strict set of rules, titled "The 50 Commandments", that everyone must follow. Something as simple as wearing make-up with no proper purpose can get you exiled, or sent to City 1, which is where the Prison of Angel's Woods keeps the most 'treacherous' of criminals, including the members of the American Rock band Black Veil Brides. These members, Andrew "Andy" Dennis Biersack, Ashley Purdy, Christian 'CC' Coma, Jacob 'Jake' Mark Pitts, and Jeremy 'Jinxx' Miles Ferguson, once fought against F.E.A.R, raising up an army of teenagers through their powerful, outspoken music, which has since been banned from the Society forever. If anyone in the Society is seen with anything related to Black Veil Brides, they are sent away, never to be seen again. If someone even talks about Black Veil Brides, they can be executed on the spot, in front of their friends and family, to teach a lesson to the rest of the city; be quiet or die.

The members of Black Veil Brides are hopeful, though. They believe in their fans, who they rightfully call the Fallen Angels, the Outsiders. They believe that one of those fallen angels will break them free, and will rise up against F.E.A.R, defeating it once and for all

A typical day in this society for a 16 year old would consist of going to work every other day or so, and trying to enjoy life in F.E.A.R's society, which is often a struggle, especially for those who fought along Black Veil Brides in the Legion of The Black, or simply, Black Veil Brides' Army. Those who survived the long struggle for freedom now live out their lives hidden, lest F.E.A.R.'s officers find them and execute them for treason, no matter who they are, or how old they are. As a young girl went on with her life, she often day dreamed about breaking Black Veil Brides out of prison, but she never thought she could do so.

Until one day, when her parents never came home, leaving her a note, telling her to fight out against F.E.A.R. She knew she had to fight, if not for her, for her parents, for the future of humanity. Out of the ashes of North America would rise one group, one group of teens who would vow to make a difference. To end F.E.A.R, once and for all, to avenge her parents' unlawful murder

She vowed she would rise up against F.E.A.R., and gather support from her closest friends to form an uprising. She would form The Revelation, from The Sons of Night, The Outsiders, The Fallen Angels, they would rally behind Black Veil Brides, to free them from prison and once again fight the war against F.E.A.R., and damned be her if they lost to F.E.A.R.

Her name is Nikki Black.

And she will not go down without a fight.

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