
A Very Bad Idea

Hi my cupcakes! It's the first time I write here. You can also read my story on Wattpad! Tell me if you see any mistakes. Thanks. I love you my sweet cupcakes.

Nightmare Pov

I have finished! Finally, I have finished. Two seconds later, I call Killer. I want to see his face shocked. He is so cute when he is shocked.

- Killer ! Come in my desk. Now !

1 minute later, I see the door move and Killer behind.

- Yes Boss ?

- Look at the box in iron on my desk. This box can absorb the soul of anybody. With this box we can control the soul of the star sanses .

-... Of... the... star... sanses...?

- Yes, of the star sanses.

I wait 5 minutes at watch the most beautiful thing be shocked of what I say.

- Euh Boss... How work the box.

- It's really easy. You touch the person with the box. When you touch the person, a message say : there is a soul here. Want to absorb ? And then you click on the button. Look. When I touch the table I have a message : there is no soul here. When I touch you I have a message : there is a soul here. Want to absorb? There is one default. When the soul is more corrupt than me you have a message : you can't absorb this. Now, explain to the other what I create. We'll go in underswap in 10 minutes. OK?

- Yes Boss.

Killer Pov

Boss is soooooo cool. I mean, look at him. He is so smart, hot, funny and bad. I can do anything for see him. But for now I have to explain in 10 minutes a complex thing at 3 idiots and Error.

After 9 minutes of '' Horror, don't eat dust! '' of '' Error, stop play with your dolls when I talk to you. Is it Ink in a dress and you with a crown? '' of '' Dust, Cross, stop the fight. '' and of '' Cross, you speak alone again. '' I have finally explain all the thing about the box. One minute before we'll go to underswap. They always have their weapons so it's okay. Nightmare is here.

- Boss. I have finished.

- Good Killer. Everybody ! I give a box for all of you. We're going to Underswap.

We teleport in Underswap and start to destruct everything. A few minutes later, the star sanses come in Underswap. Dream see immediately the box.

- Hey nightmare ! What are these box?

- It's a box who can absorb all the soul less corrupt than me. It's for absorb your soul.


- Pfft... Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah.

- Ink. Stop laughing that pfft that n-not funny.

- Don't say that to me Blue ! You laugh too. Dream laugh too.

- N-no I don't laugh. S-see Blue. I-I don't laug-gh... Just B-Blue call pfft call lust and say w-what they say.

- Ok-kay. Hey lust w-we are with the pfft the bad sanses and t-they all have a-a box and Nightmare say '' It's a box who can absorb all the soul less corrupt than me. It's for absorb your soul. '' Y-yeah I know I know it's so funny.

What the fuck is going on here ??!!

Nightmare look so angry. They are so dead.

- Dream! Why are you laughing ?!

That's true !

- S-sorry... 5 seconds... I know you don't...don't lie.

They are so strange. I don't know what to do. I was to busy by the star sanses for see what Error do. Suddenly, I heard a scream.

- Ha Haa4aaa4aaa h4a.


- Blue! take Error! Dream! Create a portal! I take the box!

I was too confused for do something. And just like that, Error was kidnapping by the star sanses. What the hell is going here.


622 words! Woo-hoo! Hope you enjoyed. The second chapter will be published soon ! I love you my sweet cupcakes.

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