1 In Loki's POV

I sit alone. How could Sylvie do this to me? I had opened myself up to her and she betrayed me. Now I remember why, why I had always betrayed those around me.

So they don't betray me first.

Why do I feel so empty?

Why did I care so much?

Her words still ring in my head. "But I'm not you."

She has probably killed him by now. The thought cut through the dense fog that had filled my head.

I have to find Mobius. That was clear.

I allow myself to close my eyes for a few seconds shutting the emotions that were so close to the edge out. I have a job to do.

I got up from where I was sitting and ran. Where could he be in the lunchroom?

No, that doesn't make sense.

The Library!

So I run as fast as I can towards the library and get there quickly. I finally spot Mobius talking with Hunter B-15.

I ran over and started talking quickly.

That's when the truth crashes down on me. I am no longer in my timeline. No longer with the Mobius that knows me. I can vaguely hear Mobius asking what my name is. But it sounds muffled like I'm underwater.

I turn around numbly facing towards the elevators where instead of the usual giant Timekeeper Statues I see one of He Who Remains.

I am alone.

Completely and utterly alone.

I stumble backward slightly feeling a wave of dizziness crash down upon me. I think Mobius is saying something but I can't really tell. I cut across him.

"I need a Tempad" I say, my throat feeling constricted.

Mobius looks confused but gives me one anyway.

I only have one thought. Only one idea of somewhere I could go. I look down at the Tempad and punch in the date and press the button to open a time door.

I walk through the door and come out the other side. I am in Norway, on a little cliff near the ocean, there are no trees and a singular rock is there. On the rock, I can see the back of Thor's head. He doesn't look in great shape.

"Thor?" I say softly.

He turns and looks at me. He is holding a beer can in his hands. I can hear him mutter something before throwing the can at me.

Before it hits me I catch it.

"Thor, Brother I came as soon as I could," I say sadly as I walk forwards.

Thor is looking at me confused but in a flash, he is on his feet and looking livid. He comes over to me and grabs my shoulders roughly.


I flinch when he yells.

"What lies do you have to tell me now Brother," He says sadly letting go of my shoulders and backing away a step.

"I have no lies to tell," I say looking him in the eyes.

I start explaining what had happened, I do leave out most of the story. Including Sylvie.

No need to put salt in the wound.

Thor stares at me for a little bit clearly deciding whether or not I'm lying. He pulls me into a hug. I tense a little before relaxing.

Before I can control it I start crying. Everything that has happened weighing down on me.

Sylvie betrayed me.

I was in the wrong timeline. A timeline where Mobius doesn't know who I am.

Thor pats me on the back awkwardly as I sob into his shoulder. I calm myself and pull out of his arms.

"I am sorry, Thor. I have been through a lot since I last saw you in my timeline" I say.

He looks at me sadly.

"I can tell from what you have told me, though I am sure you haven't told me the whole story," He says.

He is right of course. I think a second before launching into an in-depth explanation of what had happened. He listened patiently until the end. Well at least until my mouth does not let me continue. I was just getting to the part where Sylvie had kissed me.

I start again but each word gets harder and harder to say. I somehow managed to finish. Although now it feels as if I can't breathe. My knees are weak and eventually give out. So I sit kneeled on the ground where Thor joins me.

"Why Thor?" I ask.

"Why what Brother?" He asks, confused.

"Why do the Norns hate me so?" I say tiredly.

What had I done to deserve all that has happened?

"You have done nothing dear brother," Thor says as if reading my mind.

That's when I hear a beeping from the Tempad. A message pops up on the screen for all agents to come in.

"I must go now Brother, I must undo the mistakes I have made. I will try to visit!" I say standing up and heading to the time door.

I stop in front of it and give Thor a hug before walking through the door ready for what's to come.
