

It was a stormy winter night, A family was driving on a highway mountain they were two kids a girl and a boy the older girl name is emilia and the younger boys name was zack they were talking etc.but suddenly there was a landslide the the kids flow out of the car and went into the snow covering them.

Minutes later

Stranger: looks like there was an accident,hey boss look there there's a kid.

Boss: Is he still alive gilford.

Gilford: Yes boss i can hear his heartbeat.

Boss: Hmm take him to our base.

Gilford: Yes boss but why do you want me to take him to our base?

Boss:we can erase his memory and train him to kill people.

Gilford:that is brilliant boss.

hours later policeman found the parents dead and the girl unconscious.

hagh the girl waking up

Nurse: doctor she is waking up

(Doctor entering the room)

Doctor: how are you feeling young miss.

Emilia: what happend to me?

Doctor: well, while your parents were driving. a lanslide of snow came down and hit the car making it fall onto the hill you.it hurts me to say this but both yours parents died in the accident.

Emilia:wait what about my litlle brother?

Next chapter