

The night had fallen onto the world of Cuplos, where mortal were living. This world of many races, people, beasts and animals. The beautiful five moons were rotating around the world and even during the night, it was quite light.

On the continent of Suplor, where almost 78% of the world's human population lived. Everyone had finished a hard day and were ready to get some rest before another tiring day, except for the people whose tough work was only starting.

One of these people was Kagura, she was a woman in her mid-forties. It was not very old for the people in this world, the average life expectancy was after all almost a 100 years old. During the early night that on children were falling asleep or adults finishing their last tasks, Kagura was just starting them.

She was a single mother and in a country that does not support parents at all, it is hard to raise one. So during this night, Kagura has to do all the house chores and prepare food for the next day for her and her son to eat. This of course included, hunting or gathering the food, washing and cooking, packing and after that were the normal ones. Washing clothes, taking care of your equipment, cleaning the house etc., and this was if nothing else had happened, like last week, that a hole appeared on the roof.

It was finally time for Kagura to get some sleep, but in only four hours she would have to start preparing for her job at the inn. The job that paid her enough, to keep care of her equipment, buy spices, fix holes, and even buy clothes.

It was necessary for her and her son's survival but tonight she felt different. Tonight, she was thinking about all the choices that she had made in her life and she still thought that she had done nothing wrong.

More than ten years ago, her son who had just turned 16, had his life going well for him. He had a girlfriend, a good rating for hid magic and fighting skills, and a good career in front of him as an adventurer, or a guard. One day however, it all crumbled down.

The day, that he lost trust in everyone and even himself, when his girlfriend was caught cheating on him, with his best friend. For this reason, he had locked himself in his room, doing nothing but eating, sleeping, and reading books. But not even books, that would help him but comics about people having stretching body parts and getting power ups to beat their enemies.

Kagura could not understand them, but let her son do that. She also had been cheated on. Many times, even, so she understood the depression that her son was going through. However, her friend, his doctors and teachers, everyone else were telling her, that she was wrong.

"He had gone insane."

"He's useless."

"He is a pussy"

So on and so on. Kagura couldn't disagree on everything, she also had never taken more than a week to get over a relationship so she didn't know, why her son was depressed for so long.

She blames herself, how she had not prepared her son, for the real world and how she could not give him the help he needed. So she could not abandon him, what kind of a choice was that?

Who would abandon their own flesh and blood, because they are sad? No one should, that's what Kagura though. Disowning didn't even cross her mind, she would simply wait, that her son was ready and then teach him to survive on his own. Or fight, if he was ready fast enough.

So like every other night, Kagura closed her eyes, and fell asleep.

At 5am like every morning, for the last seven years, Kagura woke up, got up from bed, made it and walked to her closet. She put up a simple orange dress. It matched well with her yellow snake like eyes and white hair. She wore her normal leather boots and after breakfast was ready to leave for work.

Today her son didn't show up either, he was luckily not skipping meals, but eating them after his mom and left. She had almost closed the door when she heard something. A scream... It was coming from Leo's room. Was something wrong with him?

Kagura dropped her bags and rushed to her sons room. It smelled of sweat and nothing else, but she didn't care about that. She was only watching her son.

The black-haired man, with the same eyes as her, although hidden behind the greasy black hair. He was screaming, his fingers were scrapping of his hair and face.

What was wrong with him?

Kagura knew that screaming, yelling, or asking couldn't work now. He was clearly going insane. She ran towards her son and hugged him tightly. Her son tried to resist, but because of lack in training, she easily overpowered him.

Her son calmed down and relaxed.

*Sniff *Sniff


She looked her son in the eyes, they were moist, ready to cry all their tears out.

"Yes, Leo?"

Her son started crying, like he had never did it before, He hugged her tightly while repeating

"Mom, Mom, mom"

It was weird for Kagura, for her son to act this way, but it didn't bother her, because her son was finally showing himself for her.

After her son had calmed down, Kagura left for work and left Leo alone and Leo started figuring things out.

"How am I back?"

He was talking to himself. The man that had just cried for minutes straight, hair as long that it covered his face, stomach so big, that you could describe it as a kids pool ball.

"I certainly....died?"

Leo, the biggest loser in the village, something had actually happened to him. He had returned two hundred years from the future. He had been spending time on a bloody war for almost fifty years after advancing realms and had died on that same battlefield, to an enemy that he had no chance of defeating. When he woke up, he had woken up in the room, the room that he had already forgotten and almost gone insane.

His mother luckily calmed him down and could not think things rationally. He acknowledged that he had come back in time, because his mother had died while saving him from the same enemy, that he died fighting against.

He did not know reason for the regression, or how it was possible, but he knew that it was true. He wondered about what to do, was he given some kind of task? A purpose to fulfill? But he couldn't figure anything. So he only thought of one thing to do.

Protect and make his mother happy. His mother, who had been single for more than 25 years, was now looking skinny, pale and almost like a skeleton. His new job, was to make his mother happy, get her a man that she loved and protect her from the future enemies. Yes, that's his new purpose, anything else could wait or was something he could not care for or impossible to do.

So the first task to do this, was to train, make money and get her mother to quit her job.

Next chapter