
Return of the Mount Hua Sect Ch. 889+

Continuation of "Return of Mount Hua Sect" web novel. Fixed some of the earlier chapters. If you notice a chapter that's really rough or needs updates, contact my discord (see last chapter). Where to read earlier chapters: 1-600+ Official Translation by Sky Demon Order (god-tier translation): https://skydemonorder.com/projects/3801994495-return-of-the-mount-hua-sect 83-950+ Fan translation by a blogger (it’s very good): https://mylasted.blogspot.com/2023/04/the-13th-generation-disciple-of-great.html?m=1 950 - 1189+ Fan translation by another...blogger? (it's also very good, better than this): https://maehwasup.wordpress.com/ For more translations from 1-1671+, join the discord server: https://discord.gg/qzaJ6ztt4a

Bagel_Seeds · Eastern
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756 Chs

Chapter 1381: Of Course, Such A Thing Will Never Happen (Part 1)

Jeokho's face strangely stiffened.


He knew. What Jang Ilso said couldn't be wrong. However, the reason he couldn't immediately nod in agreement was that the Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword Jang Ilso spoke of and the one Jeokho envisioned didn't quite match.

'What kind of person was Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword?'

In truth, he didn't know much about Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword. He hadn't met them personally, and, of course, he hadn't even had a conversation with them. However, even with just their actions and the rumors in the martial world, it wasn't difficult to guess what kind of person they were.

'An absolute top-notch master.'

He had faced Paegun and survived, even forming an alliance with him to defeat a bishop of the Demonic Sect.

Even if one were to underestimate Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword, it would be challenging to deny that he was one of the top experts in the world. And all this at such a young age.

'Moreover, he's the center of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance.'

At an age barely beyond adolescence, he was confidently holding his ground in the battle of giants for control of the world.

But the true strength of Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword wasn't in their power or influence.

'The most important thing is undoubtedly their righteousness.'

Wherever the name Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword echoed, that word would inevitably follow. It was the strongest force that made his martial arts and influence seem insignificant.

That was why Jang Ilso's words were perplexing.

A person considered a divine embodiment of justice, Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword, didn't trust people...

"Is it hard to believe?"

Jeokho shook his head slightly.

"It's not that it's hard to believe, but I can't understand it readily. Achieving the righteousness he's advocating for would be difficult without trust."


Jang Ilso snorted softly. His eyes opened wider.

"No, that's not it. You seem to have it backward."

"What do you mean?"

"I told you. A seemingly upright scholar might be an extremely greedy person."

Jeokho raised an eyebrow briefly.

"In the case of Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword, it's no different."

Jang Ilso turned his head slightly to look out the window before asking.

"What is helping, fundamentally?"

"...What do you mean..."

"Think about it. What does helping mean? Have you ever seen a poor person helping a rich person?"

Jeokho closed his mouth. It was an absurd statement. Did a poor person need to help a wealthy one?

"I have never seen such a case. But isn't that quite obvious? Those who have more give should be the ones helping those who have less..."

Jeokho stopped talking. Only after uttering those words did he understand what Jang Ilso was trying to say.

"Do you get it?"

Jang Ilso's gaze shone like the light of a lantern scattered across his entire body.

"Helping is fundamentally an act of giving to someone weaker than oneself. Of course, anyone can do that. Anyone. However..."

A soft and smooth voice echoed eerily.

"No one tries to help everyone in the world. No one tries to help everything within their reach. And they don't consider it natural."


"What does that mean? It means that he thinks of everyone in the world as weaker than himself. He might not even be aware of it."

Jeokho's expression became strange.

"But, Ryeonju-nim, it's not just Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword that thinks like that, right?"

"Right. But he turns that thought into reality. He accomplishes what others merely wish for. That's what makes him think so highly of himself."

Jang Ilso spoke with a hint of amusement. His red lips seemed unusually chilling.

"Of course, he probably doesn't realize it himself, but that's how it is."

Perhaps Jang Ilso's words might be correct.

Indeed, Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword was peculiar. It's not easy to describe him merely as impressive. While what he has achieved is remarkable, the actions he took to achieve them were definitely not normal.

"Trust comes from recognizing others. However, he never acknowledges others. The extent to which he acknowledges others is only when that person is within his reach. That's as far as it goes."



Jang Ilso nodded slowly.

"It's like how adults look at newborns. They can praise a child who walks better than their peers or be amazed if a child who has just started walking can recite a difficult text. However..."

There was a hint of mockery in Jang Ilso's words.

"Can you call such emotions trust?"

Adults don't trust children. It's a separate issue from whether a child can have good feelings towards adults. Adults can evaluate a child's potential and acknowledge their greatness, but ultimately, they can't take their eyes off the child's immaturity.

In that case, he could only be a pursuer of righteousness. [could be a hero?]

If the world was filled with three-year-olds, then even Jeokho, who couldn't be called a saint... no, who could be considered an evil person, would become a pursuer of righteousness. Because he couldn't leave children beyond his reach alone. [not sure]

Currently, Jang Ilso was suggesting that Mount Hua Sect's Chung Myung was ultimately distrustful of people due to the madness of his righteousness, more precisely emerging from his distrust of immaturity.

This was completely opposite to public opinion. Would the world agree with this assessment?

No, even before that, if Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword heard these words, how would he react?

Jeokho didn't know, but it certainly wouldn't be pleasant.

"I understand the words you said, Ryeonju-nim..."

Jeokho, feeling slightly confused, looked up at Jang Ilso.

"But what does that have to do with what you said before?"

"Tsk tsk. If I've said this much, you should understand, shouldn't you?"

"...I apologize."

Jang Ilso took a sip of the wine and swirled it in his mouth. After stealing a bit of the wine on his lips with his thumb, he replied.

"I said it. People lie to themselves. The key is that this child, Chung Myung, firmly believes that he trusts everyone."


"Then it's simple. All I have to do is figure out what judgment that unknowing child will make. Do you understand what that means?"

"It's difficult..."

Jang Ilso stared quietly at Jeokho. His bright-colored pupils, devoid of emotional bias, felt like they were suppressing people.

"What would you do if a child were near water?"

"Well... I would observe first."

"If that child fell into the water?"

"...Depending on the situation, I might rush over."

"Even if that child had no relation to you?"

Jeokho slightly furrowed his brow.

"Well... Of course, I may not be a good person, but isn't that the way people are? It wouldn't be a big deal just to save one kid."

"Yeah. That's right, depending on the situation."

Jang Ilso nodded as if satisfied with the desired answer.

"Then, let me ask you. If many children by the water were fighting and dividing into factions, what would you do?"


"In the process, what if some children fell into the water and drowned? What if immature children, who can't even walk properly, fought recklessly in a dangerous place without properly understanding the consequences?"

Jeokho kept his mouth shut.

"What would you do... Well, you must answer, right?"

Naturally, you had to go. No matter who you asked, the answer would be the same. If you were human, you had to go.

A firm voice flowed from Jeokho's mouth.

"If they were children... I would have to rush over. They're not adults, after all."

"Yeah. That's right. Naturally, that's what you would do."



Jeokho nodded.

"It's not that difficult to draw in that Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword. You just need to create a big incident. If you bring those immature and inexperienced people into a large-scale situation, he'll find a way to come rushing in."


"No need to go through unnecessary trouble."

Certainly, Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword would likely disagree with Jang Ilso's words. He would surely make a conclusion based on countless contemplations and calculations.

However, Jang Ilso was stating that the conclusion was already been decided.

According to him, due to Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword's inherent intentions that he was unaware of, that would be the outcome.

'Is this possible?'

Was it possible for someone to see through the choices of the party involved more clearly than the individuals themselves and devise a plan accordingly, using only human abilities?

Jang Ilso was saying it casually, but shivers ran down Jeokho's spine as he heard those words. After hearing this, he finally understood why Jang Ilso regarded military strategy as meaningless.

Wouldn't standardized means become meaningless in the face of true intentions?

"Then... are you saying that Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword will come on his own?"

"Isn't it already happening?"


"All I need to do is moderately reduce the options for that child. Then, the child's choice will become obvious. And..."

Jang Ilso let out a sly laugh.

"That child naturally gathers people. Even though he may not realize it himself... Many more people will gather because of the existence of that child. Like firewood gathering around a fireplace."


"Is that not enough?"

Jeokho found himself dumbfounded, mouth agape.

'Did Master Ryeonju foresee such a situation from the moment he set out on the expedition?'

Predicting and devising such a situation merely by revealing one's own appearance—could this be done with human abilities?

If so, was the conspicuous giant sedan carriage the reason for it?

He felt as if his words were stuck in his throat.

Suddenly, he felt fear. Strength, tenacity, and malice.

People in the world may have reasons to fear Jang Ilso, but now Jeokho truly felt the reason to fear Jang Ilso.

Who in the world could possibly face such a person?

A trembling voice escaped Jeokho's lips.

"In the end... If Master Ryeonju's words are all true, then no one in the world can oppose Master Ryeonju. Since there is no one who can calculate so deeply."

"Well, who knows."


Jang Ilso's lips twisted oddly.

"Assessing others is easier than you think. But knowing oneself is extremely difficult. Even for me."


"If someone... Yes, if someone discovers me. If there is someone who understands the truth hidden within me, which I myself do not know..."

Jang Ilso slowly stroked his pale neck. His eyes flashed.

"That person will become the one to take my life."


"Of course, such a thing will never happen. Ha ha ha."

Jang Ilso laughed, and Jeokho trembled with fear from the creeping sense of dread. Jang Ilso's words were correct.

Such a thing would never happen. No one in the world could understand this person. No one in the world could peer into this deep abyss.

I like philosophy with Paegun...better than hype filler, imo

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