
Return of the Mount Hua Sect Ch. 889+

Continuation of "Return of Mount Hua Sect" web novel. Fixed some of the earlier chapters. If you notice a chapter that's really rough or needs updates, contact my discord (see last chapter). Where to read earlier chapters: 1-600+ Official Translation by Sky Demon Order (god-tier translation): https://skydemonorder.com/projects/3801994495-return-of-the-mount-hua-sect 83-950+ Fan translation by a blogger (it’s very good): https://mylasted.blogspot.com/2023/04/the-13th-generation-disciple-of-great.html?m=1 950 - 1189+ Fan translation by another...blogger? (it's also very good, better than this): https://maehwasup.wordpress.com/ For more translations from 1-1671+, join the discord server: https://discord.gg/qzaJ6ztt4a

Bagel_Seeds · Eastern
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756 Chs

Chapter 1047: I Was Insane Too (Part 2)

Daepung Mansion (大風樓).

The once vibrant and splendid building in the center of Hangzhou, which would have been adorned with brilliant colors, now exposed a sinister skeleton, nearly half demolished.

Just a week ago, it was lively with the laughter of courtesans, the sound of music, and the voices of revelers boasting about their wealth. However, now only a desolate silence filled the air.

On the highest floor of the still-standing part of the mansion, a man sat by the window.


A transparent liquid, illuminated by a subtle red light, was poured into a cup. The fragrance of the liquor spread gently in all directions.


Danjagang, gazing silently at the cup filled with liquor, lowered it without a word. After gazing at it for a while, he reached out and lifted the cup.

The liquor flowed into his mouth, and he closed his eyes, savoring the subtle fragrance of the liquor. The sensation of the liquor flowing down his throat was vivid. Danjagang gently put down the cup.


A sigh escaped him. Was it because he didn't like the liquor? No, it was the opposite.

The scent of the liquor was not only at the tip of Danjagang's nose but seemed to permeate his entire body. If anyone who had tasted this liquor before were to drink it, they would realize that liquor wasn't just for drinking to get drunk; it was meant to be enjoyed for its true taste and fragrance.

Yes, only those who had tasted this liquor would understand.

"...For us..."

Danjagang slowly looked up at the sky. Beyond the broken ceiling, the half-depleted moon could be seen.

"...We never had that chance."

That fact left Danjagang feeling empty.

What truly frustrated him wasn't the fact that the religious practitioners couldn't enjoy such liquor. It was the fact that they lived without even knowing that this kind of liquor existed.

Hardly anyone feels regret for something that doesn't exist. Regret usually hits hard when something that once existed is lost. Those religious practitioners, who weren't even aware of the existence of such liquor, weren't granted the freedom to even feel regret.

Even at this moment, countless religious practitioners were living with only cheap and low-quality booze considered to be liquor. They might yearn for and miss even a single bottle of that cheap liquor.

What would they think if they could taste this liquor? What if they saw the luxurious feast of countless top-shelf liquors filling the walls and warehouse?


Would they not despise even more fervently those unbelievers from the Central Plains who had enjoyed everything they were deprived of?


Perhaps, they might resent the leaders of the religion who had not informed them of such facts.

"Haha... Hahahaha...."

And perhaps...

Danjagang paused for a moment and slowly lowered his head. Heretic thoughts kept intruding into his mind.

An indifferent hand refilled the cup. Then, he lifted the liquor-filled cup and downed it in one go.

After repeating this act several times, Danjagang, with eyes devoid of expression, gazed out the window. When he first arrived here, the city dazzled with people and lights.

But now, all that remained here was darkness and desolation.

Just like the world they lived in.

Now...Yes, now the people who lived here and the practitioners have become equal. but… … .

If sharing a miserable fate was equality, what did it leave for the practitioners?

A sense of comfort that more people were experiencing the same suffering? Or a cheap satisfaction in dragging down those living a higher life to their own level?


It was just ridiculous.

Perhaps soon, the entire world would become just like this place. The brilliant lights would disappear, the fertile soil would be stained with blood, and the streets once overflowing with people's laughter would be filled with death and silence.

And what would remain is just...

"The Second Coming of the Heavenly Demon, Ten Thousand Blessings."

Danjagang closed his eyes.

Yes, what would remain was not the doctrine but simply the teachings. The Heavenly Demon returns, and all demons in the world obey him.

"The Second Coming of the Heavenly Demon, Ten Thousand Blessings."

Their prophecy and everything about them. The only truth they must uphold.

But Danjagang couldn't help but ask. A question never asked before but now unbearable, kept stabbing at him.

"Heavenly Demon..."

Had his faith become blurred? No, that wasn't the case.

Even as he keenly felt all these contradictions, there was no wavering in his faith in the Heavenly Demon. If anything, because of that, he couldn't help but ask this question.

"This humble one dares to ask the Heavenly Demon..."

The Second Coming of the Heavenly Demon, Ten Thousand Blessings. The world would be purified as the Heavenly Demon desired. And soon, the glorious reign of the Heavenly Demon would come.

This was a grand ceremony (盛典) for him. It was also a holy war (聖戰) for him.


However, he wanted to ask.

After achieving all of that? What came next? What was there after purifying the world and opening the demonic realm upon the return of the Heavenly Demon? What kind of life should the practitioners live?

No one spoke about what came next. No one discussed the world beyond. No one was curious because they didn't have the qualification to think about what came next, having failed even to fulfill the first decree handed down by the Heavenly Demon.

Danjagang leaned back in his chair, his head hanging low. Emptiness settled in his eyes.

"What is there, Heavenly Demon? What is..."

For what purpose had they endured this long time? And for what had they fought?

Even if all of this was considered glory for the Heavenly Demon alone, they would gladly have walked that path with a smile. But... Why did your mercy not extend a hand to them even a little?


It was ridiculous, all of this. Just ridiculously so.

Tap, tap, tap, tap.

At that moment, urgent footsteps echoed from the staircase leading downstairs. Danjagang, without bothering to turn his head, welcomed the visitor.


As soon as the envoy Jeokil reached Danjagang on the stairs, he bowed on the spot.

"Unbelievers' forces have invaded the outskirts, and conflict is underway."

Reporting this, he swallowed dry spit and continued speaking.

"Their numbers exceed five hundred."

Danjagang showed no particular reaction. Normally, the mere awareness of the existence of these dirty unbelievers would have made him tremble with anger.

"Five hundred..."

He muttered in a rather indifferent voice.

"Are they aiming for my life?"

"Though it's an extremely blasphemous matter, it seems so."

"I see."

Danjagang's gaze turned beyond the window.

Even though the distance from the outskirts to here was considerable, the fact that such a number could approach without being noticed meant his mind was currently that distracted.

"My life..."

Staring at the moon, his eyes were filled with a profound emptiness, like mist. Normally, if it were him, he would have rushed out upon hearing this news to condemn them. However, at this moment, for some reason, he didn't feel like doing so.

"What should we do?"

In response to that question, Jeokil immediately spoke up.

"The current individuals are engaging in combat with the ordinary practitioners patrolling the outskirts. The demonic practitioners from the main sect are on their way to condemn them, so there's no need for you, Bishop, to personally intervene."

"Is that so...?"

Danjagang grabbed the bottle of liquor again. Then, he began pouring liquor into the cup once more.

Pour, pour, pour.

The cup was filled with the swirling red energy.

Despite having reported on those opposing the sect, Danjagang showed no reaction.

However, at that very moment.


The world began to shake. The ominous aura emanating from Danjagang affected not only the air but even the floor, shaking everything around.

The world began to shake. A sinister energy emanating from Danjagang shook not only the air but also the very ground beneath. In the midst of that force, there was a moment when one's breath was abruptly cut off, and the Jeokil quickly pressed his head to the ground.

"Bis, Bishop. Please... withhold your anger..."


"Yes! Bishop."

A murderous voice leaked from Danjagang's mouth.

"They are those who dare to defy the heavens. Chew their flesh, grind their bones, and make them answer for their sins. Make this corrupted world understand clearly what price must be paid for disbelief."

"The Second Coming of the Heavenly Demon, Ten Thousand Blessings!"


Jeokil slammed his head onto the ground. Then, cautiously, he rose and flew down the stairs like the wind.

As his figure faded away, Danjagang's gaze darkened.

* * *

"Amitabha Buddha!"

A resounding Buddhist chant echoed, and a golden light spread out in front.


A dull, thunderous sound erupted. The demonic practitioners rushing forward couldn't overcome the power contained within and were repelled. However, they fearlessly rose to their feet as soon as their backs touched the ground, screaming wildly, and charged once again.


For the first time, a suppressed moan escaped Hye Yeon's lips.

"Keep charging!"

But there was no time to stand still and think. Chung Myung's voice kept urging them incessantly.

Chung Myung and the elite forces from Mount Hua.

Jang Ilso and the following Honggyeon.

When Chung Myung and Jang Ilso first entrusted the battlefield to Black Ghost Castle and entered Hangzhou, most did not understand why such a choice was made.

But now, everyone understood the significance.

"Damn it!"

Baek Cheon gritted his teeth. The oncoming demonic practitioners seemed endless. They had only faced a small part of them on the outskirts of Hangzhou and those were just simple scouts.

As they ventured further inside, they encountered demonic practitioners emitting even denser magic. Breathing became difficult due to the magic they exhaled.


Baek Cheon, forcefully kicking off the ground, unleashed his sword power towards the approaching demonic practitioners.

The surging red sword energy created dozens of afterimages, mercilessly shredding the bodies of the demonic practitioners.


Demonic practitioners with holes pierced through their bodies let out desperate screams. However, in the midst of this, long nails that had grown like claws swung mercilessly.


Jo Gol, who supported Baek Cheon from behind, hastily jumped in to block the attack.


With a piercing sound that tore through the ears, something like a golden meteor swiftly shattered the heads of the demonic practitioners in front of Baek Cheon.

"You have to be careful, child."

A tender voice resounded solemnly. Baek Cheon wrinkled his face and turned his head.

"Jang Ilso!"

"Excitement isn't good, so don't let your guard down from the start. There's still a lot for you to do."


Baek Cheon bit his lips tightly. The fact that he had received help from Jang Ilso only made him more ashamed.

At that moment.


Chung Myung's flying sword swiftly beheaded the neck of a demonic practitioner rushing towards Jang Ilso.

"Don't slack off, you idiot!"

"...How kind."

Jang Ilso chuckled crookedly. Even in the midst of this, Chung Myung's eyes quickly scanned the surroundings.

'Where is he?'

His senses extended in all directions.

Predicting the bishop's behavior was impossible. Each one was so different. So, finding him in this vast Hangzhou by guessing where he might be was an absurd task.

But there was no need to do that.

All he had to do was find the place where the thickest magic flowed in this suffocating magic. With his senses now several times more sensitive than before, it shouldn't be too difficult.

After a moment, Chung Myung's head tilted upward.

In the collapsed Hangzhou, where towering structures had crumbled, there was one pavilion that stubbornly stood tall on the flattened ground, the only one protruding into the horizon.

"This... "

Chung Myung revealed a smile.

"Looks like I'm not the only one being kind, right?"

A fierce aura emanated from Chung Myung's eyes.

dajagang makes me really curious who the practitioners really are...are they, like, the underground clones in Us lol?

also, the way Ilso and CM both have this habit of referring to adults as "child" and "kid"...really the same person

Bagel_Seedscreators' thoughts