

In a dim bedroom, where the 3 PC screens are the only source of light, a boy in his late teens could be seen tapping the keyboard keys quickly while he is doing the same thing to his mouse while moving it fast on top of the mouse pad. Around him, you can see a messy bed, empty bags of chips, and bottles of soda. Fatigue could be seen on the lad's face. Dark eye bags, messy hair, and droopy eyes. Anyone could tell that he's been playing for days without rest.


A sound of triumph came from the centre screen. The teenage boy put his hands up high and let out a smile.

"At last! I knew that my few days of playing would be worth it."

The boy gazed on the text in the screen. He took a screenshot and saved it on his folder. He glanced at the pictures and exclaimed.

"Another tournament won! The 15th for this year."

The lad yawned. He examined his surroundings and noticed the scattered garbage around. He breathed out an exhausted sigh.

"Meh, I'll just clean up tomorrow."

He turned his PC off and went straight to his bed then he let the darkness take his consciousness away.

Few hours later... The chirps of the morning birds could be heard around the neighbourhood, signifying that the morning sun has come to wake everyone up. But the thick curtains of his windows blocked the greetings of the new daybreak. Then the person on the bed woke up while rubbing his eyes.

"It's dawn already? I felt like I only sleep for 5 minutes, eh?"

He took a glance at his digital clock on the nightstand beside his bed. The time shown is 7:28 am, while a reminder is shown with a title, "1st day of my 3rd year High school!!!" then his sleepy expression turned to a shocked one.

"Oh Sh*t!"

Afterwards, the young man hurriedly left his bed, took a quick shower and dried himself. Then he opened his dresser, revealing a few set of uniforms, composed of a blue blazer, a white polo underneath, and a beige slacks, matched with a black leather shoe and a red necktie.

|Dex: I think the uniform is nice though, hmm... that is the best I can describe it. Anime inspired btw.|

Few minutes later, the black-haired lad, left his house and started to walk towards Pennschimdt High with his bag on his back. On his way, a blonde girl went beside him.

"Good morning Zell!"

The missy greeted him with a smile.

"Oh, heya, Aiz. Morning."

Zell gave her a glance then moved his sight back to his front. Aiz examined him.

"Let me guess, you just woke up after few all-nighters, right?"

"I see, sharp as always."

He replied with a grin.

"Nah, it's because of your eye bags."

"At least it's worth it."

He looked at the clear morning sky, while the wind passes by silently.



"Knew it. You really got the most of your summer."

"No, just some of it."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say."

Aiz said while rolling her eyes.

"Well, another school year awaits us. Come on!"

"Okay, let's go!"

Then they took off running with a smile.

Just another book....

Dexdy11DDNcreators' thoughts