
2 A Test Or A Joke?

When Olivia woke up, the first thing she noticed is that she had a body again. Looking at her hands excitedly, she thought to herself (. I probably got too drank yesterday, such a weird dream... .). However, she then noticed her surroundings, which consisted of her boyfriend laying on the ground of a cave filled with crystals, which shined with different colors of light. Most of the time, she would have been excited to be in such a beautiful place, however, she couldn't remember how she got to this cave. And of course, the woman who looked like a fairy, and had two sets of wings on her back, wasn't really helping her keep her peace of mind. (. How could a woman be so beautiful? .) thought Olivia while observing the woman's face. She had skin like pearls, white and shiny, which contracted her waist-length raven-black hair. Her eye color was a deep blue, calming everyone who looked at it. Combined with a body that seemed to contain no fat at all, but still had outstanding curves, and perfect was probably the only way to describe her beauty.

A deep sense of jealousy rose in Olivia's heart but at that time a voice seemed to respond to her: "You may be jealous of me, but so am I towards you. I always wanted darker skin." Olivia's eyes opened in shock as she asked: "You can read my thoughts?" "I can indeed. Wake up the guy next to you before we can start talking." The woman's voice was pleasant, it had a soothing tone that calmed her surroundings.

Recovering from her initial shock, Olivia started waking up her boyfriend with gentle nudges. After a few seconds, he woke up and stared at his surroundings in shock, which turned into panic. "Where? What? Who..." his voice seemed to drag when he noticed the winged woman. "Fairy?" When Olivia heard her boyfriend's stupified voice, she giggled and said teasingly: "You should interduce yourself before asking about the other party, you know?"

"Olivia!" a shout sounded, and then a *thud* sound and the next thing Olivia knew was that the boyfriend who never knew fear, who always pulled dangerous stunts and liked exciting things, was crying in her hands. Olivia was completely stunned, she had never seen her boyfriend in any situation remotely similar.

"Even though it pains me to ruin your teary moment, we have urgent matters to talk about. My name is Lola, and I'm also known as the Divine Emperor's 73rd valkyrie." though the sentence started with slight sarcasm, Lola quickly returned to her normal way of speech while thinking (. How does such a nice girl end with someone like him. .). While Olivia's boyfriend gradually calmed down under Olivia's coxing, she continued: "Today, you came here for the test to determine your privilege levels. But before that, let's explain a bit about privilege levels and their benefits..."


While White answered the Basic Knowledge Test, he started thinking about the other functions of the System. Except for the personal data screen, which is available even with a privilege level of 0, all other features were currently locked for White. However, even the worst possible outcome on the test will award a privilege level of 1.

There are 10 privilege levels, each adding his own features. Level 1 adds the system data screen and also the questing system. Level 2 unlocks the System's currency and shop, and is considered the end of the "noob-area". In level 3, also called the exploration level, a map and communication system are added. Level 4 is even more special, introducing the property and faction abilities.

Although White knew about all the System's features until level 8, there was no use thinking about them, since the maximum evaluation in the test was level 4.

"And I'm done." White finished answering all the questions and passed the answers back to the System. "Excellent performance, 100% correct. Rewarding host with privilege level 2 and 100 sys-coins." The System's mechanical voice was much happier than usual. (. This is actually pretty good. .) White thought to himself, and then said: "Does this mean the final evaluation can raise?"

"Of course. Host can now reach level 5 as long as host achieves a maximum score at the test. Since host is done, the test will be initiated in 10 seconds." (. Here we go. I wonder if the test has changed or not? .) White thought, and then he got teleported away.


"Are you for real? The System is actually that magical?" Olivia just couldn't believe it. After all, she came from Earth, a world with extremely scarce mana. On Earth, people used technology to achieve a lot of things, but they never came close to something as magical as the System. Olivia also had the feeling that she is just scratching the System's surface, and that the System is much more wonderous than what she knows now.

"Of course, after all, it took the sacrifice of all the gods of the Ancient Era to make. Of course, it will be great!" said Lola while smiling excitedly. Olivia's impression of Lola has already changed a lot, as her personality seems really childish compares to how she looked. "Now then, after you understand the impact the test will have on you, let's begin!" When Lola finished speaking, the loud sound of rocks moving could be heard.

And then, between Lola and the couple, rose a big stone pole. On the second look, one could see that it was covered up in all kinds of weird symbols. Although Olivia was sure she never saw symbols remotely similar to those, they still gave her a sense of familiarity. "Your test is really very simple, you just need to touch this pole." And at that moment:

"Are you fu**ing kidding me? All this build-up, all those explanations about the test's importance, about how much it will affect our futures, and so on, and all we got to do is touch a fu**ing stone? what does it even gotta do with anything???" Unable to contain himself any longer, Olivia's boyfriend burst out shouting, startling the two women.

Lola and Olivia were so engrossed in their conversation they almost forgot about him. If not for the fact that he was still clutching hard to Olivia, they probably would have really forgotten about him. However, Lola instantly frowned and said: "The System choose this test after countless calculations. Every one of the people from Earth does the exact same test."

"And I'm sure as hell they are complaining too! Who do you even think you people are, forcing all of us to go through all of this bu*ls*it? What gives you the right to steal us away from our lives, and throw us around like we are pieces of s*it???" Completely lost in his anger, Olivia's boyfriend's face was flushed and he started coursing all other the place.

"Enough!!! What happened to you today?! Yous should calm down" Olivia couldn't help but reprimand her boyfriend. "What happened to you?! We just got forced into this whole thing, why are you so accepting towards it???" Answered the boyfriend with a wronged expression on his face.

Olivia was completely stunned. (. Really, why am I so calm? .) However, she had no answer. She just felt that they should accept the change and focus on adapting to their new life. (. Maybe it has something to do with my Spirit stat? .) Olivia thought while remembering her Spirit stat was really high and she even had a physique called trash spiritual body.

"In any case, you can choose not to do the test. But don't blame me for the consequences." This time, Lola spoke with her usual cheerful tone. However, behind this tone was a frost that made the couple's spines shiver. Not hesitating anymore, Olivia started walking forward.


Meanwhile, White's test was going much more smoothly. After arriving at the cave, and seeing Lola in charge of the test, White released a sigh. At that moment, Lola greeted White: "Your Majesty."

"Hello Lola, never thought the System will put you in the test. Is this something that happens a lot or is this a one of a time thing?" White spoke with the valkyrie like an old friend, or more like a family member.

"Your Majesty, the System usually uses a completely different type of test. But now that 'it' is right around the corner, the System thought it will be better to find and nurture talents more aggressively than before." Lola spoke to White respectfully, as one will speak to their superior.

"Ok then Lola, bring it on." White said, but upon seeing Lola's expression and how she was weighing her every word, he added: "Lola, you were father's 73rd valkyrie, and also his favorite. I'm just one of his many children, and even a bastard, there is no need to be so respectful towards me." White has already told her the same thing many times, but she doesn't listen. "I'm sorry Your Majesty, but that's impossible." (. Sure enough, she won't speak to me like a friend. .) White was somewhat regretful about it. He never liked all this ceremonial stuff anyway, thinking it was a waste of time and effort.

At that time, the same stone slab appeared before White. "A rune-based potential detector, ah? Well, let's get this other with." White quickly walked to the pole and touched it. A bright light then spread through the cave, after which Lola said:" As expected, Your Majesty's potential is limitless. You passed with a perfect score, and achieved privilege level 5, and got 100 sys-coins as a bonus."

"Well, that was quick. And I thought I would be able to have some fun here. Guess I will go now. Till next time, Lola" White said while thinking (. It's really not fair. Previous tests included fighting and displaying your skills. What a downer. .) "Until next time, Your Majesty." Lola bade goodbye, and White once again got teleported away.

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