

Chapter 16: Departure

With a quick assessment of his physique, Zain acknowledged that he had yet to reach his desired physical form. He recognized the need for training and growth, both physically and mentally.

Zain spoke aloud, aware that Sherline might be awake but wanting to maintain her slumber undisturbed. "She might not be awake yet, till then let me train my body a bit." he declared.

'I don't know why she is pretending, but let's leave it at that.'

Regardless of his thin exterior, Zain concealed a formidable reservoir of strength within him.

While others may have been quick to judge him as a weakling at first glance, they would soon come to realize the fallacy of their assumptions.

Deep within his slender frame lay an untapped wellspring of power, waiting to be unleashed.

Now, Zain faced the task of sculpting a physique capable of harnessing his powers to their fullest potential. His current body was delicate and vulnerable, unable to withstand the full force of his abilities without risk of damage.

Zain considered starting with meditation, but decided to prioritize his physical training as well. He recognized the need to develop both his inner and outer strength to fully harness his powers.

With a burst of speed, Zain sprinted towards the mountain as if he were a blur. His legs propelled him forward with astonishing agility and swiftness. Within a matter of minutes, he covered a distance of three miles, arriving at the hill in record time.

He began ascending the steep incline of the hill, each step challenging his untrained body. The ascent served as a rigorous training session, testing his endurance and strength.

With relentless drive, Zain ascended to the top of the hill, feeling the burn in his muscles and the pounding of his heart. But he didn't stop there. He descended swiftly, only to turn around and climb back up again. The process repeated itself, over and over, as Zain pushed himself to the limit.

With each ascent and descent, his determination grew stronger, his body adapting to the demanding physical challenge. The cycle continued relentlessly, pushing his limits as he completed more than 10, then nearly 50, and finally over 100 repetitions.

Although he couldn't achieve his desired physique in a single day, he knew that starting now would only benefit him in the long run.

Determined to continue his physical training, he made a mental note to incorporate regular workouts into his routine, even if it meant finding alternative exercises if the hill wasn't always accessible.

Zain glanced at his watch and exclaimed, "Ah! It's already 8:30!" Without wasting a moment, he swiftly descended the hill.

"I hope she is back by now..."

Zain couldn't help but think about the doctor's appointment he had scheduled at Shanrew Hospital.

"Wait a second..." Zain's footsteps halted abruptly as his mind raced with thoughts and possibilities. He stood still, deep in contemplation, as if a new realization had dawned upon him.

'Why am I rushing things? I need to prepare myself first...'

'I need to take things slowly and efficiently..,' Zain mused.

The weight of his financial situation suddenly hit him, and he knew he had to return to Riry's house to rectify the situation. However, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt for leaving without saying a proper goodbye, relying solely on a letter.

The thought of the impending scolding loomed over him, but he knew it was a necessary step on his path forward.

"Zain! Welcome back!" Riry's face bore a mixture of relief and anger. Her fierce expression showed that she was not pleased with his sudden disappearance. Zain quickly offered his apologies before she could unleash her anger, knowing that it was inevitable.

He couldn't possibly reveal his true intentions of climbing the tower, as it would only complicate matters further.

However, Riry's anger subsided rather quickly as she understood the pain Zain was going through after losing his mother. She knew that his sudden departure was likely fueled by his grief, and scolding him wouldn't serve any purpose.

Instead, she chose to offer him comfort and support during this difficult time.

He asked Riry for some money, and she readily handed him the requested amount. Grateful for her support, Zain expressed his heartfelt gratitude, promising, "Thank you, I will make sure to repay this as soon as possible….

"Oh come on, it's fine... it's just a small amount," Riry reassured him with a warm smile. Her concern for Zain surpassed any financial matters, and she didn't want him to worry about repaying the money.

With a grateful nod, Zain bid Riry farewell. "Thanks again for everything…ahem, now I'll take my leave."

"Eh? Where are you going actually?" Riry's curiosity got the better of her as she couldn't help but wonder where Zain was headed,

especially after asking for a substantial amount of money. She didn't pry into his personal affairs, but her concern for his well-being made her want to know more about his plans.

"Well... I have an uncle who lives in another country. I will be going to visit him, and that's why I asked for the money," Zain quickly came up with an excuse, not wanting to reveal his true intentions. Riry, being the understanding person she was, easily believed his explanation, unaware of the real purpose behind his actions.



"What uncle? Give me his address," she asked, her suspicion growing slightly. Riry had always been perceptive, and something about Zain's explanation didn't quite add up.

"Um, here..." Zain calmly handed his phone to Riry, showing her a call log that displayed a recent call with an unknown number. It was a clever move to divert her suspicion, as the call log was indeed from Schein, but Riry couldn't see the details of the call.

But the doctor, unaware of Zain's manipulation, took the phone and glanced at the call log. Zain quickly explained that he had spoken to his uncle the day before and had made arrangements to move in.

Although Riry was still somewhat suspicious, she chose to believe him, giving him the benefit of the doubt.

"Alright then... bye," Zain said, giving a small nod before swiftly making his way out of the house.

"Take care, watch out for vehicles on your way," Riry called out, her voice filled with genuine concern. Soon, with a few lingering sighs, Riry retreated into her room, her concern still evident.

"Now I need to buy some essential items," Zain murmured to himself as he stepped into the expansive mall, renowned for its wide array of offerings. The air inside was filled with the buzz of shoppers and the vibrant displays beckoned him to explore.

As he ventured deeper into the mall, Zain was escorted by a helpful attendant who directed him to different floors, each promising a unique selection of products.

However, as he browsed through the various sections, he found himself disappointed. None of the items seemed to match his requirements or appeal to his taste.

As Zain walked through the mall, he couldn't help but notice the disdainful glances directed at his tattered and partially burnt clothes. The fabric had seen better days, with frayed edges and discolored patches.

Feeling the judgmental gazes of the well-dressed shoppers around him, Zain decided to leave the mall. Their disapproving stares seemed to weigh on him, as if his clothes were a mark of inferiority.

With his worn-out attire resembling that of a typical beggar, Zain became the subject of hushed conversations and judgmental whispers among the more well-dressed shoppers. Despite their apparent disdain, a few kind-hearted individuals offered to guide him through the mall, albeit accompanied by discreet murmurs of disapproval.

'Tsk, what a waste of time,' Zain muttered under his breath, his disappointment palpable as he made his way out of the mall.

Despite its vast array of merchandise, the place failed to offer what he truly needed.

"Sigh... It was rumored that 'That thing' had fallen to Earth, but no one could harness its power... It seems like it's not here," Zain mused with a hint of disappointment.

He was ready to leave when an inexplicable sensation tugged at his senses, urging him to explore a nearby area. Intrigued, he decided to follow this intuitive pull, curious to see what awaited him.


A spark of excitement ignited within Zain as he swiftly turned back, driven by an inexplicable curiosity. Without wasting a moment, he dashed towards the mysterious area, his anticipation growing with each step.

'Yes... this is the place...'

Zain stood before the weathered facade of the small shop, a sense of allure enveloping him. Its dilapidated appearance spoke of a forgotten era, as if frozen in time. The faded sign above the entrance bore a name that was barely legible, hinting at the shop's long history.

Neglected and overlooked, it seemed to exist on the fringes of modernity, beckoning only a select few who could sense its hidden treasures.

Amidst the towering skyscrapers that surrounded the old shop, it stood as an inconspicuous anomaly, easily overlooked by the bustling crowds. The contrast between the modern edifices and the humble exterior of the shop was striking.

Yet, Zain could see beyond the superficial facade, sensing the hidden potential that lay within the unassuming walls of the ancient shop. As Zain approached the old shop, a tingling sensation ran through his body, alerting him to the presence of powerful energy emanating from within.

It was not just a single energy signature that caught his attention, but multiple fluctuations, resonating with the essence of great artifacts.

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