
Return Of The Ancient Celestial

[ STATUS: HIATUS ] "I want to be a God to rule across the Nations! Heroes are overrated!" In the world of Tarynla, where the defeat of Dragons by Humans has brought temporary peace to the Seven Nations. A man named Damon finds himself in a mysterious predicament after his death. His soul is unexpectedly summoned and thrust into danger and intrigue. Unbeknownst to him, Damon's purpose holds the key to the fate of Tarynla. Upon his arrival, Damon discovers that he is surrounded by a secretive cult known as the Obsidian Order. Driven by a fanatical desire for immortality, the cult seeks to harness the power of Dragon's Blood, a rare and potent substance found only within the veins of Dragons. Believing Damon to be the key to their ambitions, they try to manipulate and control him. However, Damon harbors his own aspirations. He yearns to forge his own path and become more powerful than anyone else, a God. Blessed by the Goddess of Love, he possesses a unique ability: the power to temporarily transform Dragons into human form. Fueled by this newfound gift, Damon embarks on a perilous journey toward the Dragons' lair, driven by a burning desire to fulfil his destiny. With a desire to manipulate the world to his own vision, Damon resolves to form an Idol Group, a team of Humanoid Dragons with extraordinary talents, aiming to gain control. Through their public persona, they would become revered and adored while secretly undertaking covert missions to protect their identities and further their own hidden agenda. With the awakening of Dragon Idol System, watch how Damon creates the first Idol Group in every Nation he steps foot in. ------ Discord: https://discord.gg/XqbVZffGbv

youneedsomemilk · Fantasy
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65 Chs

Guardian Devil

Damon breathed deeply after hearing what Maya had said. He processed her words, but couldn't believe it was real.

"Isn't that supposed to be a Guardian Angel?" Damon muttered while staring at Maya's appearance. He slapped his face as hard as he could to wake him up, but the pain made him cried more. 

"Guardian Angel? What is that? Come on! This is real! Do you need more clarification!?" Maya rolled her eyes and swung her hammer close to Damon as a threat.

"I-I don't understand what you mean…" Damon whispered while pulling his blanket over his body to make him feel protected. 

"Well, as I've said. You're a chosen one to live another life as a summon due to your achievement of milking 40 times. Consider this as a gift from the Goddess for your miserable life at Earth," Maya explained and shed a fake tear. She acted as if she took pity of Damon's awful experience, but didn't care at all. 

"Haha…" Damon chuckled weakly while shaking his head. 

"What's the matter?" Maya asked in confusion. She expected him to be overjoyed, but Damon's reaction was the opposite. 

"I still don't believe this is real, but starting a new life sounds nice," Damon muttered and dreamed of becoming a new person, but he couldn't. He looked up at Maya and gave her the genuine smile. 

"But I'm sorry. I can't leave my mother alone. I don't want her to be lonely," Damon added and hoped Maya understand.

"Ehh, you're a good son, but a very h0rny boy," Maya chuckled in amusement. Her words made Damon irritated at how insensitive she was. 

"Just, leave me alone. I've been rejected by my crush today and I don't want to deal with this anymore. Thank you for the offer, but I'm going to fap some more," Damon stood up and gestured Maya to move aside since she was blocking his laptop. 

"How cute, but how can you fap when you're already dead?" Maya stated before stepping aside, revealing Damon's body laying on the floor with his wrinkled banana in full display.

"I am very much…. alive…" Damon gasped upon seeing himself unconscious on the floor. His fingers shook while pointing at his body. "W-who is that?" he added.

"Ehh, find out for yourself!" Maya shouted and rolled her eyes. She flew and sat on the cabinet while watching what would Damon do.

Damon slowly stood up and shakily walked toward where the body was located. He nearly had a heart attack when he saw it was indeed him.

"H-how? I-I was able to touch my keyboard a few minutes ago!" Damon screamed in fear and glanced at Maya, who was smiling. 

"I turned your annoying video off by my magic. It's no fun if you knew you're already dead that early," Maya explained with a yawn. She leaned back and looked at Damon's real, dead body.

"You're kidding me! I can't be dead!" Damon's eyes turned crazy and went to touch the picture frame, but his hands went through. 

"You haven't realized it, dear Damon, but you died after c^mming for the 40th time," Maya whispered menacingly and pointed at the trash can, which contained tissues with Damon's milk. 

"Ah…. AHHHH!!!" Damon shouted as reality slapped him with the truth. He stepped backwards and saw himself passed through his table. "This can't be happening! I have so much to do!" he added as he knelt to the ground while bursting with tears.

"Well, you're time's up," Maya sighed and somehow felt a little pity for Damon that he died in a young age. 

"Maya… Tell me. Are they going to find my body in that position!?" Damon pointed at his displayed penis with a bit of blooded c^m coming out. He was worried what would his mother thought of him upon knowing the cause of his death. 

"Yes," Maya replied nonchalantly before going next to the wall. "Now, let's hurry and meet with the Goddess. She's been waiting for your arrival," she added.

"No… This can't be. I can't end like this!" Damon shouted as he gritted his teeth. He glared at Maya before standing up. "You told me that I'm a Chosen One by the Goddess of Love, right?" he asked and stepped closer to Maya. 

"Yes, what about it?" Maya asked in curiosity at the change of Damon's demeanor. 

"I will come with you with no questions ask, but I want something in return," Damon stated sternly as he mustered enough strength to make a deal with a creature. 

"Now, this is interesting. What do you want?" Maya asked with a smirk. She crossed her arms under her chest while waiting for Damon's reply. 

"I don't want my mom to know that I died after… fapping so much. I want her to see me as a good son until the end. Perhaps, make my death caused by a heart attack," Damon explained and gulped. He didn't remove his eyes over Maya and waited for her approval. 

"Alright," Maya grinned and flicked her finger. 

Instantly, all the tissues and traces of sperm vanished. Damon's tabs was replaced by homework instead of x-rated videos and his body was dressed in school uniform while he lay on the bed. 

"T-thank you," Damon whispered in amazement. It was his first time seeing how magic works and somehow, it got him interested. 

"Hmm. You better shut your mouth now. I did the part of our deal," Maya stated as she lifted another hand and created a portal on the wall. It took a while since her energy was sucked the more she stayed in the human world. 

Damon sighed and glanced one more time at his room. He went to his table and looked at the picture of her mother. It hurts him that he won't be able to say goodbye to her one last time. 

"I should have cooked your favorite meal today… instead of…" Damon whispered and he couldn't help but shed a tear. He regretted his actions of satisfying himself that caused him his life and realized it too late that his mother gave him the love that he always wanted. 

"Let's go, dear Damon," Maya called out as the portal was ready. 

A swirl of purple and pink colored clouds coated the wall and in the middle was a bright, golden light. 

Damon breathed deeply and walked before the portal. He was in awe of the bright light surrounding him that he didn't realized Maya went behind him. 

"It's time for you to meet the Goddess," Maya whispered before kicking Damon inside the portal with an evil smile laced her lips.

Maya was about to follow, but stopped. She flicked her finger and a bowl of ramen appeared on the kitchen table with a small letter indicating it was for Damon's mother. 

"Can I have more milk in my cereal? Asked no one ever."

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