
Chapter 7 : Unapproved deal

<Pov Hiro>

In the middle of the lesson, a call from the information room was heard and the call referred me to come to the counseling room.

Thanks to that I got a strange look from my classmate, I just obeyed the call so I asked permission from the teacher who was teaching and headed to the counseling room.

When I was in front of the counseling room door, I knocked first I heard someone's voice say "Come in"

I also entered the room there was a work desk, sofa and small table.

"May I know why I was called-" When I wanted to ask I saw someone sitting behind the desk.

She stood up, the wind blew her hair so that her beautiful red hair fluttered.

Wearing the Kuoh Academy uniform, she turned around while looking at me with an interested look.

"Hi... we meet again!" She said cheerfully.


<Normal Pov>

After the group of friends Issei returned to the spacious room that looks magnificent with luxurious interior.

There was a discussion going on between them which made the atmosphere complicated.

"Issei are you sure?" Rias asked her Pawn.

"Yes Buchou, I saw that man fighting agilely using a Dagger which the man said the name of the Dagger was Venom Dagger. Lucky he ignored me that time" Issei explained while feeling goosebumps when he remembered the look the mysterious man gave him.

Rias nodded understandingly, it seems her carelessness made the Fallen Angels act arbitrarily in the territory she manages.

'Also, that guy judging by his uniform he looks like a Kuoh High School student not far from here… should I just investigate?' Rias thought.

"Buchou, I have something to tell you" Kiba suddenly spoke.

"What's wrong Kiba?" Akeno asked.

"The previous man clearly showed a loose stance but that was just a pretext, when our gazes met I clearly felt that I was slashed back then" Kiba explained which made everyone confused.

"What do you mean Kiba?" Rias asked.

"Buchou, he's at least on par with my teacher, Okita Souji" When Kiba explained in an easier to understand way that's when they were all shocked.

"Also" It was Akeno's turn now to speak.

"He showed a magic I didn't know about, it was obviously teleportation magic. but the activity time was too fast as if he easily made it Instantly" Akeno added her argument.

"Buchou...me too, he has a unique scent in him that makes me confused what he really is" Koneko who said in a casual tone and blank stare.

"Now it's clear...I will talk to Sona tonight and you can go home tonight" Rias decided to end their discussion.

"Rias-" Akeno who saw her friend who was a little restless but that was wrong, he turned out to be very happy.

"Akeno tomorrow I will meet this man myself" Rias said which surprised Akeno.


<Pov Hiro>

"So what's the matter for the Devil to come to me?, is it about last night?" I asked as I carelessly sat on the sofa.

"Shouldn't we get to know each other first? Tanaka Hiro-kun" This woman spoke as if she knew about me.

"Greetings to meet you Tanaka-san, my name is Rias Gremory...it seems that you thought I was a Devil and I came here to make you an offer" Rias explained.

"An offer?…heh, is this about your Peraage?" I said which made her pupils widen in surprise.

"Wait did you know that?"

"Mah…Asia tells enough details that she knows about the supernatural…*Sigh* you won't get anything if you want me to be your slave" I said with a threatening look that made Rias gulp her own saliva.

Now her composure disappeared because I made the atmosphere tense.

"Forget about Peraage, may I ask you something?" I asked, Rias nervously said.

"What's that?"

I guess I really scared him.

"Are you the one who manages this City from the shadows?" I asked.

"Ah...Yes" Rias replied

"Then, I'm more and more convinced that this Negotiation ends." I said standing up and without saying a word to Rias and just left from there.

Rias who was still silent from receiving my pressure just now came to her senses.


After school

I went straight home, when the others were joining a club while I didn't because there really wasn't anything that interested me.

So I was at the Club after school, while walking I stopped at the convenience store to buy some food for me and Asia later.

Also just in case my barrier doesn't work properly, I have my familiar accompany Asia.

[Familiar: A contracted magical creature]

Doing the summoning magic was a little dubious what else I was on earth, but when I tried it a few days ago it worked.

So I put my Familiar with Asia so she won't be so lonely when I'm not around.

"I'm home" As I opened the door, the sound of footsteps could be heard coming towards me at the entrance.

"Welcome Hiro-san!" Asia changed the clothes I gave her, actually it's my younger sister's but it's okay, she's accompanying my parents abroad.

I didn't think it would fit, even though my younger sister is still a third grade junior high school student this year.

"Poi~!" And in Asia's arms was my familiar, this furry ball shaped creature was a low level monster... he was my first friend, I found him in the forest where I first appeared in another world and tragically I was lost in that forest for 1 whole year before I discovered human civilization.

"Hi, Kota-san" I gave Popoi this name Kota.

{AN : Popoi is the name of Race while Kota is the name given by Mc}

"Heheh…Hiro-san you didn't tell me that you had this cute pet!" Asia tightly hugged Kota until she was suffocating.

Asia noticed that the pain had lessened a bit but instead made Kota jump at me.

"Poi~ Poi~" The Kota crawled and sat on top of my head.

"Ah~, I'm sorry Kota-san"

"Let's go first" I said as I walked into the house.


After dinner, I told him that the Devils from yesterday quickly met me at school, well they must know I'm still wearing the school uniform.

It was completely unexpected so I wasn't prepared to anticipate what happened yesterday.

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