

A/N: 99.9k views here is your reward.

For the first time in a long time, I was happy. My birthdays used to mean hiding from my stepdad until my mother got home, and running away was the best decision of my life. Seventeen may not seem old, but I was now legally an adult in the magical world.

I can feel the power.

I smiled in a way that I hadn't for years as I walked the mall with my new friends. Maybe not friends technically kidnapped right now, but beggars can't be choosers.

The sisters were both terrified and happy best I could tell their mother was a terror. I didn't ask for details, but they just hoped Kurt would treat them better. Kurt was sweet, the big evil king of Hell that just wanted to show off. So when I pointed out just how bad the new girls looked, he handed me a bag full of gold and sent us off to " Make sure they look fabulous at all times." After the guards finished organizing whatever guards organized, we were off to the mall.

The magical world was a world of color. Creatures were small and tall, large and thin, young and old, bright and dark, skin every rainbow shade. The mall overflowed to the brim with life more odd and exciting than any I had seen before. The first stop was a directory board. The guards had us pick one store we wanted to visit and sent people off to prepare them. I had guards that needed to prepare places for me to see, which is insane.

Ethel was the youngest sister, and she had picked a visit to the food court. It was odd, but the house elves wouldn't serve me.

We ended up eating at an excellent small family restaurant, but I am so embarrassed. I swore on the spot to update all ten of the girl's wardrobes with the season taken into consideration. The mall was overcrowded, so we pushed our way to the next shop. Amber, Jasmine, Sarah, Amy, and Kim wanted to try outfits. The guards even got into the mood and modeled a few ensembles, as most were women. Jay and Fran picked bookstores that were kind of boring, but Ethel was up for a game of hide-and-seek. After we ran around, we promised to be friends. So I changed my pick to a gift shop to get something for Kurt, Logan, the old giant, and her.

Seeing as the bag of gold just kept refilling, I got Kurt some fragrances, Logan got a new dragon leather jacket, the old giant got some liquor, and Ethel got a necklace like mine. That's when things got odd; after I gave her the chain, she blushed like a tomato. Kim wanted to watch a movie, so we picked one at random, and it was so bad. Something about trying too hard and terrorists, I don't know, garbage, just garbage. Ethel and I went to town ripping the movie apart, and it was fun until she complimented my looks, "You could cut someone with your cheekbones Rogue." I didn't know how to answer her, so the mood turned sour. Deva, the oldest sister here, wanted to get Icecream. The guards had to pick it up because of me, so the group went to the directory board by the entrance to wait. Ethel wanted to try my necklaces to summon flames, but it didn't work for her. It turns out the pendent gave me the ability to conjure flames, and it seems the magic in it was mine now. As Ethel handed me back the pendent, our hands touched for a moment, and I could feel pain, loneliness, and hurt. Pulling back, I panicked, "Please don't touch me."

Ethel's hand was as soft as a feather as she fearfully felt my skin again. I could glimpse the pain, loneliness, hurt, tears, so many tears in her. I drank from that pain slowly, but soon, my arms were wrapped around her, my lips against hers. A soft moan escaped her lips, and my body grew hot. My chest felt inflated like something was trying to escape. Something in me screamed, begged for me to stop, but her arms traped me, and soon all thought left me.

When I came to, the crowd surrounded me and in my arms was the twisted, mummified remains of my first friend. Each and everyone watching had a clouded look in their eyes.

I knew that look; it was the look my stepfather had right before he took off his clothing.

Why were they looking at me like that? Why were they all looking at me like that?

It never helps but, "Please don't touch me."

As the last memory plays out in her tear-stained eyes, I consider my options.

With her arms wrapped around her stomach protectively.

"I am so sorry, Sir."

Kurt reached out to Rogue, " The little miss had an accident."

She pulls away, holding herself tighter.

"How bad are we talking?" Kurt forcefully pulls her into a one-arm hug, and his answer is a smile.

"I didn't mean to."

She hides in Kurt's side, softly repeating, "I just couldn't stop."

With a smile in his voice, "It is not that bad spontaneous orgies are always welcome in my book."

Her cry draws the others to the door.

Lockhart and Peter make quick excuses to leave, and Logan takes his place protectively at her side.

Look at my son, "Is that all?"

"What do you mean, is that all?" Freeing herself, Rogue walks away from everyone.

"Her demon blood awakened then?"

Kurt nodes.

"I thought she had more time."


"How many people are dead?"

Kurt's smile grows strained, "I had to have Victoria lock up."

As I retake my seat, "Victoria?"

"The oldest and last of the sisters, she was upset."

From behind Logan, I heard a soft voice, "You knew this would happen?"

"Sooner or later, yes."

Kurt stepped in, "Happened to me around your age."

Rogue's eyes fill with fury as she steps up to Kurt, "You fucked to death a mall full of people."

With a slow smile, Kurt answered more honestly than I thought he would, "No, I am a pride demon; I just enslaved them like animals."

Rouge steps away from him, and Logan strolls in between them, "What?"

"Half demons eventually become full-blooded sooner or later; the transformation can be painful." My son was the master of Hell, which sometimes means unpleasant days. Turning to me, he continued like nothing had happened, "Yes, and it looks like El Dorado's fat ass has a thing against sex."

I had to rush this; thanks.

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