
Chapter 8

Back in the Laboratory Alexander was getting a headache. With all the many voices crying, out it was so difficult to concentrate. You can relate to it the way you experience somebody screaming on land when you are under water with your head. However, while he was going through the notes taken about his conversation, he noticed that the most loud and irritating voices were always the same. He turned around and waked to one corner of the room. It became extremely unbearable. It was the corner with cages holding the subjects that were living for 6 or 3 months under artificial high density with in a special room in the temple.

{ So, this Soul can be strengthened. From all the cries I can hear theirs the best., but they don't seem to own a higher intelligence. All of them are crying about their basic needs such as hunger or the freedom to move around. }

Just as he wanted to leave the complex to do his theorizing somewhere quiet, something bothered him deep down. He couldn't understand what it was but his gut feeling told him he was close to some secret.

For this he sprinted to his table where all the notes about the conversation laid but the thoughts he was expecting didn't come. Somewhat depressed he looked back at his "magical" beast, as he named them. There he saw the door on the left and it came over him like lightning. For a reason they had put that reptile into an extra isolated room. He knew that the reptile wasn't able to flee but it was hiding. Something was odd about this reptile.

While looking ate the video footage of the camera observing the reptiles' cage. Alexander tough back to its odd behavior.

{ So why was it hiding all the time. It even hid from the other animals. We had to bring it into an extra room for it to eat. It shows that it is inexperienced. Because who would find it normal when some food disappears in an empty room. }

As Alexander was thinking he went over to the room containing this peculiar reptile. Their it hit him.


He couldn't hear a voice from the reptile. No noise, nothing!

{ It must have developed a higher intelligence but not too high. It can think if it is completely quite and nobody sees it, we may forget it, but this here is a science laboratory everything inside of here is documented to the smallest building components used for experiments. Let's try if I can communicate with it on normal physical level and then let's try communicating on this fifth dimension. }

( I know you can understand me. I can hear your silence. You are trying to hide from all senses by they physical or magical, but you can't trick machines. I know you are special, because else then every other dumb animal you are passively hiding your thoughts, which only higher intelligent beings are able to do. )

… silence

{ Maybe he is just too young to speak.

Let's try it with this transmission over soul dimension thing. )

Alexander first tried hearing clearer the noises from the animals outside. He wanted to connect to that dimension by trying to connect with one of the existing voices before he would search for this reptile's voice.

He was concentrating very hard in his mind to reach the voice of one of the dogs they had in a cage. This dog wanted freedom. It wanted to run around outside, through the grass, around trees.

Just like that Alexander imagined the hill that was outside his home in his childhood and how he ran around and played with his friends he wished he could do that still. Unfortunately, he is now an adult. While directing his thoughts towards the dog he tried to adept his memory's in thinking that what he did in his childhood, he did with a dog instead of his friends. Somehow it seemed to synchronize. However, while Alexander became more exited the dog started to quiet down. It seemed to be able to feel this intrusion into his mind. It didn't like it so it started braking in real as well as at alexander who had smuggled himself into the wishful daydreaming of the dog.

Alexander directly fell down onto his butt. His head ached immensely.

{ If this is already the backlash from some random dog then I should keep my hands from that reptile that seemed to have developed quite far. That could end in a disaster.

I'm gonna get me a coffee and then ready myself for the conference in the evening. }


( So now that everybody is here let me explain why I had to call all of you in for an emergency.

During our stay at the temple I found with Grimaldi a part of an ancient record. Grimaldi already denied any form of him parting with it for unknown reason, but I was allowed to take notes about the information recorded. Now that we are back for 3 days, I was able experiment about the claims within the record. I came to the conclusion that the claims a correct ..... BUT we lack the needed basic knowledge to be able to comprehend it truly. Still from assumptions and experiments I can tell you now that there is a confirmed 5 dimension next to the 4 dimensions of time and space. )

Everybody directly became noisy and nobody was able to understand what the other tried to say. Many didn't even want to bother about that because they themselves were occupied with different thoughts.

For that Alexander as the head of the whole team had a function where, he could disable everybody's sound output and activate a siren to stop them from going crazy. After 5 seconds everybody had cooled down and Alexander went on speaking.

( After a little research and the experiments proving the accuracy, I was able to find out from the record that the soul as an entity exist. From a side mark of the record we can assume that the ability exists to destroy souls without touching a person physically. This mean we have to find out what happens when a soul is destroyed, I will look after that and how we adept security against this possibly new type of assassination and ethic rights for animals on this new kind of experiments on living beings. Social department it is your job to look after the ethical debate and pls bring this topic up in the media within one month. I think we can get publicly the biggest support right now for experiments on live subjects. Look how far we can go with experiments. Maybe on criminals and volunteers in a year or two. Next! Souls exist. We can go out from the assumption that magic can work with the entity that is the soul, but I got the information from Grimaldi that magic about souls, except for sensing souls, has extremely high mana consumption rates, even he can hardly fulfill without taking risks to have enough mana for defense purposes right now and only when the density is higher can he gather enough magic energy to be able to do it. That means for those of you who still can't except it: Soul magic is something even our children won't have to think about they only have to be wary of Grimaldi.

As such soul magic shall be banned from research as it is only a waste of time. The last and only thing will be when I am back by Grimaldi the next time to find document what happens when a weak animal gets his soul destroyed.

Now that's it for the emergency counsel. I hope you can put the fifth dimension into your theories form now on. I see you in 1 ½ weeks for the regular counsel. )

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