
Chapter 4

Everybody was staring daggers at Alexander. The tension in the air was extreme and if he wasn't clad in blue completely, they would gunned him done on sight.

The reason behind all of this was that the secret connection opened at a piece of wall directly next to the throne. It came even better after Alexander stepped out, he stood directly between the throne and the pedestal on which lay a crown.

It wasn't made out of gold but some black metal it seems. It did have that shiny polished surface. But it missed any signs of metal handwork and looked more like done by a sculptor. It had multiple gems incorporated.

All of the gems were not clear at all. Today something like that is seen as bad quality, as with pure gems you need a prefect clarity for it to be valuable. However, these gems were something else. If you tried to look, you felt as if you looked inside a new dimension then looking at light reflecting back at you. You had the feeling of being lost inside of it forever if you stared any longer.

In total 10 gems were integrated into the crown. Looking at the overall design it was separated into front and back half. The back half had 5 and the front half 4 and 1 special gem. The special was the obviously the most eye-catching of them all. It was white. Pure white. When you looked at it closely it resembled clouds. If you were looking to long and intensely on it you got the feeling of the clouds moving in a hurricane kind of way wandering in the middle and sucking your soul with them. You would get a feeling of weightlessness. But when you blinked it all seemed to have been an imagination.

How beautiful it was, now wasn't the time to inspect it closer.

( Ahm! Hello my gentlemen. You all should know me, but just in case I'm the head of the international research team Alexander Bibesco. You must all be interested how I came here and from where. As researcher I obviously can't hide it. So, let me introduce you to the secret vault of the temple.

However, I have to surprise you directly again. The vault is empty except for some dirt residue of pure scientific value. I see I'm the first of the researchers to arrive here.

I seriously thought I would starve in that vault, stuck and left to rot. Now I have a question for you. Who are you? )

(I'm Grimaldi the leader here and if possible, could you pls come over to us without touching anything. )

( Sure, I'm going readying the recording equipment. For whatever you plan to do for magic your American pig. )

( Pls Mister Bibesco do look out how you are talking to the first king. However, I do have to congratulate you for directly being able to see I'm American in truth. )

(Pls, that was easy. You may have an Italian accent but nobody else then the American who initiated all this could know what the real treasure to be found is.

And just now you called yourself king. I'm really curious what secret information you have about all of this, that nobody else could possibly imagine. )

( Then lean back and enjoy the show. Recording devices ready? )

( All ready you can start your coronation. Chuckle )

Grimaldi made is way up onto the throne and sat down directly without even looking at the crown. After he sat their he nodded to one of his henchmen, who then started coming forward while keeping his head bowed down staring at the floor. It took some time till he reached the pedestal. Again, he did something irritating. Instead just taking the crown he went to the back of the pedestal and only grabbed it then. Thereafter he went in front of Grimaldi and putting the crown down just as he picked it up. The result was as expected the crown's head was looking to the back directly on the throne.

It was at this moment that the throne started glowing. However, it seemed to be a reflection of the main gem glowing. At the same time that couldn't be completely true, because the whole throne started glowing brighter and brighter till it somehow transformed into pillar of light completely enveloping the throne and Grimaldi, who sat on it.

Later on, Alexander was told that this pillar pierced through the earth that was enveloping the deeper parts of the temple complex and was raising into the sky.

[As a reminder the temple was once carved into a mountain and this mountain materiel was even harder than the strongest know material {another reason why everybody was so crazy about this mountain} as such the excavation teams could only try to find the original entrance]

Out of this observation it was obvious that that this light wasn't light. Light is defined by being made of protons. Even later on it was added on the fact that no satellites where able to capture the light. Alexander could have noticed that he was able to see Grimaldi through his camera, but sadly his complete attention was captured by this magical light.

Outside it was no better or should be say it was better, because of the light everybody stopped shooting and just stared at the sky.

After around 5 minutes the pillar dissipated. Outside everybody was bewildered as they regained control over their thoughts. What should they do now? Go on fighting? Somebody must have gotten the treasure already or that light wouldn't have appeared. To their adversity it didn't matter what the commands of their superiors would have been or what they wanted to do. Because, from one second to the next everybody was dead except all of the research and some of the American personnel. At least it was a fast and painless death. They were soldiers who hadn't committed any war crimes. In a way they were innocent.

While inside the rest of the researcher team had assembled during those 5 minutes.

( This power. It's addicting. Heeheheheehehe.


Pls forget what just happened and cut that out from the footage )

( You know we can't do that. However, just because it is there does not mean people will be aware that it is there. )

( Well said Mr. Bibesco. Now let me show you all something. )

With a wave of the hand in front of the throne 4 screens appeared. They all had a bird-view of the outside. The left most showed the area around the temples entrance. There lay 50 people on the ground not moving at all. The second screen showed the whole excavation site. It had a radius of around 15 km. Here silence wasn't absolute as some vehicles were burning but you couldn't see any human motion. The third and fourth respectively showed the south and north of the barricaded encirclement. On the screen showing the south you could see 3 crashed planes burning. On the screen showing the north the researchers were finally able to see still living humans. However, those didn't seem shocked of the situation the complete opposite, they were already dragging all the corpses lying around together and staring burning them. Their action seemed so planed out.

( It looks to me you knew even more about what to find here than I imagined in my wildest dreams, Grimaldi. )

( It is now king Grimaldi. But I will make an exception for you. So, before you go back pls let me record a little speech for the world to know what they are dealing now with. )

( Sure. We are finished with everything here. Lanz pls go outside and call in the helicopters already. )

After this the researcher reassembled their recording devices while one of them went out.

Alexander gave an ok sign to Grimaldi who then began to speak.

( Good day ladies and gentlemen. I am the new crowned King Grimaldi. King of what many of you may ask. I am the first king of the first magic Kingdom in this world. Magic does exist. That every last person in this world can understand my speech is the perfect proof. For my kingdom I will occupy all land with in a 100 km radius of this temple. Here will be build a city to focus on the research of magic and be the neutral ground for global diplomatic mission. Yes, I will not ally with or against anybody. I will keep a perfect neutral stance. That does not mean I won't retaliate. If there still are some people who don't belief in my power, I encourage you to drop your nuclear bombs. I'm by no means afraid of anything. Be it nuclear bombs or the whole global community. If I wanted to, I could fight the whole world at the same time. But I'm old and I want to leave a world in which our children can still life happily. As such I am much more willing to advocate peace and science. I expect an envoy of every nation with in exact 15 days right at the before mentioned 100 km border. Any intrusion from anybody else then the international research team will be dealt with instant death. You can try if you don't believe me. However, I am not going to take even the slightest of responsibility.

I hope for peaceful future together. )

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