
Chapter 2

Bullets flew everywhere. Cries of pain from the wounded. Cries of grief form the living promising revenge. Mines exploding, arms and legs flying through the air.

A Massacre.

Nothing could describe it better.

{ Why am I here again? }

Alexander stood still. Equipped with a blue helmet and blue coat and blue case he and his colleagues stood in front of the door.

( Ok. Everybody knows what he has to do! Go! ) - Alexander

As Alexander was going into the temple, he was thinking back how he came to be in this place.

Around 2 weeks ago it was a morning like every other. He stood up at 6:15 and ate breakfast, while looking through different news websites. It was on that day big Headlines went around the world.

"Secret military excavation of USA in Libya"

First it was only reported that some kind of restricted area existed which encompassed the in an area around the south east corner of Libya and partially over the border into Sudan. This area was protected by US soldiers, which on its own is only noticeable but not outrages. What put the situation on edge was when it was discovered that multiple tanks and even 'missile interception systems' were also stationed with in inner parameters.

Within the next 7 days the Iran escalated the situation by first stationing multiple tank brigades in a circle around the American defense and intensified it by setting up bunkers for infantry.

While on global diplomatic area neither USA stated why they are doing what they are doing nor did Iran give any hints or demanded stopping the cover up. It was obvious to the public that the Iran knew what the USA did and didn't want to share the knowledge.

When the seventh day came USA started air raids on the encirclement but the Iran didn't respond with any kind of artillery. At this point it was obvious that whatever the USA tried to defend was fragile and the Iran wanted to possess it even under the consequence of a one-sided beating.

On the eighth day multiple attempts of breaking into the US defense were tried by many different nations. The Iran indirectly acknowledged that they didn't want to suffer even more casualties by attacking first.

On the tenth day:

As China wasn't able to get involved it couldn't accept that either of the other nuclear powers were allowed to get what they want and threatened with a nuclear strike to not let anyone get it if they can't try to get it.

On the eleventh day:

With the prospect of a nuclear war the international community mustered their courage and brought heavy pressure on Iran as they expected that china would slow down whatever they were doing if they could at least find out what both nations try to secure under such heavy casualties.

In the evening of the 11 day under extreme pressure the diplomat of Iran spilled the beans.

A myth.

A myth and more not. For a myth thousands of soldiers died. The public was in rage while the US government remained silent against any kind of accusation. A myth about the existence of magic. Who would believe into something like this? It is just crazy. Then why did the USA do some secret excavation about it and defended it so heavily. Nobody could find head or tale in this drama.

12 day:

In the morning everybody ridiculed Iran and US.

However, the behavior of the US government didn't cooldown the situation but let it even escalate more, as less and less people could convince themselves that this is all just one giant crazy hoax.

Magic. Something like that can't possibly exist.

But ... .

But why ... .

Why would the USA lead their own soldiers to death?

In the evening the G9 congress went crazy. The diplomats tried to get any information out of the US ambassador. Whereas he only stayed quiet.

On the 13 day under pressure of all other nuclear and economical major powers the US couldn't keep their stoic facade, because a complete trading embargo was enacted and the US government risked starving their nation as even under pleading for humanitarian aid all nations stayed cold.

On the same evening a committee under the exclusion of the public put out a contract. In this everything was settled on how the excavation side should be dealt with down to the smallest detail.

{ In that night from the 13 to the 14 day they kidnaped me. "This is all for science." they said.

"I should be honored to be chosen." they said. "You are going to be the captain." they said.

Phaaa. They choose us few scientists just so they could kidnap our families and control us. They made me captain because they could put me under an especially big amount of pressure. My poor daughter. First you lose your mother. Now you have to get around without me.

Completely alone.

They are going to pay for this.

If magic really does exist, I'm just in the right position to get my revenge.

For this I should try to find some kind of secret chamber with some hidden treasure to help me.

So, let's go in not that the others have too much of an advantage of me. }

And with this Alexander marched on into the temple.

Hi. Sry I'm a bit late (1/3)

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