
Chapter 2: The Starting of a War

After Jason had walked through the light he woke up inside a dark room in an unfamiliar place. Before he could get his bearings, he rushed over to the trash can that was in the room and threw up. He sat down next to the trash can breathing heavy trying to collect himself and sort out everything that just happened.

'I can't believe this is all happening, I can't believe I kept it together like that, especially around her. That woman is a monster, and she killed me. How is any of this happening, I mean really? Am I truly here, in the Star Wars Universe?'

He put his head between his knees as he sat there on the floor contemplating what was going on. After a while, he looked around the room seeing what was all in here. There was a footlocker at the end of the bed that he was sleeping on. There was a desk across the room from him that seemed to have a datapad, comms device, a mug, and a couple of other random items. There was a closet that had tunics and robes seen hanging within. There was also the nightstand beside the bed with a table lamp on it. Then there was a closed door which seemed to maybe lead to a bathroom or some other room.

'Well, it certainly looks like I'm in Star Wars land, but can I use the force as Abeloth said?' He tried reaching out with the force to grab the datapad off the table, and it felt like his hand extended across the room and picked it up as it floated off the table. 'Oh shit, oh fucking shit, I'm using the force. This is insane, I can't believe I'm doing this.' He moved the datapad over to him and plucked it out of the air.

'Well, I guess that settles it, I'm in Star Wars.' The thought of being in the SW Universe put a smile on his face, until the feeling of throwing up again came, and started dry heaving into the trash can. After getting done dry heaving and getting some water to clean out his throat, he sat down on the edge of the bed. Looking at the datapad trying to learn what he could of what was currently going on here. While he was looking through the datapad, he didn't find anything that could help him, and he was almost done looking when he saw a familiar icon on the pad that looked like a white app with a black "W" on it.

'Please tell me this is what I think it is.' He clicked on the icon and sure as shit, it was wookiepedia. 'Fuck yes, this is going to help me a ton to refresh my memory of what's going on.' He then laid down the bed and started reading through the app about the timeline he was in and the events that were going to happen.

The next morning he woke up. It was around ten in the morning after having stayed up late reading his datapad. He rolled out of bed and got cleaned up and changed into some clean clothes. He gathered all his gear and began to wander around the temple trying to figure out what was going on and what he needed to do.

Jason wandered around the Jedi temple for a few minutes before finding the atrium of the temple, where it seemed everybody had gathered in attendance for an important meeting of the council.

The council was seated at the bottom part of the room, with the seating being a theater-style area. Jason scanned the room trying to find an empty seat for him to sit when he saw a young woman wave at him, motioning for the open seat next to her. When he saw her, a rush of memories flooded into his mind telling him everything about her and the rest of the people in the room, giving him a migraine so intense that he grasped his head. He walked over to where the girl was sitting and took the empty chair next to her.

'Master, where have you been? I called your comms and came by your room and you didn't answer.' The young girl asked him.

'I know I'm sorry Amara, I had trouble sleeping last night, I had some nightmares' he lied to her.

Amara was a 16-year-old human girl born on the planet Onderon. She had long, flowing, curly, black hair, piercing blue eyes, and had a lot of attitude crammed into a five-foot-four little girl.

'So, what's been going on so far Amara?' Jason asked Amara while watching over the meeting that was taking place, and trying to sort out all his memories in his head.

'Master Pall has been giving his plea to the council about his teachings. Masters XoXaan, Muur, Dreypa, Syn and some others spoke earlier defending Pall's teachings in agreeance with Pall, and the council has been arguing every step of the way' she explained.

'Who do you think is in the right my padawan? Do you believe Pall and that we should be able to use the force to create an alter lifeforms? Use alchemy with the force to create and construct new things? Or is the council right in their decision to ban his teachings?' He asked her to try to find out what his padawan felt about everything in life.

'I'm not sure what to think master. On one side, his findings and teachings have uncovered so much that we have barely scratched the surface of, of what we as Jedi can do. Then the other side of it, his ways are bordering the line of falling into the dark side of the force. What he is doing is amazing, but at the same time, it could destroy us if we fall to temptation' she said with some excitement in her voice.

'Keep your voice low Amara, what you're saying is bordering joining the light or dark side. You don't want unwanted attention from those that would see Pall and his followers in chains' he whispered to her.

'Sorry, my master.' She said in a low voice as she scanned the room seeing if any were listening to their conversation. The council meeting continued for a couple more hours before it dismissed before it came to a physical confrontation between Pall and one of the leading council members, Master Arden Bendio. He was male Iridonian Zabrak, with dark blue skin and white horns atop his head.

After the dismissal, Jason and Amara left the temple to go for a walk in the gardens. 'So tell me, Amara, what is troubling you?' Jason asked sensing some tension in his padawan.

'Can't you sense how I feel master? I want to learn all that I can as a Jedi, I want to be strong in the force, I want to be like you master.'

'Like me? Hahaha, now why would you want to be like me? I hold the rank of master, yet I do not hold a seat on the council. Most of the other masters don't see me as their equal.'

'That's just it master, you never let it bother you that they made you a master but denied you a seat on the council. It doesn't bother you that you barely have any friends within the Jedi order because of your views on the light and dark side of the force.'

'Amara stop, you can't follow me down my path. Where I walk, you cannot follow.' Jason tried to explain to her.

'And why not master? Is it because I'm not as powerful as you? Is it because it's not the Jedi way?'

'It's because I walk towards death Amara!' Jason shouted almost letting slip of what has happened to him last night.

'It's because where I walk, there is no return for me. I shouldn't have filled your head with my radical teachings. You would have been better off with another master rather than me. I'm not meant to teach anyone.'

Amara stood there in shock of what her master just said to her. She hesitated before saying anything trying to hold back tears.

'Master I know you didn't want me as your padawan two years ago. I know the council forced you to take me on. I did my best to be the best padawan to you, to not be useless. I also did my best to try and control my emotions and feelings toward you, but I can't anymore master. I have fallen for you, and I won't let you leave me behind, I won't!' She said as tears began to roll down her face.

Jason could see the pain in her spirit. She had truly fallen in love with him, and it hurt him knowing that he couldn't return that affection. Not if he was going forth with his plans of growing strong in the force, strong enough to defeat Abeloth. He stepped forward and took Amara into his arms and pulled her close to him.

'I'm sorry Amara. I'm sorry that I can't return the affections that you have for me. There is something that has happened in the force, a path has opened up for me that I must walk alone. But I promise you this now Amara, I won't leave you, not now anyway, but if you walk this path with me, it will be painful for you. Do you think you could handle that?'

She looked up at him with a few tears rolling down her cheeks and gazed into his eyes. His stare had changed from the one he used to have. His stare used to be one of someone lost. No sense of direction for their life. Now, he had a sense of purpose in his look. Now he had a direction before him. She finally nodded to his question and laid her head back on his chest. After standing there for a few minutes till she calmed down, they left the gardens and went back to the temple and went back to their normal routine for the rest of the day.

At the end of the day, Jason returned to his room to sort out all that had happened today. He felt like as if he was inside somebody else's body today reacting so fast and casual to everything like he had been doing this for years. He knew that soon the Jedi Order would split in two. One following the Jedi code and the others following Pall into the darkness which would soon be the one-hundred-year darkness before their eventual exile.

After sitting on his bed for nearly an hour sorting everything out, he got up to take a shower hoping to clear his head. When he got out of the shower, he was about to lay down and look over his handy little app to see if he could find out anything else that might help him when he got a buzz on his comms device.

'Go for master Jason.'

'Master Jason, this is Master Pall, tomorrow I would like to meet with you in private at the cantina in the port at noon if you can make it?'

Jason paused at what he just heard and eventually replied. 'I will be there, Master Pall.' The comms had disconnected the call. 'And so begins our fall into darkness...'

Wow! I wasn't expecting that first chapter to do as good as it did! I want to thank you all for viewing it and adding it to your collections and for the power stones! You guys are awesome! And because of that, I'm giving you this chapter 2 earlier than expected.

I'm going to keep my uploads to 1-2 chapters a week between Friday thru Sunday. This is best for my work and social life.

Thank you all again so much!

SnuglyWolfcreators' thoughts
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