
×Chapter 7×Unlikely Friends


*Earth*( Year 3910)

*Center Region*

*Arcane Citadel Academy*


Navir being led by Illise quickly arrived at his room, Illise stopped infront of it."This is it Navir, I'm probably not allowed to go in, but I'll see you again later."She said with a smiled as she left shaking her hips elegantly.

Without even his notice he was caught in the trance of her walk having almost no resistance to things specifically like that, he then realized he was staring and looked away.

."Now, roommate."Navir said dryly as he touched the nob with hesitation before eventually pushing opened the door gaining a surprise.

Inside the room looking back at him was Leon with the serious appearance of heroism."You, you are my roommate, your name is Navir correct.?"He asked squinting his eyes as he flexed his muscular body.

."Yeah..."Navir responded looking up at him, he was really tall, way taller than himself who was six feet tall so it was definitely awkward for him who was usually the tower.

Suddenly on Leon's stern face a single tear dripped from his left eye."You, you are a true man, your heroic stance was nothing short of brilliant, standing in the face of danger to protect the damsels in distress *sniffle* sensational!!!."He shouted overflowing with emotion.

Navir watched this awkwardly not knowing what to do."Um, you too?."He was really confused of what was happening right now."I'm not very sociable."

."What, a heroic gentleman like yourself is having trouble with people, don't worry it's easy, just say whatever comes to mind and ignore the rest."Leon said shrugging it off casually."Works for me, come on in."

Navir entered the room taking his word into consideration."Really now, works for you, you must be popular then."He said looking around the room seeing two beds on opposite sides, between them was a fridge, an oven and on the wall was a clock.

."Well, everyone knows my name, Leon Heart, the bravest, most heroic, most powerful, most um, most most manliness man of all men."Leon said flexing his muscles again showing his ripping biceps.

Navir glanced back at him contemplating on what he should say to that, he didn't have any practice for this situation."Sure."He said plainly sitting on the empty bed as Leon already claimed his own.

."*Sigh* Glad they gave us the manliness room they could find."Leon said as he layed on the bed taking up the whole thing, his eyes then lit up."I know, how about we spar to commemorate our meeting."

When Leon looked up he could only see Navir's head, he was in the bed wrapped up in his sheets, his clothes were on a hinger on the wall and he was snoring hard.

."The hell, that was fast and how is he even snoring that loudly, *drip* *sniffle* that's so manly."Leon said with a stern expression as he wiped a tear from his eye with his flexed bicep.



Illise after walking Navir to his room was now headed to her own dorm and room, on the way she took her time to acclimate herself to everything around her then she ended up being distracted thinking of Navir.

."Fufufu, sir Navir is so cute, I'm so jealous of Whitney, but still."Illise spoke to herself as she looked at the room numbers passing by the doors in her dorm."I wonder what happened to him In that war, they screwed him over big time."

.""Do you really want to know that"".

Illise's steps froze as she heard a voice behind her.'I know that voice.'She thought as she jumped forward swinging her head around.'It's her!'.

Leaning against the dorm wall was Maria, her arms were folded casually as she gazed at Illise from head to toe before looking into her eyes with her own violet orbs.

."What do you want."Illise asked completely on guard and wary.'This woman is dangerous, I can't let her get near Navir, but what does she know.'

Maria smirked at her reaction."Why so tense, ohma, I see, you think that you can defend yourself against me, how funny."She said as her grin deepened."Let me tell you something, there isn't anything you can say or do....."

Illise felt a cool breeze then suddenly she was caressed by a warm breath tickling her ear."..To defend yourself from me."Maria whispered in Illise ears then walked to her room casually.

Illise stood in the hallway stuck in shock as her eyes were like pins.'Not possible, that's not possible.'She thought as she turned around stiffly looking at the room Maria walked into.

Illise looked up at the room number and a bitter expression appeared on her face.'Why me, I've suffered enough.'She shook her head as she walk into the room almost like a dreary ghost.

.""Welcome roomie, Hahaha"".


As the first day in the academy which is to be their prison for the next two weeks it was in their best interest to get to know the place they will be staying.

Some smart ones chose to walk around and fully memorize the layout of the entire academy, some just chose to loiter around with friends and have fun and other just like Navir just chose to enjoy some well deserved sleep.

Now it was evening and time was counting down to their first lesson, physical education with instructor James, for now it will be everyone but he will decide later the times groups train with him.

In Navir's room, he was still rolled up neatly in his sheets as his head poked out the top like a well made sushi roll.

Next to his bed sweating up the ground was Leon, he was currently doing some handstand push ups which is quite impressive especially when considering his size, it felt ungodly somehow.

.""1154, 1156, 1157....2000 HAA!"".

Leon pushed with all his might landing on his two feet sending small vibrations through the ground."Perfectly manly."He said satisfied but his face remained the same.

Navir who was resting opened his eyes to look at Leon who was noisy, as he did his eyes came across the clock on the wall reading 6:55."He processed it for a moment."We're late."

."Navir Navir, number one rule of manliness, never follow the rules of authority, be defiant and make your own rules."Leon said with intensity placing his fist on his waist and staring off into the distance(Wall).

Navir gave him a deadpan expression."You made that rule didn't you."He said in his sushi roll rolling on the bed comfortably.

."Exactly, as the manliness man around the authority is mine."Leon said patting his chest proudly."But still we should indeed be going, let's go, it would be rude to be late on the first day."

Leon said wiping his sweat, he then reached towards the curious Navir picking him up in the sushi roll placing him on his shoulder."On ward."He said with fiery passion in his eyes.

Navir didn't even bother to struggle as it actually felt comfortable."I'm naked though."He said calmly as he did a little wiggle trying to get out.


It seems that it wasn't just Navir and Leon who were late, a multitude of students could be seen rushing towards the colosseum at breakneck speed, at the entrance James was looking at his watch as the sea of students ran pass him.

."30 more seconds."James said sternly watching the time tic down, he frowned seeing that the only ones missing were Leon Heart and Navir Blackthorn, he turned getting ready to enter the colosseum.


James stopped his steps as a smirk appeared on his stoic face, he gazed into the distance seeing a black dot and realized that Leon was running and Navir was calmly nestled on his back."*Pfft* Really."He couldn't help but let slip a chuckled from his lips.

He glanced down at his watch."15,14,13,12,11,10."He looked at his watch counting down the time happily, this is the most enjoyment he had in a long time.

Leon was sweating away his liquid as he ran aggressively, Navir on his back calmly held on for dear life."Run faster, you can do it."He said giving Leon some mild encouragement.

."Haa haa who the hell haa haa made this academy so damn big, haa haa they should be fired, Ahhhh!!!."Leon exclaimed as he screamed being filled with an animalistic power as he passed James.


James closed his eyes with a slight smile, he turned around entering the colosseum also, coming face to face with all his students his face harden again.

He glanced at Leon who was on the ground now dying and Navir standing over him wiping "sweat" from his forehead."Alright everyone, we will begin with warm ups in one minute."James said projecting his voice.

Illise seeing Navir walked up to him."Hey Navir, you made it just in time."She said with a smile giving him her personal washcloth.

."Yeah, thanks, this place is huge, it took a really long time to get here."Navir said dabbing his already dry face then gave it back to her, he then felt someone grab his foot."Leon, what is it."

Leon was still on the ground dying as he catches for air."Haa haa Liquid haa I'm not built haa for haa for cardio phew."He said as sweat poured down his entire body, he was indeed too large for running.

.""Hi, my name is Maria, do you want to be friends"".

Maria along with her bodyguards came up behind Navir, she held her hand out towards him as she asked him a question.

Illise's eyes creased, Navir looked behind9o9 curiously."Mm, you are that lady that keeps staring at me, why do you want to be my friend."He said looking at her calmly.

."..So you really don't remember me..."Maria whispered with a bit of disappointment but it disappeared quickly, she smiled."Because you're interesting and you saved us yesterday, you were so cool, who wouldn't want to be your friend."

Navir raised an eyebrow as it did make sense."Ok then, my name is Navir, this is Illise and on the ground is Leon my friends also, get along with them."He said calmly.

."Nice to meet you for the first time Illise, you're so beautiful."Maria said complimenting her with a smile, she then glanced down at Leon."Is it alright?."

Illise eyes almost caught ablaze hearing her speak but she knew she couldn't do anything, Navir nodded his head."Leon is a manly man so he says, he just needs some water."He said shaking his hand off his foot.

Maria glanced at her bodyguard carrying a bag, which he nodded, he took out a bottle of water giving it to Leon who's eyes lit up snatching it away and gulping it down.

."I can feel the power, I'm revived!."Leon said getting up flexing his muscles with renewed vigor, he looked at Maria with gratitude."Thank you, you're an angel."

Maria smiled brushing it off, Illise on the other hand knew she was the opposite.'Angel my ass, she's the devil's daughter, she's definitely up to no good, since Whitney isn't here I have to do her job.'She thought with heroic thoughts.

.""Hello, since we're in the mood of making friends, am I welcomed to join this group"".

Illise gave a deadpan expression.'Another one.'She turned around and gained a look of surprise."...A boy!?."She exclaimed out loud then held her mouth.

Standing before them was a young man no more than 18, he was a bit short and thin, he had light blue eyes, dark blue hair, a cute girly face and his voice was feminine like that of a girl, indistinguishable even but he was wearing the male uniform.

."That's pretty rude of you, I am indeed a girl thank you very much, my name is Arrilie Venquis."Arrilie said rolling her eyes, she then looked between Navir and Leon."Can I be you guys friend as well?."

This time both Illise and Maria frowned as well, the girl looked specifically at Navir and Leon ignoring them, so she definitely had a plan.

."Why do you want to be our friend?."Navir simply asked her, just as he had done with Maria just now, it wasn't any different.

Arrilie looked at Navir for a bit before pointing up."Because God sent me to help you, she said you will need help so I should stay by your side and protect you."She said with an odd glow in her eyes.

."I don't believe in your God, is that ok."Navir said again, he looked into her eyes."Do you still want to be my friend?."

Arrilie nodded her head."It doesn't matter, God sent me to you, to stay by your side and help you along the way as the world ahead will be a devious one."She said clasping her hands together and praying in silence.

Illise's eyes widened at her words, Maria grinned at it."Interesting, you seem to know some things you shouldn't, it's a small world indeed."She said looking up at the artificial sky which she knew was a hologram as they were underground.

."I wouldn't say know some things, this is all knowledge I got from my glorious God, you should really thank her."Arrilie smile widely till it appeared like her face had ripped open."AMen."

Illise really questions Navir's sanity, anyone could see that she was bad news, he is too kind for his own good, he's going to get hurt if he's not careful.

.""Alright everyone, times up, form two equal groups, if you realize the group is uneven volunteer to go to the otherside"".

The short break had finished and everyone did as told forming two groups of 100 each, Leon, Navir, Illise and Arrilie were in the same group.

Illise looked at James with confusion, she glanced around at everyone."Alright, since no one is going to ask I will, why are we doing PE in our uniforms."She asked as it doesn't make sense.

."Finally someone with a brain, I had almost lost hope for all of you, was no one else really going to ask that *sigh*."James sighed as he rubbed his forehead."Press and hold the fifth button on your inside shirt and it will holo-shift into your EP clothes."He said.

Everyone tried it, Navir looked at his clothes curiously, pressing the button the clothes glowed and tighten on his body before revealing a black skin tight training fit.

."Woah."Navir muttered as he observed his clothes now, he looked up at the other's, their's were similar, Leon's looked abit weird because of his size.

James smiled as he pointed at a long rope infront of him."Now, tug of war, one group against the other, on to it."He said with pleasure at the possibility of their suffering, he was definitely a sadist.

Leon grinned."Very manly indeed, I'll destroy them myself."He said with excitement as he grab hold of the end of the rope, he felt like he alone could take on all of them.


The other group held the rope and instantly Leon felt like his arms will be popped off."A-Assistance!."He said as a vein bulged on his forehead, his feet dug into the ground drawing a line in the colosseum sand.

Navir chuckled as he along with Illise, Maria, her bodyguards and Arrilie grabbed hold of the rope also, feeling the pressure Navir glanced at Leon."You are pretty strong, I don't think I could hold this by myself."He said impressed.

."Of course, as a manly-oh shit."Leon said but was suddenly pulled forward, the other group was extremely strong as well, he looked at the other's of his group just standing around."What are you cowards waiting for."

It was like the group was in shock but hearing Leon they broke out of it and took hold of the rope as well, instantly it was way easier and the other group began to be pulled to James who was in the middle.


The person at the front of the other group took charge as he screamed out with vigor putting pressure, after all no matter what, if you could make it to the academy you were not an ordinary person, only money alone would not permit entry.

They were almost leaning completely back as they pulled with all their might, Navir's group wasn't backing down either pulling back with even greater force.

Navir as he pull had some flashbacks of his time in the military, this was apart of his training back then also, his team would always wins somehow.



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Thank You Very Much.

infinityGodcreators' thoughts
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