
Restitution of Fate: Another Life

WARNING: Contains adult content. Believing I was dreaming, I received the news that death is not the end, being reborn in an alternative world in the past with the opportunity to start a new life in 19th century Europe. I will seize the opportunity, and dedicate myself to creating a wide range of entertainment, conquering female celebrities and paving the way to become a Hollywood legend. I will be the father of cinema, the founder of Hollywood, the creator of filmmaking and the owner of the main studios. ------------- Assuming his new identity, he will use his skills to replicate and improve works that do not yet exist in this world, with the purpose of building the Hollywood film industry. Join him as his journey is just beginning. -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- *Note ¹ - Read the last note to check the genres and tags before starting reading. This novel unfolds slowly, with rich detail. There won't be a fixed posting schedule yet, but I will try to publish at least 3 chapters a week, each at least 1,000 words long. *Note² - This is my first official novel, and English is not my native language, so I will use automatic translations and artificial intelligence, which may result in errors, including typing errors. Feel free to correct me in the comments if possible. I would greatly appreciate your feedback, whether positive or negative, about my work. Thank you very much for taking the time to read my novel. *Note ³ - This is a work of fiction and many topics have not been extensively researched. Therefore, avoid criticism regarding historical accuracy, as this parallel world was created by me and I have the freedom to modify historical events. To learn about history, I recommend textbooks. Remember this is a fiction and fantasy story, created for entertainment. *Note ⁴ - This work of fiction explores a speculative narrative with historical and fictional characters. The events portrayed are entirely fictional, created from my imagination, in an alternative world with changes in the timeline. Therefore, this book should not be interpreted as a representation of real events, celebrities or real people. Any comments about them are purely fictional. *Note ⁵ - This story is inspired by several time travel books, focusing on Hollywood settings, where characters strive to become tycoons. This is my own version. The protagonist will be involved in creating comics from diverse cultures, TV shows, films, books and much more, spanning diverse media. I do not own the copyright to any of the characters or works mentioned. *Note ⁶ - Content: Urban Fantasy, Mature Rated, Slow Paced, Slice of Life, Sent to the Past System, Romance, Harem, Adult Elements, Entertainment Industry, Celebrities, Films, Marvel and DC References, Dominant Protagonist, Protagonist Ambiguous, Selfish , Blackmail Situations, Ambiguous Consent, Casting Couch Reference, Complex Romantic Relationships, Polygamy, Yandere Waifu, Domination/Submission Elements, BDSM, Explicit Sexual Content, Intense Sex Scenes, Threesome Scenes (F /F/M), Anal sex scenes, Shower sex scenes, Exploration of sexual fantasies, Exhibitionism, incest, Exploration of various fetishes, Consensual harem, Consensual temporary sexual slavery."

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Finally, I could relax. All the outcomes were in line with my preferences. Although it was abnormal, I had no reason to complain.

"Well, now that we've finished this game, let's start the next one," I heard the Goddess say. And I saw once again, she opened the desk drawer, stashed that cursed coin, and took out a few sheets of paper.

She handed me one of the sheets and kept the other. I could see that on one side of the sheet, there were spaces for filling in, while on the other side, the rules of the game were written.

I heard her say, "If it weren't for this game, you'd be raffling your special ability and then leaving shortly. But now, this will be the last thing to do. So, read the rules carefully because otherwise, you might regret it."

I began reading the rules and notes. In summary, both players must fill the twelve spaces on the page, taking turns until completing it. Only definitions related to the identity and family of the reborn can be created.

Each player has fifteen seconds to create a valid definition. If you can't, the other player gets the right to the definition. Physically impossible definitions or contradicting previous definitions are neither valid nor registered.

Moreover, what really matters is the intention used in definitions, so definitions can be spoken or thought in a generic or specific way.

Indeed, the game cannot cover every aspect; the gaps are filled by context. From what I understand, if there isn't a definition regarding the wealth of the reborn, a definition about the family's wealth can influence the wealth of the reborn.

After reading and rereading several times, I told her that I had finished. I saw that smile return to her face, and I sensed a hint of mischief. My luck in the previous game might have bothered her, and perhaps now she wanted to turn the tables against me.

The Goddess looked at me kindly, and in a fishy tone, she said, "Ah, I almost forgot. I will make the first definition. Out of generosity, I've decided that you will be reborn as someone you admire." 

Although his words calmed my apprehension a little, I was curious about in who I could reborn. I still distrusted her intentions, but time was short, and I couldn't waste it. So, I decided to prioritize my well-being and that of my family.

Then, starting with the first of the twelve definitions, she said, "You will be reborn as Louis Aimé Augustin Le Prince." And then it was my turn. Although for me the name was familiar, it doesn't allow me to be delayed, because I only had a few seconds.

As soon as the first definition was registered, I formulated in the second that all members of my family would be healthy. Seeing it regorded on the page, I relaxed a bit. However, when I noticed the Goddess looking uneasy, my suspicions were confirmed: she was plotting something. At least now, it would not be diseases or disabilities.

Then, in the third definition, the goddess said: "You will have an aunt fifteen years older than you, she is your mother's younger sister and will resemble the actress Lily Collins". I was intrigued by her intentions, but more importantly, I discovered, thanks to the Goddess's definition, that additions can be made to the definitions. I believe it works as long as it pertains to the same subject.

It was my turn to define. Recalling the rules, I formulated that I would be a biologically perfect Earthling. I was pleased when the definition was registered. It could have been deemed invalid, as perhaps it was physically impossible. But fortunately, it wasn't.

Despite the risk of losing a definition or turning into a monster, I decided to spend a definition to acquire a useful skill.

Firstly, I still didn't know if my special ability would be useful for survival. I was pleased because I now had a skill I could trust.

I know it may seem paranoia, but I've faced death so many times that I can't pretend it doesn't exist. With this capacity not only, I will not die of old age, but I will not die in a simple accident or murder. So I believe this is my most useful definition.

Secondly, there were solutions to my appearance. For example, I might not become a monster because the perfection for me implied having human form. However, by guarantee, I would spend one of my definitions on my appearance.

In addition, I concluded that if I was reborn in someone I admire, it would not happen the worst scenario: to be used in scientific studies by having my characteristics discovered in a highly technological world.

Apparently surprised by my definition, the Goddess expressed approval and said: "Congratulations! I admire intelligent people, but now it's my turn. So I determine on the fifth, that you will be the only living man in your family."

When she made the fifth definition I was in a bad mood, not because of the content, but because it reminded me of my childhood.

When she made the fifth definition I was in a bad mood, not for her content, but because she remembered my childhood.

The difficulties I spent with my mother, while my useless father struggled and died 'heroically' in World War I are still alive in me. He could have fled to another continent with his family, but preferred to die for a flag, a ridiculous piece of cloth.

From what did he fight and died?

By rulers who do not want to lose power to foreigners, but do not go and do not put their children on the front line?

For a community, where rich spoil food partying during rationing and poor people are hungry?

To ensure the safety of the family of others while putting their own family in danger?

For a salary, which when it exists, does not support even the soldier himself, the more his family?

For lands we could buy them working hard without having to pour blood?

By glory when most dead soldiers are forgotten, remembered only by their families?

For a alms called indemnity for death or disability, without purchasing power because of inflation?

Why if they earn, we all win? What if they lose we all lose?

Although for some my father was considered a war hero, to me he was a traitor, someone who exchanged his family for a stupid death.

A century after my birth, single mothers still face great challenges in educating their children, supporting their family and organizing the home. My mother faced these same difficulties, only thousands of times larger under the chaos of widespread war.

It's been so long, but I still remember the hell that my mother and I passed. It was a time of hunger, fear and violence. But my mother didn't give up on me. She gave me hope and strength to survive.

My mother is my hero. She did almost everything for us to live, even if that meant begging, working, stealing, robbing, killing or selling herself. Her principles were sacrificed, and her limitations overcome.

I wondered if it was worth it. After all, if I didn't exist, she wouldn't have to sacrifice herself so much. Nothing I did or could do would be able to compensate for what she did for me.

One day I asked her if she regretted having me. She told me that I was the reason for her life. Before me, she had nothing and without me, she would not have to live. It was cauterizing to know that I didn't need to do anything to deserve her love. Just that I existed was enough for her.

In the last moments of her life, my mother begged me so that I never gave up on the life she had given me. This promise was what kept me alive despite the great suffering. I owe my mother not just one but several lives. Thanks to her, I avoided ending my own existence at various times.

So I decided that I would use the next definition to prevent this story from repeating.