
Resta-Life! Restarting Life Can Never Be Great!

Game-enthusiast, solo-player, Sharrel Welmiller, becomes the first person to play the most anticipated Virtual Reality (VR) game of all time - Another World Adventure (AWA) - impossibly the very first game to have Non-player Characters (NPCs) with actual advanced Artificial Intelligence for the first time ever! The game takes place in a medieval-fantasy world, providing players the best lore, fantasy experience. Now, after nine months of the end of beta test of AWA, its official version releases. But Sharrel finds her precious top ranking AWA account missing in the game, meaning she has to start from rock bottom - again! [Special thanks to AshyRussian (Wattpad) for the cover!]

Zuffari_Auctor · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Ch-1 Part-3: Fashion Designer

I've made up my mind to play the game from the start again and to find out the cause for the loss of my AWA account myself. But now that I think of it, it's going to be a real drag.

Just imagine, all my friends & acquaintance have already started playing AWA since it's release day, and are probably of higher stats now. Also the ones who are joining now are probably normies who want to spend time, old people to get someone to talk to, young arrogant children who underestimate the game, and many more kinds of lame people. And God, I don't want to be in their category. It will feel horribly lame.

(Bus stops)

"Hey kid, we're at your stop." The old bus driver said, looking at me. Well there was no one to look to anyway, except for few old men & women in the seats designated for the elderly.

"Ok.." I said while getting up of my seat and collecting my stuff.


"Hey kid," he called me.


"Why do you still keep on using this old bus to commute? Kids of your age nowadays only use the subway or those fancy new buses to commute."

"Hmm... Never thought of it, but maybe it's because of the less people in here. And I also love the vintage look of this bus as well.."

A wide smile appeared on the old bus driver's face and he said happily:

"Well, happy to hear that someone still appreciates my commuting service!"

I got off the bus, and gave the old bus driver a packet of choco sticks as a token of my appreciation, since he's the only bus driver in this region with the most convenient & comfortable bus - well, in my viewpoint only, maybe. The other newer buses have so many people, I just can't handle the socialization prevalent in them.

I started walking on the streets, heading towards the café bookstore I frequently visit, with this large number of treats at my bag. Might as well hand the owner some choco sticks.

After a while, I got thirsty and stopped by the vending machine in between to buy a cold chocolate milk can. Then as I started to drink it, I saw a familiar girl across the road.

She crossed the road and was heading over here. She seemed to be wearing a familiar attire which I'd seen a lot before somewhere.

The feeling that I'd seen her before only grew stronger. It wasn't the kind of feeling one gets while looking upon people from the same class or school, or people whom one has met before somewhere randomly. It was more like looking at someone with whom you have deep connections with.

Her face wasn't properly visible despite the street lights and the lights illuminated from inside the buildings and the shops. As I continued walking towards her, I got to see her more clearly, and surprisingly, but slowly, I was astonished.

She noticed me, and with an irritated look, said, "Rayk- uh, Sharrel... huh?"

She was Cashey Fuller. A beta tester of AWA, like me — and also the one who invited me to join her party back in those days, despite me being a solo player. We three became very famous for being one of the strongest parties, and were assigned with tough, high-class quests, but we completed them with ease.

Us three were merrily spending our time in the game, killing monsters and betting money on brawls. Until that incident happened which forced us to disband our party.

I hesitated to still continue walking up to her, and thought of turning back, but since she noticed me before I could do that, that option has become invalid.

Oh, well, a reunion after a year won't hurt, I guess.

She stopped walking, so I too subsequently stopped walking. She took off the headphones she was listening to and glared at me. I had my headphones resting on my neck already, so I just turned off the music and looked at her.

"Been a year already since the last time we met, hasn't it, huh? Sharrel?"

She started the conversation with a straightforward, yet slightly irritated expression.

"Yup, it ha-has been very long." I said, while trying to sound a bit glad about meeting her, and continued, "What made you to uh- to come back here?"

"Why do I have to tell you that?" She said blatantly, with a slightly infuriated tone.

"Ah... Uh.. umm.. yes.." I continued, "Do you, uhm.. still play AWA?"

"Why are you acting all fidgety? It's annoying!"

"A-a-am I? Eh.. I don't..."

"Just shut up!" She got really infuriated and yelled at me, and continued walking.

It seemed like she was still angry of what happened back then. But she was not entirely wrong in doing so. After all, even I can't forgive myself for what happened in that incident.

She bypassed me and continued walking. I kept thinking that I had to say something to her, to somehow make up with her, even if it was a little. And shouted her name loud enough for her to be able to hear it.

She halted, and asked rudely while facing the opposite direction, "What is it?"

"I-I know you hate me for what I did back then, Cashey. Bu-but there was no other way around and that was t-the only best possible way. In fact, you yourself realize that was the only way..."

"Arrgggh!!" She yelled and turned to me, walked up close, and grabbed the collar region of my pullover and shouted:

"So you'd just kill a person?! HUH?!"

Everyone nearby started staring at us suspiciously. In order to not attract further attention I thought of ending the conversation with her, but she too seemed to understand the attention being received by her conspicuous yell, and calmed down.

She let go of my pullover, and continued walking.

I realized she had greatly changed from back then.

"Um, Cashey!"

She halted, and replied, "What?"

"Eh.. can we be.. uh.. best friends.. again?" I asked. This was something I had to ask her, no matter what.


"If only he was alive... " muttering that, she walked away.

A rain started drizzling suddenly. People on the streets started running for shelter. Meanwhile, I looked up the rainy sky, and slowly muttered:

"Do you think I would be able to reconcile with her?"

Before I knew it, the rain started pouring heavily, and I had to run to the café.

— - — - — - —

(Door opening)

"Welco-oh Hey! Sharry! Why are your clothes dripping wet!"

The owner of the café bookstore 'BooK-A-fé' said loudly from behind the counter table as I entered the place with my clothes drenched because of the rain.

"Eh.. Miss Kafy.. pant, I just..... pant, got drenched.... pant, in the rain.... pant, No biggie."

"You sound like a panting dog, you okay?"

"Was that line..... pant, necessary?.. Miss Kafy?" I replied back with a little irritation. "Of course I came here runnin'..."

She, then, threw a dry towel towards me to wipe myself with it.

"Your clothes are all wet. You should probably change them and take a warm shower if you don't want to catch a cold." She said, while heading up the stairs with a grinning look on her face.

Well, winter was also approaching slowly, and I definitely didn't want a cold as well. So I accepted her proposal.

(After the shower)

I came down the stairs with the clothes she provided me to wear till my own clothes dry up.

"Miss Kafy, uh.. what the hell is this?"

"Ahhahah, Sharry, you look so cute!!" She suddenly screamed with joy.

Ahh I knew it.

While Miss Kafy is the owner of a café bookstore, she's also a professional fashion designer in this region who is said to have a great fashion sense. Her designs have always proven to be very popular and trendy, and many people have acknowledged her skills. But that was just the way her fans and the public audience viewed her.

Ever since we got to know each other, she had often wanted me to put on her fancy clothes & dresses whenever I visited her café. When I asked why, she would say that it was because my latent cuteness was still locked in, and that she'll be the one to unlock it. The first few months after my meeting with her went by like that.

If I had to describe her in a sentence, she's a fashion enthusiast who likes to dress up girls like dolls, especially little girls and short girls.

While I was in the shower, I realized midway that she was probably trying to make me wear something cute again by letting me to take a shower here and drying up my clothes. And when I stepped out of the shower to check the spare clothes she provided me, it turned out to be true.

"Ah, the clothes fit you perfectly! The skirt length is also appropriate! Pant, oh wait, this hat goes well with your clothes too! Ahh, so cute!! Ahhahahahaha, this ribbon too! Wait a sec, I am going to bring the camera!!"

Woah, how long must have it been since I've seen her so excited?

Well, no matter how much I'd protest now, she will not be able to hear me at all. It's always like that. Once she starts dressing people up, she switches into her deaf mode.

"Say, pant, cheese!"

".....cheeeeeze....." I said in a monotone.

After taking my picture, she took the photograph emerging out from the slot below the camera and took it to her fashion-shots board, hanged near the stairs.

The board has uncountable photographs of various kids, mostly girls, who were persuaded to wear her dresses. The number of times she has hanged my photographs in that board would have been twenty-three times by now. I still can't believe I got caught in her ridiculous hobby so many times.

"Ahhaha, those clothes suits you perfectly. You can have it if you want!"

"Like hell I want something so girly!"

Later, I changed back into my original clothes, opened another packet of Choco Sticks and ate them. I shared some Choco Sticks to miss Kafy as well.

In return of wearing her clothes and being a fashion model for her, she provided me a caffé latte with marshmallow toppings and choco chip cookies on the house.

It was amazingly tasty. As expected of BooK-A-fé.

Miss Kafy lets me read the books in here for free. Which is why I feel indebted to her in someway. But I don't want to repay it by being her fashion model.


"The rain stopped, Sharry." Miss Kafy said loudly from upstairs. I wonder what she was doing upstairs for so long.

"I know miss Kafy." I replied.

"You're leaving?"

"Well, yeah. After all, I just came here to take a few latest books on pro hacking and the newest VReality Magazine."

"Ah, now that I remember, those came in just recently. Do return them soon, or my regulars will be upset." She said as she came down the stairs.

"Don't worry. You do know I am a fast reader, right?"

She thought very deeply for a while, and nodded.

"I've always been wanting to ask this, but.. why is your café a little different from other cafés? Miss Kafy?" I tried asking her one of the questions I've always wanted to ask her.

"Eh, what are you talking about, Sharry?"

"I'm talking about these action figures from various of famous movies, games, and series you have, neatly decorated inside that glass shelf." I said, while pointing my index finger towards the shelf beside her.

"Ah these.. We-well, th-they are one of my important collections." She replied with a startled look.

Umm... The way she replied. Something's definitely fishy.

"And uh.. what about those several costumes you keep in your closet above? That's also a collection?"

"Ye-yeah! That's too one of m-my collection! Uh... Yeah, my cosplay collection!"

"Even those fake blades and guns collection in the basement?"

"Y-ye-ye-ah! Th-that too!"

I stared at her suspiciously for a moment. She seemed like she was forcing a smile, but her shaking legs were giving it away. Well, I'll get to know about it someday eventually, so I stopped asking further.

The wall clock hanging above the counter striked 8 pm. I bade miss Kafy goodbye and headed home.

— - — - — - —

"Sighs, why did she suddenly started asking about these stuffs?" Said miss Kafy while glancing upon his action figures at the glass shelf.


"Who is it at this hour?" She picks up the phone and continues, "Who is it?"


"Ahh, Michael! What happened? Why are you calling through Hughes' phone?"


"Oh.. so that's what happened. But it's strange. Blackouts are really rare to occur in that region."


"New designs, eh? For the spring? Hmm.. maybe something cherry-blossom themed will be good. Eh? For the summer as well!? That's the same as making an office worker work overtime!"


"Oh now don't be so generous. Ok ok, I'll do it!" She replied happily upon hearing that the money she'll receive for this job will be double than before.


"Ahh.. ok. Yes ok! All right then, later!" She hangs up the phone and puts it back.

"Hmm.... So new fantasy costumes and designs for the spring and summer seasonal event. New skins and robes designs. And new seasonal weapons hmm.... "

- — - — -

I reached home like after fifteen minutes, opened the door and headed towards the dining room as I was unknowingly pulled towards it by a familiar delicious aroma.

I reached the room and found out my favourite spicy vegetable stir-fry dish above the dining table.

"Oh, Sharry," mom called from the kitchen, "ya back?"

"Yah mom, and here," I handed over few of the choco sticks and continued, "The people at dad's company handed me some choco sticks, so..."

"So ya went to dad's company, eh? Somethin' happened today in the mornin'? Ya were lookin' kinda glum since ya received your parcel this mornin'..." She said as she was putting the choco sticks I handed her in the Refrigerator.

"Well.. it's all sorted out now, so it's not a big deal anymore. Anyway mom, what's with today's dish?

"Oh this, well it's to celebrae' your, ya know?"

Hmmm... Was there something today? No matter how much I tried to remember, nothing came across my head. But since she cooked my favorite dish today, there has to be something.

"Eh.. what are you talking about mom?"

"Oh come on, Sharry. Ya think your mama's not gonna know what's goin' on wit' ya?"

"Sorry but I have no idea of what you are talking about."

"Sighs Im'ma talkin' 'bout 'ur love problem!"


"Mom, is... that all?"

"Oh, come on. What else could it be?"



I gave out the longest sigh i've given in like two months. Moreover, how did she mistake my silent morning tantrums for something like love?

Well anyway, I cannot leave her with this misunderstanding, or else dad will go nuts once he hears about this.

Explaining the technical situation I've been facing today to my mom would be a lot harder than to explain it to my dad, but if the misunderstanding was not cleared out of my mom, she would tell it blatantly to dad and then dad would become too anxious about her total fake story.

So I slowly, but steadily, explained what happened today... But in the simplest, easiest way possible. I didn't want to create any openings for her to question me about again.

"Ahh.. izzat so?" She went to the kitchen again with a gloomy face.

Mom has always been like this. She likes to talk about romantic stuffs and relationships, especially when they are related to her friends or relatives. She is reallt good at giving advices on such stuffs. But when it comes to identifying whether one is really in love or not, she's terribly bad at it.

Well, not like it matters to me. I finished my supper quick and headed upstairs to my room, opened the door, turned on the lights, and was about to flung myself on the bed, but then I realized — my bed was horribly unorganized, and my stuff were scattered all around in the room.

I must have thrown and kicked them around in the morning as a means to reduce my stress, but I don't recall scattering so much stuffs. Well, anyway, I can't play my games in a messy environment like this. So I picked up the scattered stuff, placed them back correctly, and organized my bed.

After the hard work, I went towards the door and glanced upon my room. My room looked way better than it was before. Well atleast now I can play in a comfortable environment.

I turned on the PC, put on the DG, lied back in the bed, and started the game — with no plan to come back to the real world for like six hours.

And again, everything in my vision turned white....


In downstairs—

Mom: (Depressed) Sigh Not this time as well, eh?

Tom: Just how did you come to that conclusion even? Well anyway, I heard sis' bought some snacks, so where is it, mom?

Mom: ....

Tom: Hey mom, don't ignore me!

Back in BooK-A-fé—

Miss Kafy: (Turning on the laptop) Ah, it's been a while since I was requested for the costume designs. Maybe they are running out of items in the premium market.... Oh, I've got a mail.

Miss Kafy: Huh? They want a perfect outfit for a strong female teen player?.... But it's for a girl so I might as well do it.

Ahh... going over my past self's work fills me up with cringe....

As for you readers, enjoy my past self's works littered with mistakes.

Zuffari_Auctorcreators' thoughts