
Looking Back

As the alarm blast near her bed, Kai Zha hurriedly moved. Saying her morning prayers, thanking God for another day, fixing her bed, washed her face and prepare a hot water.

Sitting at the kitchen waiting for the water to boil, she scooped some cocoa from a jar into her mug and multitasked preparing eggs for her breakfast. She planned to have a creamy omelet. Adding milk into the eggs, she stood and washed the rice to be boiled. Turning on the range, she also turned the radio on and danced as her favorite music aired. Puting butter in the pan and adding the egg mixture, mixing it making sure it is cooked to her liking. Seeing her water boiled, she put some to her mug and mix the cocoa adding a little brown muscovado sugar native to her province. Pulling the plug of her rice cooker, she took a plate and put some boiled rice, topping it with her eggs, a little coriander at the side and a little bit of ketchup. She artistically took a picture of her food and posted it in her Instagram account.

Sitting by the window, enjoying her meal and cocoa drink, she planned meticulously for the day. When she looked at the calendar, she paused for a bit and looked closely as she read the words written on the date. It was her grandmother's birthday today. Would her grandma lived till now, she could have been 91 years old.

Seeing this, she revised her plans and scheduled to visit her grandma at the cemetery before going on her usual routine.

She went by a flower shop, picking up her grandma's favorite purple chrysanthemum and payed for it hurriedly. Arriving at her grandma's grave, she put the flower on the vase near the side, lighted a candle and said a prayer for her grandma's soul.

She sat at the seat she and her aunt personally made and talked to the grave as if she's talking to her grandma. Reminiscing all of the memories she remembered. Oh, her sweet and loving gran, never ceased to love and understand her.

As she reminisce, she remembered one particular advice her gran told her. It was the last words she said to her before she died. The very words she always recited and made as the basis of all her principles in life.

Reciting it, she couldn't help but shed a tear. She missed her gran alot and she's kinda guilty to have nearly forgotten her birthday. Still talking to the grave, she told her gran of what she have become, her dreams and journey towards reaching that dream.

She's currently 23 years old and is an Emergency Medical Responder. She graduated as a nurse and passed the board on the very same year. after having an experience in an Emergency department of their local hospital, she took extra course, achieving her National Certificate II in Emergency Medical Services.

Having been experienced in emergency situations, she applied at a municipal EMS Team. And so far, she never regretted that decision. It was her dream, to take good care of her elders and other people in need. Being in the EMS, she was faced with different scenarios and different kind of persons. Criticism and bashing are only a natural addition to the mix.

Looking back at her last memory of her grandma. She couldn't help but think if she had ever done something her gran would have been ashamed or disappointed of her. And was glad to realize that she is lucky enough to stick to her principles.

With a light heart, she bid her gran goodbye asking for her guidance and blessings. She stood up and prepared to leave the cemetery, when she saw someone coming towards her way.

"Kai'er, I'm back! I'm so glad to see you again. How are you? I haven't seen you in a long while." The man greeted with a smile, spreading his arms wide open.

"Brother Cai Su? Is it really you?!" she asked shocked, and couldn't believe herself. Seeing this man again after a long time, waves of emotion surged her and she couldn't help herself but succumb to the warm man's open arms. She trembled as she cried hugging him while thinking, 'He's back. He's finally back!'

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