
Chapter 2 Daniel Walker pt.2

--Thursday, 26 August 1975, 19.00

St. Paula Hospital, Raccoon City, United State

Outside the door of the operation room, a man was can't stop walking left and right waiting for his wife and child which is struggling in the room. He keeps looking at his watch and the room sign which is telling that the mother is still struggling in the room.

In a bright room filled with all sort of equipment for childbirth, a woman an a doctor along with a couple of nurses attended to a single woman who was struggling to give birth to her baby.

Keep pushing it, Madam!! the baby is almost out. said the doctor who was helping with the childbirth. After some moment which it feels like forever for the mother, the child was born.

Wahh!! Wahh!! Wahh!!

Congratulation Madam it's a boy said the doctor. After washing the baby with warm water from whatever cloaking his body, drying his body with a blanket, the nurse cheerfully handing the baby to his mother.

When the of the child was heard by the man outside, he finally can breathe some breath, hearing the sound of the child, he quickly rushes to the room. Seeing that the mother was holding the child with a smile on her face making him feel both happy and blessed. So? what would his name be Lucy? asked the man to his wife.

Smiling to her handsome husband, the mother looking at her baby while saying 'How about Daniel? Daniel Walker!, I think it's a very good name, what do you think James?

Yeah, I also think it's a good name. Both smiled. After putting the baby into the crib, the mother who was exhausted after giving birth finally sleeping.

Raccoon City, the city at the 1950s was only some small rural village at the edge of Raccoon Forest. at the late of the 1960s, Umbrella Pharmaceutical corps moving and urbanization begins took off rapidly. During this decade, the city saw the construction of a tram line linking it to Stone-Ville and the Arklay Mountains, while the Kite Bros. Railway constructed a subway system, opened in 1969. Also in this year was the establishment of the Raccoon Police Department (RPD) as a municipal police force and construction of the Raccoon Police Station, though the Arklay County Sheriff's Department (ASD) had a continued presence in the area.

With the economic boom aided by Umbrella's continued investment in the city into the 1980s, the company town had expanded far beyond its 1950s limits and was fast becoming a tourist spot, taking in out-of-state hikers, and the subway had expanded to encompass eight stations. A river dock was also established along the Circular river following Umbrella's arrival.

--Time Skip--

Sunday, 15 October 1976, the one-year-old Daniel spoke his first word.


OH! James look!! Our child said Mama!!

He also said Dada!

Yeah looks like he will grow up to be not only handsome but intelligent!

Tuesday, 5 July 1978, Daniel started walking and could speak like some 6 years old.

Saturday, 6 December 1981, it's been six years, showered with love by both parents, Daniel grows up to be a very bright and sensible child. In these six years because he was very intelligent he starts to read any books in their family library, Math, Science, Biology, a story about myth and legend, art and other literature, etc. at this year Daniel also starting to attend school, although he already knows the subject but their parents still tell him to go to school to socialize with the child of his age. in this year his parent trying for the second child because Daniel is already big enough.

Thursday, 26 August 1982, In the living room which is decorated with multi-colored lamp, ballon, and not to mention a big cake. Daniel celebrated his seven birthday, they invite his school friends along with their parents and their neighbors. At that night when he is sleeping, he meets with the god again, the god gives all the gift he promises along return his past memories.

Friday, 27 August 1982, the morning after he meets the god after remembered everything about his past life and about some of the event in the future, he began his plan for the future, starting with finishing his school and join STARS, meeting the protagonist of this world, and many other plans to protect his family. By the time he is thinking about his family, he remembers that his family is not like him which is immune to the virus, and he feels he really stupid for not asking the god when he first meets him. Since that is the case then maybe he should use his blood to make the antivirus since he is immune to all kind of virus also he heals very fast. Then technically by using his blood, he can ensure his family would not be contaminated by any kind of virus in the future.

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