
There was an antidote

I want to look for my dad but I can't see him. It's too dangerous to go outside. The virus was quickly spreading. I collected all things that I can use for weapon. My baseball bat, knives, and axe. I was trying to open dad's room but it was locked. So I think I need to use one of the things I collected. Thank goodness I had the axe. I destroyed the door. Many laboratory items was all over his room. I saw a letter on the table that said "Derri, be safe. All the workers and kids that were injected. They came to your school but you weren't there. If you are reading this. I loved you, If you're wondering I was in Umbrella HQ. I love you Derri. I hid something In the drawer. It's the anti-virus. Inject it to yourself if you're bitten and I know they injected a T-virus to you. Save some so sometimes if you're bitten, inject it to yourself. I love you very much". Oh I should check the drawer. I was about to open the drawer but I heard something. I can't close this door because it's broken. So I think I should fight. They broke through the glass. Many zombies came inside. It's too many of them. I can't fight them. So I went back to my dad's room and I closed it using a cabinet. I didn't go to my room because there's nothing important there. Here I could check for special stuff I can use. There's many drawer here I don't know where the anti-virus is. I opened many drawer. The last and only drawer was the cabinet I used to close the door. The cabinet was laying backward so I have to turn it again. The zombies was just outside the door. I think I'll have to defend my self. I turned it slowly. There was two zombies outside the door. I pushed the cabinet or drawer to turn it. I quickly slash one of the zombie's heads off. The other zombie was so active and strong. But it's no match at me I was fast and zombies are slow. I ran towards the door, I turned the cabinet to the right side. When I was opening the cabinet to get the anti-virus. I was bitten. I quickly get the anti-virus and inject it to me. All the zombie movies I've watched, if you got bitten you'll be infected and also turn to one of them. Thank goodness my dad hide an anti-virus.

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