
Limited World

"Dad!" I said "I missed you Derri"

"Are you ok?" dad asked me "Yes I was dad" I said "Hey George! How did you got the anti-virus?" John asked to dad "Well I was a scientist" Dad exclaimed "Did you stole it?" John said "John pls stop!" Norman said "Well, You stop!" John said " *Derri did you have the anti-virus?" Dad whispered at me as the argument continues "Yes I had It, Can't you see it dad, I was holding It" I said "Oh!" dad said then a gunshot echoed all around the Headquarters. Norman shot John "Hey why did you do that?!" Dad asked "He won't stop" Norman said "Are you alright Derri?" Dad said "Yes I am" I said "Let's get out of here Norman" Dad said. Out side was filled with walking dead people, we'll be safe here,I guess. "Norman you're assigned to a mission" a man said "What mission?" asked Norman "Oh.. Who's this kid?" that person asked "Albert Wesker,he is my son" dad said "Well why did you brought him?" Albert said "Hey didn't you heard me" Norman said "I don't like children" Albert said "Well I can see a briefcase of anti-virus on you're hand kid" Albert said, I quickly grabbed a gun on his waist then pointed the gun at him. "Put that gun down kid" Albert said "Well If you didn't want me in this freaking ugly place, I might as well get out of here" I said walking on the way outside.

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