
It's time to survive

1 years later...

I met a woman named Claire Redfield. Claire helped me when I was roaming the Racoon City Hall, I didn't know what to do because I walked away when this Albert tried to stop us. Many things happened, many people died. "Hey Derrick wanna go exploring outside?" Claire said "OK" I said "Wait don't forget your gun. " Claire said. We are all limited in this world,we have to use weapon when going out, we have to be safe, we have to be brave. Claire taught me how to use a gun. It was heavy at first and it has a loud sound that echos on my ears. It was loud at first but I got it now. It was a loud bang. I had too many questions. Is dad still alive?, are we all going to be safe here?, will the world going to be back again?, will Umbrella solve this problem or are we all going to die out here?.

"Are you ready Derrick?" Claire asked "I'll bring a bag just in case we found some stuff while we're roaming" I said "Ok let's go" Claire said. What if we visit Umbrella Inc.?

We just went walking and walking in this hot sunny desert. There are some crow flying around. Just then one of the crow bite me but thank goodness I was wearing sleeves. "It's dead" Claire said. I scared away the crow but all of them was now following us. "Run!!" Claire screamed. Many bullets had been wasted and now we're out. "Hey Birds" a woman said then the crows followed her. She has a fire gun or something I don't know what it is but it shoots fire. She opened it then set all the crows that goes after her. All the birds were cook all of them became roasted birds. "Thank you ma'am" I said "Thank you but who are you?" Claire asked "My name is Alice" that woman said "Thank you Alice" Claire tanked Alice "Your welcome" Alice said "What are you both doing out here in this hot desert and you are still a kid" then Claire grinned "Wait what was your names?" Alice asked. We entruduced ourselves to Alice. We then walked back to the hideout with Alice. We talked about what was happening but I knew it because my dad worked there. While we are talking In the way to the hideout. The crows are infesting it. Peoples were panicking. Many of them were lying in the ground, died.


"It was just easy!" Alice said

She cooked all the crows and all kinds of birds. It took some time. She all finished cooking it without any sweat. "Now we have our dinner" one of our member said and we burst out laughing.

I'm sorry because I stopped for a while. Just keep supporting our story guys?

Jopp_Philcreators' thoughts