
Gear up and......... practice?

Lazily I take seat at Tom Diners.

The waiters come and ask what I want to order.

"Can I have breakfast menu"

"Sure, how do you want your eggs?" the waitress reply.

"Sorry, what do you mean eggs?"

"Omelette, scrambled or sunny side? " the waitress cordially reply.

"hmmm..I think I like sunny side but runy, can you do that please?"

" yes we can"

"thank you"

After a while the waitress come and bring my order. Famish I start chowing the food.

' hey it's good'

While I'm eating and gaze through the window,

I Noticed something. Display of neon light and big sign on top.


Oh a pawn shop right across the diner windows. One word caught my eyes. Guns! Pawn shop also sold guns ! Although it's probably used one, but a gun still a gun right?

After finishing the meal, I sauntered to the pawn shop across the street.

" Ting" the bell at the door announce my entry to pawn shop.

So I bought this secondhand ( or how many hand) 22.lr revolver and three box of bullet.

After scouring yellow pages for list of gun range. I manage to find one closest to the hotel.

'Hi ho let's go!' while on back of my mind image of dwarf lines up pop up

At the gun range, I manage to rent a lane, after fumbling try pasting the target paper at the railing...

I try to shoot my revolver. PTASS!!

pull the trigger as hard as I can. Quickly emptying the chamber.

All the other guys at the range just sigh and shaking their head.

I check my paper target.... it's clean none of the shot hit.

i thought it'd be easy as in videogames. Just need to align the iron sights to target.well just reload and shoot again.

Well times run fast if you finish three box of bullets and successfully miss most of your shot. .. Bummer.

Another thing comes to me. If I could only save using typewriter. The ink ribbon would be necessary.

I should try find as many as possible rite?

While trying to find another ink ribbon. I learned that mysteriously none of ink ribbon that I bought match the typewriter slot ....

Damn!...Oh well times to practice shooting. Except I had no more cash, to buy bullets...

'jeez why no systems bestowed upon me!' as i grumble.

A week later Z-day comes.

The chaos start.

' inhale' ' exhale' trying to regulate my breathing, calming the jitters.

"Here goes nothing" somehow my pessimist attitude kinda comforting. Open the motel room door, look left and right. and start walking. Take left avoiding couple crashing cars. 'Brrrr' been blown before, and the feeling of shrapnel punctured my body make me shiver.

Times to run pass couple of zombies! don't want to be another chow mein rite?

I run as fast as I can.

'okay safe!' I slip into the alleys on between fences.

' Fyuh' made it. oh damn a lonely zombies block the only way.

"Okay it's just you and me, baby!"

I aim carefully at the zombie head, hold my breath pull the trigger.

'PTASS!!' one shot,miss.

'PTASS!!' two shot,a little closer.

'PTASS!!' Hit! a new hole added to zombie cheek.

'PTASS!!' bingo! another hole in the forehead.

And the zombies drop to the ground and start seizur, maybe the bullet short circuit the brain.

'Hey i did it!!'

Suddenly something grab my stretch arms and bite it!

'AAAARRGGHH' shit. A Zombie suddenly burst from a window. It manage to sink it's teeth to my forearm.

'aw hell!!' instead pain, I feel annoyed, damnit another restart

no luck then. the infection will kill me anyway.

So start pushing the trigger at the zombies face. Sure it's ain't pretty and gory as well.

' clack' clack' sounds of dry revolver echoes in my ear.

I try to reload my gun. Which is troubling, consider reloading revolver chambers with individual bullets is time consuming. plus added difficulty torn forearm and zombie attracted to my gun discharge noise.

Fuck it. Let's treat this time as practice run. The zombies start converging to my position.

'PTASS!!' hit the sidewalk!

'PTASS!!' manage to crack windshield of a car.

'PTASS!!' finally hit a zombies torso!..... at two metres distance.

" Hehehe" a chuckle released.

Some shots i am. The zombies start closing in. Got nothing to loose I start swinging my fist.

"LEEROY JENKINS!!!!". I scream while my consciousness start to fade, being supper for the zombies. while im wandering ' who the hell is LEEROY JENKINS?!'