
Chapter 10: Lucifer.

Lily, massacred an entire race of Sand Drillers and almost made them extinct.

'I have tried my best, yet why are you still resisting?'

Lily was mad and her power was increasing at a rapid pace.

She sealed off the eco share between the main body and herself to make herself stronger, but in exchange, she can't borrow or receive mana or/and skills at the same time.

*Earth Quake.*

The entire plane started to shake. Lily knew what the shaking meant and went up in the air to have more vision.

'It seems like they are the troops of that stupid soul monster.'

The Pyramid of Giza. The truth is, it can destroy an entire Crown-Level holder if it goes to an all-out war.

'That pyramid has over 1 billion troops. I can't handle it alone, but thankfully I'm not alone.'

The roots started to move as if it was revealing something.

"My dear lovelies, attack."

Giants, dragons, tigers, etc made out of wood and roots appeared and started to attack at full power.

Green particles started to gather at Lily's hands and condensed into one green star. "Nymph magic [ Nature's Roar. ]"

The green star transformed into a green beam. It contained the power of nature and could even make an entire desert into a lush forest.

"Death magic. [ Life Reverser. ]"

The pyramid of Giza fired a black beam of massive death from its mouth and fired it at the beam of [ Nature's Roar. ]

The two beams of life and death collided with each other, trying to make the other one fall.

The face of Giza looked like a lion, as it could use a lot of death magic and curse magic.

'My forces can't hold at all. The power boost and the curses are too much.'

Lily scanned the Pyramid of Giza and felt it watching closely with the power of death.

"I surrender. I'll come back again for round two, [ Un-Summon. ]" Lily said as she became a red seed and disappeared out of thin air.


At the main body, she could feel someone watching her from the lava.

"My dear baby, I will come back after taking care of a problem."

Kim Hajoon jumped down from the main base and floated in the sky.

"I know you're there. Dear Lucifer." Kim Hajoon smiled as he looked at the lava.

Black wings with a devilish jet-black horn flew up and he looked good. As in hot. He only wore shorts and revealed his fine body.

"You really are something," Lucifer said with a smile as he pulled out his jet-black long sword and said. "But unfortunately there can only be one ruler, and that is me."

Lucifer disappeared and appeared on Kim Hajoon's back as he tried to dodge.

As Lucifer's long sword hit Kim Hajoon's body. A green light that had flowers blooming and vines tangling around the sword blocked it.

[ Guardian ] a skill that can be automatically activated when attacked.

"Too slow. [ Self Destruct. ]"

On the heart of Kim Hajoon, a red light started to bubble and exploded.

Lucifer was directly hit and was sent flying. The force of the impact made Lucifer's body explode into pieces.

More clones of Kim Hajoon started to fall and revealed over 1,000 clones ready to self-destruct at any moment.

"Is this all you've got?" All the clones said at the same time.

"No. [ 10 Fold Damage. ]" Lucifer disappeared in a second and started to massacre every clone.

Once the clone was cut in half, it then used [ Self Destruct ] and damaged him more.

"I am impressed with your power. All clones. [ Un-Summon. ]"

Kim Hajoon didn't have a choice, but to use his trump card, especially when faced with a crown holder.

The red seeds started to come into Kim Hajoon's body and a burst of light covered Kim Hajoon.

"[ Destruction Mode. ]" The last trump card of Kim Hajoon was used.

'I might lose a lot of mana permanently, but it should be enough for me to take the Crown of Hell.'

Kim Hajoon beted everything and if it failed it would mean death.

"[ Summon: 6-Foot Majestic Sword Maiden. ]"

The 6-Foot Majestic Sword Maiden was summoned and became a small blossom flower on her head.

Kim Hajoon's hair transformed into bright pink, because of the 5-Foot Majestic Sword Maiden, and her outfit completely changed.

Her long red horn on the middle of her forehead and her jet-black armor and her red scales could be said as her armor at the same time. Her body was sickening to see.

[ Notice: All defense skills and buff skills have been used. Please be careful. ]

Kim Hajoon's arms, legs, chest, back, and shoulder, were covered with full armor.

Her skin was already as hard as all the dragons combined and with the help of her armor, she was practically invisible on the first floor.

"[ Combine. ]"

The flower crown and the whip were combined along with different items to support it and it became an SSR rank along with the armor.

< Name: Absolute Ring of Madness. >

< Rarity; SSR-rank. >

< Skills: Demon Blood Technique-SR-rank-Can control blood particles of other bodies or the body, Snake of Greed Technique-SSR-Rank-Can steal the opponent's power and make it their own at a 100% rate, Seed of Wrath Technique-SR-rank- The power to exchange your madness for power, Authority: Death Plant-SR-rank, Authority: Demon & Death-SSS-rank. >

"I'm ready." Kim Hajoons smiled and attacked at full power.

A giant pink sword appeared on Kim Hajoon's hand and attacked Lucifer.

"Your sportsmanship is lacking," Lucifer said with pity in his eyes.

"[ Snake of Greed. ]" A mix of black and purple snakes came out of Kim Hajoon's body.

"That's a dangerous skill."

The power to kill any monster as long as it bites the target. It was the [ Snake of Greed ].

Lucifer knew this. That's why he was able to dodge it.

"Sometimes. The strong are always strong and the weak are weak."

In a second. Kim Hajoon's body was cut to pieces as he tried to comprehend the phenomenon.

"[ Mother's Domain ]"

A green light covered the entire place, but Lucifer pushed her away from the domain and they both fell on the lava.

"Primordial magic [ Eternal Suffering. ]" Lucifer activated a skill that is a double-edged sword.

The power to feel eternal pain as long as the target is in the lava also means that he would be affected.

"[Nature's Care. ]" Kim Hajoon felt the pain, but with all the deaths of her clone, this would be nothing.

Kim Hajoon's body started to regenerate as he started to absorb Lucifer's power by using the [ Snake of Greed ] and using other skills to make it more efficient.

"6-Foot Majestic-No Lui Shua, activate [ Sword Catastrophe ]"

Pink swords appeared out of nowhere and started to shoot in random directions.

"[ Lava Explosion. ]" Lucifer kept on activating double-edged spells just to try and damage Kim Hajoon.

"[ Neutralize. ]" With both their authority at the same level, no Primordial spells could be activated.

"[ Bloom ]"

Weathered Rose vines appeared out of nowhere and made a small cage.

The cage was a simple circle cage that could let anyone escape, but most of Lucifer's power was sucked.

"I really did underestimate you. [ Break Power Caps. ]"...