
Requiem Of Pandora's Devil

Countless Pantheons rule the heavens vying for domination and our mc died an unknown death? and was reincarnated but as a SYSTEM?! His job given by a mysterious god is to nurture an army of mc tropes and help them become their worlds finest, watch as our mc defies the heavens and brings chaos to the natural order! With an army of mc's? (Please when you make a bad review please do include what you think is bad and what I should improve on even if u do make pointless bad reviews I will not delete them keep that in mind.) Big thanks to _VA_ for editing and adjusting the cover check "Tools of Slaughter: Story of a Human " an extremely good novel of hers

Pandoras_Actress · Fantasy
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20 Chs

A Shit Plan With A Tad Bit Of Plot Armor Needed

A/N: Welp, after a friend of mine told me that it confuses people when theres no quotation marks I was like "shit they that stupid? not u ofc my readers im talking about the minority" but I said they're talking in their heads so no need but he said its still confusing so when they're talking I'll put theses slashes like this / for example /hi Im a licensed sex offender/ like that but this slash "/" is for the system and this slash "\" is for the host and a double slash "//" means the mc is concealing his thoughts. Sorry for the inconvenience.



/First, Kid, get me a map of the plains I need to know the hunting spots for the Hares, I also need to know where they live and all their attack and movement patterns./

\Oh, heres a map of the whole territory Master\

/Mm, the plains only takes up about 20% of the territory, the rest is by the Great Forest and the city, that should be about 2,000,000km² Holy shit thats a giant amount the fuck is this world that's a colossal amount of space. And it seems that the hares only live on the hill to the south border of the plains./

/Their tunnels should stretch deep into the hills, having entrances all across the hills but those "Hills" are more like mountains they have a height of 16 kilometers THATS DOUBLE THE SIZE OF FUCKING MOUNT EVEREST!!/

/Smoking them out would be a good option but that would be an option if "that" was an actual mother-fucking HILL it seems like the best option would either be a trap or smoking the first option is a no-no and the latter is quite pointless, cuz the smoke would just wash away after a while cause the air would get thinnn.../



\...uhhhh Master why are you laughing your frightening me/

/...its 𝓃𝑜𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔/

\oh ok...\

/but I do have a plan, first we'll have to find a few suitable hare burrows to attack/

(1 hour later of scouting)

\Ok so we've found only one suitable burrow, is this enough Master?\

/hmmm no its not but at least tell me how large the burrow is/

\Its spans about 300 kilometers the smallest burrow out of the 30 burrows we found its pretty small, and it only has 78 entrances but still... a normal flames smoke would only make it about 50 kilometers in we at least need a Greater flame to reach all the way in but those are somewhat rare once they're put on the market nearly all the noble houses buy them in bulk, my family is actually short on Greater flames this year my father wouldn't allow me...\

/hmm I see I'll think a way around it give me a minute/

\Ok Master\

/Wait kid, have you ever seen a live Killer Hare?/

\Hmm? Oh yes sir, I have, but what does that have to do with anything?\

/Well, do the hares have a lot of fur?/

\Well yes of course its very cold in the winter time so most animals and beast have adapted and gained heavy fur coats\

/If a leporid like animal such as a hare which has a heavy fur coat were to try to swim their heavy fur coat would drown them wouldn't it not?/

\ho, HO, OHOHO, Your the best Master!\

/Ahem* Ahem* Of course I know, I am all knowing if you did not know littler one, but I have raised countless legendary Sages/


//Meh I don't feel guilty, plus he'll definitely put more trust in me if I keep bragging like this... right?//

\But Master you still haven't told me the plan\

/Cough* Cough* I was getting to that don't but in, The plan is to flood the tunnels and to eventually flush out those hares/

\But Master wouldnt all the water be absorbed by the soil?\

/Ahem* Ahem* YOU FOOL DO YOU THINK I WOULDN'T KNOW THAT?! When soil becomes hydrophobic due to dry and burnt plants sinking into the soil a wazy layer from on the surfaces of the soil making it hydrophobic, it repels water instead of absorbing it to provide moisture for plant growth! So all we need to do is to

\Whaaaaa, what are you saying Master you're making me confused\

//Is this how Chemistry will help me in this life?//

/Hmph such a foolish kid doesn't even know simple facts! I must teach you, it seems!/

\Ohhhhh Master is so Wise!\

/Fufufu of course I am, but even if the unexpected happens, and the water is absorbed by the soil, the water would condense even though it's quite cold this time of year and become humid and damp thus making the Hares Uncomfortable and thus forcing them out!/

\But what then Master, Do I just kill them all and then rinse and repeat?\

/Hehe of course not we'll have to make a long-term investment.../





And that's the end, I can't believe it my self and thus this piece of shit author has made another filler chapter but next chapter will be good... I think.

"Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know."

I like theses Pre-Made messages they're good so listen to this ok.

"Creation is hard, cheer me up!"

Listen to this one too. This just means "PLZ VOTE I BEG YOU!"

"Like it ? Add to library!"

And listen to this one while ur at it (゜▽゜;)

Byeeeee! ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ

Pandoras_Actresscreators' thoughts