
Grey orbs


The cool breeze softly brushed against my skin. I wasn't loving the weather in anyway. Drops of white flakes fell on my thick jacket, I always hated when it snowed. Back in my home country Nigeria I easily fell sick when it was just normal small harmattan, now just think about how awful my cold becomes anytime it snowed. Yes, that horrible.

"Achoo!" I violently sneezed as I walked into the school building.

"Bless you" Felica said as we walked side by side. She was holding my hand as we walked, apparently she was trying to keep me warm. Ah, if only I could marry this female and keep her all to myself. Wait, come to think about it again, I definitely could right?

"Thanks" I mumbled as I sniffed a Little. God knows how I'd be surviving if I didn't have this my fairy of a roommate in my life. I absolutely adore her.

Tightening her hold on my hand while rubbing my knuckles she asked for the fifth time "Adina you are sure that we shouldn't go to the pharmacy to get you some cold medicine?"

I smiled "Yes my amazing friend Feliciá, for the thousandth of times, I'm sure. Don't worry if my condition gets any worse you'll definitely be the first person I'd inform" I finished telling her before throwing a wink her way as an added bonus.

"You'd better" She huffed as she once again increased her hold on my hand, while still rubbing the dorsum of my hand.

Making our entrance into the hall we were to hold our lectures, I spotted him before I could even manage to stop my wandering eyes.

"Ah I see star boy is as early as ever" Feliciá muttered from beside me. Well Zachary was always one of the few first person's to class, that was a given with his perfect attendance and all.

"Oh Greg is sitting over there" Feliciá pointed out his whereabouts to me and thank God for his infinity mercies before the roll he was sitting was a good four rolls behind where Zachary was seated. Boy did I feel like the luckiest human on planet earth right now.

Adjusting my head warmer I pretended not to see that I and Zachary's eye's didn't just meet. The event from yesterday came rushing down in full waves as if it were a fresh wound. God did I feel exceptionally embarrassed.

'My name Somadina, say it again' Really Adina? Chai if only the earth could just open up and engulf me whole. Yes, it was definitely to that point of embarrassment.

"Is there something wrong, Adina? I swear you're looking paler than you were some seconds ago. You are sure that..."

I quickly cut Feliciá off "Yes I am sure I don't need to go the pharmacy. I'm good, really" I hope I sounded convincing enough.

Ah, well there was another thing, I didn't quite tell Feliciá about my little run in with Zachary yesterday. Let's just say I purposely made sure that it slipped passed my mind.

"I'll take your words for it" I guess it was a success then.

Finally reaching our seats I sat down, rather hastily. I felt myself swallow harshly as I noticed that 'his' eyes were still trained on me. And boy was he making it quite obvious to the rest of the class. Hell I thought he couldn't recognize faces very well, does he even know if it's me or not. I can't be really sure when it came to this guy honestly.

"Uhm Adina" Hearing my name I easily noted the voice. It was Greg. I didn't turn around to look at him though, I only made a small 'hmm' sound.

My eyes just couldn't leave those grey orbs that were also solely focused on me. Now I understood that cliché saying that went like 'As I stared into his orbs, I couldn't help but to be drawn in deeper and deeper'. It almost felt like I was drowning, only that the water was non-existent. For goodness sake, why does it look like he is staring into my soul?

Greg continued "Uhm is it just me or is the cold stone prince staring directly at you?"

I heard a chuckle from Feliciá "Oh no, it definitely isn't just you my dear boy. I'm pretty sure everyone is bearing witness to this rare event"

Before anymore could be said, the professor strolled in at the perfect moment. Normally it is said as 'saved by the clock', but in this instance, it's more like saved by the Prof.

I believe professor Danvier was on the road to becoming my best professor yet.