
Renegade Hyuga

"This kind of village, this kind of family, and even this kind of world, it is up to me to make changes." This is a story where one renegade Hyuga might become the enemy of the entire world. "Five Great Ninja Villages, I am not targeting anyone, but for the sake of peace in the Ninja world, you just happened to be in my way." "For the sake of peace in the ninja world, I hope the ninja world can sacrifice itself. Are you willing?" (DISCLAIMER: THIS IS A TRANSLATION WORK) (DISCLAIMER: I DON'T OWN NARUTO)

Ur_Mom_Gay · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs


Since they are in a special circumstances, they could only go back tomorow

Sarutobi Asuma has gone back with an Anbu.

After all, he is the son of Third Hokage and deserves to be cared for and protected.

What's more, Anbu is Hokage's direct subordinate. Even after Namikaze Minato becomes Fourth Hokage, he can assign Hatake Kakashi to take care of his pregnant wife.

At the same time Hatake Kakashi also left alone, his father had already left when he came out.

Hatake Kakashi is not an ordinary child, and he didn't cry or care.

"Then let's go to the family residence as well," Hyuga Iroha's mother greeted the two children, and she was responsible for bringing the two children home just like when they came.

He didn't communicate much along the way. After all, he just realized the relationship at this point in the morning. Another thing is that Hyuga Setsuna hasn't started class yet, and he have to wait until tomorrow to know the final result.

So all the way without a word, he quickly returned to the family residence.

In front of the resident gate, Hyuga Setsuna thanked Hyuga Iroha mother and son politely, then said goodbye and ran away.

While trotting in the direction of home, Hyuga Setsuna smiled wryly, obviously the combined age of the two lives may be older than Hyuga Iroha's mother.

But in terms of dealing with the world, he is a bit naive.

He even felt uncomfortable, so he chose to run away quickly.

I don't know if it's a relationship that I haven't fully adapted to, or is it that I still don't have a deep sense of reality and can't generate a sense of identity?

I always feel that this world is still a bit illusory.

"Before that, it's better to go home first, and then think about how to use these reward points," Hyuga Setsuna shook his head, and continued to run in the direction of home.

Maybe he was too anxious, or maybe he didn't pay attention when shaking his head, Hyuga Setsuna suddenly bumped into someone head-on.


Both let out a cry of pain.

Hyuga Setsuna subconsciously said, "I'm sorry."

"Are you blind?" Suddenly, there was an angry shout from the opposite side, which completely covered up Hyuga Setsuna's apology.

Hyuga Setsuna looked up, and it turned out that it was a father and son. This is the residence of the Hyuga clan. It is conceivable that the other party is also a Hyuga clan.

But unlike Hyuga Setsuna, the child who was being helped up opposite was not only gorgeously dressed, but also had no bandages or curse marks on his forehead.

It was a middle-aged man who lashed out just now. He picked up the child who was knocked down by Hyuga Setsuna just now, continued to glare at Hyuga Setsuna, and continued to scold him unceremoniously: "I asked you a question, Are you blind brat!?!?!"

Hyuga Setsuna gritted his teeth.

In fact, it was his reckless mistake that knocked someone down, and it was his fault, so he immediately apologized.

Although I don't ask the other party to understand, but because of the identity of the clan and branch house, why are you continue to be aggressive?

Hyuga Setsuna took a deep breath, resisting the urge to explode, obviously everyone is from Hyuga's family, yet he said he was blind? So arent you also?

"It seems that you are also deaf?" Suddenly, the man on the opposite side showed a fierce look, holding the child with one hand, raising the other hand to raise the index finger and middle finger, and then looked at Hyuga Setsuna.

I don't know what he did, suddenly, Hyuga Setsuna felt as if his brain had been pricked by a needle, and a piercing pain exploded directly from his mind.

No, actually Hyuga Setsuna understood right away what was going on.

"... don't," Hyuga Setsuna covered his head with his hands. He just stood up, but because of the pain, he knelt down, lying on the ground with his head in his arms, wishing to hit his head hard on the ground, it was better to knock myself out or to die here than this pain.

So that man actually launched Curse Mark: Caged Bird on a child? And he didn't intend to stop at all, even with a calm face, he stood there condescendingly watching Hyuga Setsuna in pain.

Many people from Hyuga gathered around because of the noise.

Among them, there was a scene with clear distinctions.

People who came out of the main family were all watching indifferently.

And those who came out from the direction of the branch house dared not speak out.

Even Hyuga Iroha mother and son rushed over.

Hyuga Iroha was held tightly by his mother, although he looked like he wanted to help, but he didn't dare to offend the clan.

This is the Caged Bird. Once it is branded, it will become a 'Caged Bird' in the hands of the Zong family, and they can do whatever they want.

"Enough." Suddenly, someone finally broke in and stopped him with a loud shout: "If this continues, the child will die."

Is it Hyuga Hizashi?

No, he didn't wear a forehead protector, and there was no trace of curse marks on his smooth forehead, so he is Hyuga Hiashi, Hyuga Hizashi's elder brother, and also the head of the clan, the son of the patriarch, and the heir of the next patriarch.

With the intervention of Hyuga Hiashi, this emergency situation is finally over.

The father and son of the two clans also turned around and left without paying any attention to the aftermath.

Hyuga Setsuna was still curled up in a ball. At this time, he was soaked in cold sweat, but he still raised his head with great effort, looking in the direction where the father and son left.

It's just the name of the clan and the branch house are the exact same, but the status is so different.

Look at that carefree kid, who is about the same age as Hyuga Setsuna, but doesn't need to think about going to school, being a ninja, going to war or being in danger.

Even though we are the same age, I have to encounter various things. Not only are my parents dead, but I have to work for the clan at this age, do I have to sacrifice my life for such a clan?

"Why are they domineering? Why are they superior? Why do I have to kneel here in such a humiliating way?"

"What a shit branch house, what a shit Caged Bird. Wait until I break it all."

Hyuga Setsuna lowered his head and buried his face on the ground, not letting anyone see his vicious gaze and distorted expression with anger and pain, while cursing wildly in his heart.

At this moment, he finally made up his mind, and the only goal he will do his best next is to solve the Caged Bird on his head.

Then he will use all means to improve his strength, because he wants revenge.

Hyuga... Wait for my revenge against you.