
Renegade Cultivating Divinity

Xiao Chen, “the waste” of Xiao Family, had his engagement to the Young Lady of the Yang Family renounced. And when he arrived at the sect that sympathized with him and took him in, he found corpses strewn all over the place and a mist of blood in the air. The sect was exterminated by a mysterious group that was looking for the ‘Wind Spirit Jade’. He himself was left behind only half-dead for ‘wastes do not deserve to die by their hand’. Humiliated once more and on the verge of death, in the surroundings strangeness happened. A whirlpool sucked up the blood mist and diverted it into Xiao Chen’s forehead, transforming and enhancing his body. This is not a novel I wrote, I only translated it using machine translation, so if there are any grammar mistakes, or inconsistencies in naming and gender, I apologize, and please let me know so I can fix it as best as I can. Thank you

zwaardijzer · Action
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116 Chs

Chapter 10: Come and Fight Again

"No." Xiao Chen glanced at the burly man and said without hesitation, his face expressionless.

"Hmm? No? You brat, are you looking for death?" Another burly man immediately shouted angrily, rolling up his sleeves as if he was about to beat Xiao Chen.

"Robbing and plundering? These guys are all at the Fusion Stage, and that one at the Early Heart Movement Stage should be their leader! I was just worried about not finding someone to test my skills on, and here they come! If I anger them, they will definitely make a move." Xiao Chen thought to himself, a mysterious and sinister smile appearing on his face.

Thinking of this, Xiao Chen quickly pretended to be scared and said, "I have, I have!" While busy taking out crystals.

He reached out his hand, offering them, "Here, three more."

"Three? You brat, are you playing us?" The burly men were instantly furious. Three low-grade crystals? Were they beggars?

"So what if I'm playing you? What if I'm not? Anyway, I only have these three!" Xiao Chen said, looking arrogant and nonchalant, as if he didn't care if they took them or not.

"Bastard! You little brat are quite arrogant!" One burly man shouted angrily, feeling humiliated by a kid, his facial muscles twitching.


The angry man threw a punch. He wouldn't hold back just because Xiao Chen was a child. With a muffled sound, Xiao Chen, who had no combat experience, tried to dodge but it was too late. He was directly sent flying several meters away by the punch.

"Hmph! Overestimating yourself, brat, you're courting death!" The burly man who punched Xiao Chen snorted coldly.

"Hey, take it easy, or the kid might die." Another burly man said.

"Is the power of a Fusion Stage cultivator only this much? Or has my physique become so strong that I don't need to dodge attacks from the Fusion Stage?" Xiao Chen thought to himself. Despite being hit directly, his extremely strong body had no superficial wounds, and he didn't even feel any pain.

Xiao Chen, who had fallen to the ground, got up, patted the dust off his body, and muttered to himself, "Just bought new clothes, and you made them dirty. This really pisses me off."

As he finished speaking, Xiao Chen suddenly raised his head, his eyes filled with a fierce look, very frightening, causing the burly men to be startled.

"This brat isn't injured!" The burly man was shocked. Such a strong punch directly landed on him, but Xiao Chen wasn't hurt, not even a superficial wound.

Another burly man said, "This kid's gaze is terrifying."

"Oh? Quite some ability!" The leader, sitting on a rock, was also surprised. He didn't expect that a child could get up after taking a powerful punch from a Fusion Stage cultivator without any injuries.

"That punch just felt like a mosquito bite!" Xiao Chen stared fiercely at the burly man who attacked him and said.

Hearing this, the burly man became even more furious. He roared and charged at Xiao Chen quickly, shouting, "Brat, I'll smash you into pulp!"

Xiao Chen watched the charging burly man intently, carefully observing his movements. Despite the burly man's stout build, his movements were very agile. A punch quickly shot towards Xiao Chen.

This time, Xiao Chen saw it clearly and immediately sidestepped, dodging the burly man's attack. But it wasn't over; another punch from the burly man was already coming fast.

Xiao Chen could now clearly see the burly man's moves, dodging quickly again. He didn't rush to attack but kept evading the man's attacks.

The burly man became more enraged as his attacks were continuously dodged. Roaring, he charged at Xiao Chen repeatedly, his punches and kicks growing faster, while Xiao Chen's reactions also became quicker and more agile.

"Why is this kid only dodging and not attacking?" The leader watched Xiao Chen with interest, feeling puzzled.

The fight lasted for the time it takes an incense stick to burn. All of the burly man's attacks were dodged by Xiao Chen. Even when he used his true essence, he couldn't hit Xiao Chen. Sometimes when he was about to hit, Xiao Chen blocked it. Now the burly man was starting to pant.

The other burly men were all wide-eyed in shock. They couldn't believe that a boy about 12 years old could dodge all attacks from a Fusion Stage cultivator.

Xiao Chen was not out of breath at all; instead, he became more energetic, gradually absorbing combat experience. He didn't want to end the fight quickly. This was a rare opportunity for him to learn from the battle, which was very important for him.

Xiao Chen smiled and beckoned to the burly man, "Come on, let's fight again."

After the fight lasting an incense stick's time, Xiao Chen had already started adapting to combat. His comprehension speed was extremely fast. From not knowing how to fight at all to being able to completely dodge a Fusion Stage cultivator's attacks in such a short time, his comprehension was evident.

In the previous fight, Xiao Chen mainly dodged and blocked without attacking. This time, he wanted to try attacking. A strong fighting spirit surged within him, making him incredibly excited.

"Come on, we haven't finished yet!" Xiao Chen beckoned to the burly man again, looking provocative.

What Xiao Chen needed now was combat experience. He was only at the Early Heart Movement Stage and needed sparring partners with similar cultivation levels to progress quickly.

"How... how is this possible? A brat still wet behind the ears dodged all my attacks!" The burly man was shocked, unable to believe it.

"Hey, I thought you were holding back?" Another burly man said, not believing it either, so he asked.

The burly man shook his head, "No, I... I gave it my all. This brat's cultivation might be at the Heart Movement Stage like the boss!"

"What? A 12-year-old kid at the Heart Movement Stage? Who are you kidding?" Another burly man was shocked. He absolutely didn't believe it.

"I can't be sure either. I can't see through the brat's cultivation; he hid his aura." The burly man fighting Xiao Chen shook his head, sweat covering his forehead.

Xiao Chen didn't hear what the men were saying, nor did he ask. Instead, he beckoned and smiled, "Hey, uncle, not coming? Are you scared of me?"

"This brat isn't simple. To dodge all of Pan Hu's attacks, and Pan Hu is at the mid-Fusion Stage. Dodging so easily, he must be at the Heart Movement Stage. But how can a child have such strong cultivation? Unless he's a disciple from a superpower on Tianyue Continent. But this kid clearly isn't from any superpower." The leader thought, sitting on a rock.

The furious Pan Hu was about to attack again when the leader spoke, "Pan Hu, step back!"