
Chapter 2: Sudden Upheaval

"Lee young I told you not to take all the meat!" His mom Lee weyang shouted at him as he tried to gobble the meat he had taken.

"But dad gets to eat a lot of meat" Lee you responded.

"Your dad is a grown man" Lee weyang responded to her son.

"But I am also a man" Lee young said in rebuttal

"You are a child" Lee weyang responded

"But what is the difference between me and dad?" Lee young asked

"When you have your own family and kids. That is when you will be considered a man" Lee weyang responded.

"About my surprise" Mr Lee who had been quite watching arguing finally chose to speak.

Everyone including eve looked at him with all attention.

He brought his right arm forward, revealing a blue glowing crystal.

"I is that...." Lee weyang tried to control herself from screaming. " is that what i think it is!?" She finally said admit.

"Yes it is. This is a blue devil diamond. The most expensive thing in the world." Mr Lee responded with a smile, feeling proud of himself.

Lee young had a confused expression on his face. He didn't understand what his parents were talking about but from his dad's smile he knew the glowing crystal in his father's hand must be something good. he only turned to look at his sister who had long lost interest in what their parents were talking about and was about pushing the jug of water to the floor in an attempt to carry it from the table.

"B.... but how?" Lee we yang said not able to hide her excitement.

"Well, as you already know, ever since I completed that app I programmed and presented it to the company, the chief has taken a liking to me and obviously, I was made a full staff and instantly promoted to project manager and this blue devil diamond is a gift from the chairman to me to commemorate the event today!" Mr Lee said with heart felt joy.

"Wait.... that means you are now fully employed!" Lee weyang said in joy as she jumped up to hug her husband who was seated next to her.

"!!!" The kids who were currently, busy with their food were surprised.

"Mum, what happened?" Lee young finally asked, he wanted to know what would make their mother behave in such a way.

"We are rich!" His mom a hosted as she drew him into their embrace.

"Don't leave my little angel, out of this family moment" Mr Lee said as he carried their eve into their family hug.

Mr Lee was an intern at a software programming company, U and F conglomerate. And due to his level of intelligence, he created a software which caused the whole company to pay him attention. even the chairman of the company had personally come to visit him.

The company was among the leading organisations in the world. For such a thing to happen it was obvious that Mr Lee would be made a full time employee of the company due to his level of creativity.

The young couple had been blessed with two kids and they truly needed such a raise in their status.

Logically, with the level of programming he created, giving him a blue diamond won't be considered too much. Because the other competitors would all fight tooth and nail to have him work for them.

With the blue diamond they had at least a billion dollars with them at the moment. Such wealth which would place him among the tops in the world was a blessing.


Suddenly, this beautiful family moment was interrupted by the sound of windows breaking.

"!!!" Everyone including eve were startled by the sound.

"What is that?" Lee weyang asked, As she carried her daughter away from her husbands embrace.


They all heard the sounds of footsteps approaching from inside the house.

Mr Lee quickly pushed everyone behind him.

Lee young looked at the expression of his father and then the frightened expression of his mother.

His father quickly picked up a table knife on the table. From the stairs, came four men dressed in black uniforms and their face covered completely, leaving only their eyes. Each of them having a gun in their hands pointing at the family.

Mr Lee gritted his teeth "Who are you?" He asked the men but he didn't get an answer. However, the men slowly approached, Lee weyang slowly gripped her sons arm.

"Run!" He shouted at the top his voice and his wife pulled Lee young as she ran towards the door while carrying their two year old daughter.

On the other hand Mr Lee ran towards the men. His aim was to stall long enough for them to escape, even if he were to die.

"Dad!" Lee young screamed as he saw them leaving their father behind

As he ran, he threw the dinning table cover at the men to obstruct their vision. Quickly aiming for the eye of one of the men with the knife In his hand.



The man screamed as his eye was pierced by the knife, blood spewing out of his eyes staining the cloths Mr Lee wore but the other men did not shoot. Mr lee pushed the knife deeper into the man's eye socket making sure it hit the man's Brain killing him in the process.


Mr Lee kicked the man away with all the strength he could muster.

Two of the men quickly attacked Mr Lee before he could retrieve the knife.


One of the men kicked with their hard boot.


The other one quickly continued the attack by using the gun to hit Mr Lee on his head. Sending him falling to the floor. Blood spilling out of the injury on his head.

By this time his family had gotten to the door. Their house currently wasn't large so it was easy.

"!!"The moment Lee weyang opened the door, she saw guns pointed at her and her kids

"Where are you running off to?" A voice said from behind the gun men.

"Go back into the house" the voice said calmly but it was obvious that there was a hint of authority.

Quietly, Lee weyang walked backward from the door and the men quickly entered into the house.

After they all entered the house a young man dressed in a white suit emerged from outside the door.

"W.....who are you?" Lee weyang asked.

"Firstly, I'm the one going to be asking the questions and two do not speak unless you want the lives of your children to be taken before your eyes." The young man said, with a devilish smile on his face.


At this moment, Mr Lee was brought to join his family. However, he was covered in bruises and blood with flowed from his injuries.

After the three men dropped him on the floor they turned to look at the man in white. He only nodded to them and then they withdrew from Mr Lee, standing behind him.

Cough! Cough!

Mr Lee coughed up blood as he lay where he was. He struggled to open his eyes and look up at the young man.

"dad!" Lee you shouted for his dad and ran away to stand before his dad and the man in white.

"Leave my family alone!" Lee young shouted at the man. He was clearly shaken but his eyes radiated determination.

The men wanted to attack but the young man raised up his hand, signalling them to halt.

"Oh.... We have a very determined kid here?" The man said smiling devilishly at the kid."are you trying to play hero kid?"

Lee young didn't say anything in response but his eyes did not waver for a moment.

"Your eyes irritate me" the young man said and began to walk forward.

"you..." Mr Lee said in a weak voice, the moment he saw the young man's face.

"What can you do to stop me kid" the man in white asked Lee young. However, Lee young did not back down instead he took a step forward.

"What do you want with me?" Mr Lee asked the man in white "I do not a have any problems with your family or your company, for you to attack me like this" Mr Lee continued to speak.

"Oh is that so?" The young man responded


The young man kicked Lee young heaily to the ground.


Blood shot out of the kid's mouth as we flew like kite due to the force from the white man. How could a kid be compared to a man?

"You..." Mr Lee said with anger

"Young!" Lee weyang said as she saw her son being kicked like a football.

Whoosh! She rushed forward to catch her son.


The man in white suddenly stepped on Mr lee's face.

"Ugh!" Mr Lee let out a cry of pain.

"No qualms you say?" He said as he looked at Mr Lee with disgust on his face.

"Now let me ask you, do you have a blue devil diamond with you?"

"!!!!??" Lee weyang and Mr Lee were both shocked at the question the man in white had asked.

End of chapter 2

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