6 Chapter 06 - Hell's Monarch

Detective carl and Death's gate were both frozen in their acts, the moment they heard that calm but authoritative order.

Shing! Thud!

Death's gate immediately withdrew his dagger and got on his knees to greet the fellow who had given that order.

On the other hand, detective Carl did not fret like death gate. He was as calm as a stream of water and his gaze; unwavering.

"Greetings Oh great Hell Monarch!" Death gate said coolly but one could hear it very audibly. There was even a strong sense of reverence and fear that accompanied those words.

The mighty assassin who wasn't scared of the detective earlier, now looked like a sheep who could be slaughtered at any instant.

The one who had spoken was no where to be seen. However, one could feel their gaze upon them.

"Let him in" This voice that exuded power and authority sounded once more. And death shadow instantly got on his feet.

"Yes monarch" he said and turned to look at detective Carl. "follow me" he said and was about to walk forward leading the way, when detective Carl suddenly said

"There is no need for that, I know my way"

Death's gate:"...."

Detective carl continued walking, carrying Lee young as he made his way alone, deeper into the forest.

Death's gate looked at his departing silhouette under the light of the moon which had been obstructed by the branches of the tall trees around.


The assassin disappeared from his original position.

Ruffle! The sound of trees been pushed aside as detective Carl made his way resounded.

He finally came to a stop before a cabin. This cabin was about fifty metres away from his previous position with death gate.

In this forest, for as far as his eyes could see, this was the only structure. Nothing else could be seen around. The cabin is quite large and takes about sixty square metres in area. There were trees around it, covering up the view from outsiders.

Detective carl stood before the cabin. Looking at the door, he said "I have come to hell today, to dine with the devil and partake in the flesh of the wealthy"

Surprisingly enough, Lee young was still alive. Not even himself could believe this. This bleeding had stopped but he was still too weak to utter a word. All he could do was listen.

"What is he talking about?" He asked himself in thought. "Those words sound like he plans to kill me and eat me along with the hell Monarch he speaks of" He continued thinking. "If he plans to eat me.... No No! I don't want to die now!" He could only scream internally.

Creak! The old wooden door of the cabin opened. However, there was no light in the house. There was no sign of life as well, but One could still feel the gaze of Hell Monarch weighing heavily on them.

Those words he had spoken earlier was a password that would allow him enter the cabin.

Detective Carl, looked into the cabin.

Tak! Thud!

He began to walk into the cabin. By the time he had full crossed the door and his outline has completely disappeared in the darkness of the cabin.


The door closed. There was no other sound or movements. In this thick darkness, detective Carl and Lee young couldn't see anything but they felt the gaze even greater than before.

"Why do you seek me detective" In this darkness, the voice of hell Monarch resounded. However, there was no increase in volume. It was still the same as it had sounded before.

Detective carl didn't flinch, but Lee young on the other hand felt his heart sink to the bottom of his stomach.

"I have come, to seek a favour from you" detective Carl spoke.

"If it is the child you carry on your shoulders, I will not be taking the lad in" Hell Monarch spoke with authority.

"I knew you would say that. Is that why you refuse to meet me and you only hide in the darkness?" Detective Carl spoke with a bit of a chuckle.

"Carl " the voice called out more calmly than before "Why do you want me to help him?"

Carl smile in this tangible darkness and said "If you want to hear my answer then come out" The detective didn't back down or show fear. Lee young was almost having a heart attack due to fear.

"That is not an answer to my question" the voice said once more and the killing intent was added to the voice.

This killing intent carried a stench of blood along with it. The smell was so strong that it made the darkness seem like pool of blood.

"Do you intend to scare this kid to death. Hell there is no much time, if this kid dies, then you might miss a good avenue to accomplish your goals" Detective Carl was still able to speak calmly.

There was no sound and the killing intent disappeared.


Flames were lit in the chimney and light appeared in the dark cabin.

It was at this moment, detective Carl saw hell sitting on a chair in the middle of the room.

"Hell Monarch" A name not many outside of hell knew. But to the few who had heard that name, mentioning it alone to them, would cause shivers to go down their spines.

Apart from the chair hell sat on, there were no other furniture in the cabin. The flames in the chimney were quite high which means the entire cabin was expected to be illuminated. However, the light only spread for twenty metre radius.

"Put the child down" Hell spoke with calmness and dominance.

"I'll do so if you get me a place to sit" Detective Carl said.

Despite the flames, Hell's facial features features could not be seen clearly. However, one could feel the cold stare on them.

Hell didn't say anything but raised his hands which was covered by a red and black and red robe.

"You may sit" hell said and detective Carl turned to look behind him to see a chair. He didn't hear a sound but a chair had been placed behind him almost instantly.

Not hearing the sound of footsteps of the person who dropped the chair was logical. But not hearing the sound of the chair being dropped on the floor was something else.

He hastily but carefully put the boy down on the floor and sat on the chair.

"This is a waste of time and the kid would not last longer." Detective Carl said calmly.

"If that kid was destined to die this night he would be dead before you got here" Hell said calmly.

"Heh" detective Carl chuckled. He knew hell had noticed the child had been bleeding even before he got here. As the underworld god of assassins, perceiving the blood of Young Lee would be an easy thing.

"With that alone you should already know the father of the lad is and also his experiment right?" Detective Carl responded.

Hell remained quiet and didn't answer.

"I see, I don't think any lad you've ever taken in to train has ever lasted this long without dying. It's a two way benefit for you and the child. Saving his life and seeing what kind of monster he would become in the future." Detective Carl said without any trace of fear. There were things hell hated. Amongst them were begging and cowering in a bargain. This was why detective looked calm during his entire stay here.

"Also" detective Carl paused and looked around.

"There is no need for worry. The Night's deafness around are deaf and can't hear us." hell said calmly.

"The killer of his parents are the biggest obstacles for your goal" detective Carl said calmly.
