
The Whispering Woods

As Argus plummeted toward the unknown, a sense of terror coursed through his veins, fueling his desperation to escape his impending fate.

The world around him whirled in a chaotic blur of raindrops and mist.

The monstrous creature that had pursued him from the forest above grew ever closer, its form morphing into a more menacing visage with each passing moment.

Time seemed to slow to a crawl as Argus braced himself for the inevitable, closing his eyes. However, just as the creature's jagged teeth were about to close around him, a sudden flash of movement sliced through the air.

A rush of wind freed him from the monster's clutches, and when he dared to open his eyes, he found himself enveloped in a suffocating yet oddly comforting pitch-black void.

It felt like a protective cocoon shielding him from the outside world, and he realized he was no longer falling.

Panic gripped Argus momentarily as he struggled to find his bearings amidst the darkness and questions flooded his mind:

Where was he?

What had become of the monstrous worm that pursued him?

He fought to steady his breathing as his vision adjusted to the darkness. It was then that he saw a silhouette, its pair of piercing blue eyes locking onto his.

"Who... Who are you?" Argus stammered, trying to make sense of his surroundings.

"I am Selene," the figure replied with a feminine voice filled with confidence.

"And you, my friend, are in the Whispering Woods, a place where citizens are not meant to venture."

A mixture of gratitude and confusion washed over Argus as he absorbed Selene's words. "I... I didn't know. I didn't mean to be here. I was running... from something else."

Selene's gaze softened, and she placed a reassuring hand on Argus' shoulder.

"It doesn't matter why you were here. What's important now is your safety. The Whispering Woods are dangerous, and it's my duty to guide you back to the city."

Argus nodded, his gratitude growing for Selene's intervention. "Thank you, Selene. I don't know what I would have done without your help," he said. "My name is Argus, and I'm grateful to have crossed paths with someone as kind-hearted as you".

Selene smiled, a faint glimmer of warmth touching her eyes. With that, she effortlessly slung Argus over her shoulder, his small frame no burden to her strength. The darkness dissipated, revealing a dense forest floor below.

Together, they descended the rest of the way, Selene landing gracefully on her feet while Argus held onto her for dear life.

The Whispering Woods welcomed them with an eerie silence, broken only by the rustling of leaves and distant whispers.

Taking a closer look at his savior, Argus noted her all-black military-style attire, matching the lustrous black hair that cascaded down her shoulders.

Selene's voice cut through the silence as she broke the tension between them. "You must be wondering why I'm here in the Whispering Woods, aren't you?"

Argus nodded, his curiosity piqued. "Yes, I am. It's not every day you come across someone like you, willingly fighting these... creatures".

A wry smile tugged at the corners of Selene's lips. "Ah, you're referring to the AEM's (Ascended Earth Military) monthly 'cleansings.' It's our duty to ensure that this forest remains free from any threat to the city."

"But if the monsters have been wiped out before, why are there monthly 'cleansings' necessary?" Argus asked, his voice tinged with genuine curiosity.

Selene's gaze drifted off into the distance, lost in the flickering shadows of the ancient trees. "You see, Argus, within the Whispering Woods lies a wormhole, one that leads to the planet Lyra – a planet with terrain similar to that of the Sahara Desert. Creatures from this planet often cross over to our planet, wreaking havoc on our cities when allowed to roam free."

As the final words left Selene's lips, a moment of stillness descended upon the Whispering Woods, the air seemingly holding its breath. Argus was left in awe of the revelations, his mind swirling with newfound understanding.

As Argus continued to contemplate the implications of this information, the once distant whispers in the surrounding woods grew louder, their ethereal voices weaving through the air.

Argus couldn't help but shudder, his senses on edge. However, Selene remained unfazed, as if she were oblivious to the eerie chorus surrounding them.

As they continued on in silence, Argus found himself captivated by the enigmatic allure of Selene, her presence radiating a mesmerizing aura that seemed to draw him closer. The air around her crackled with an otherworldly energy, hinting at the power she held within.

Unable to resist the temptation any longer, he mustered the courage to ask, "Selene, what is it that you can do? I've never seen anyone control darkness like you do."

Selene's lips curled into an impish smile, her eyes sparkling with a mischievous glint that only fueled Argus's fascination further.

"Shadows, my dear Argus, shadows" she purred, her voice a delicate melody woven with intrigue. "The shadows are but extensions of my being. They dance to the rhythm of my whims, and I, in turn, become one with them."

"But as for all my secrets, well, I'm afraid I can't reveal them all just yet. Some things are better left unknown, don't you think?" She flashed him a playful smile, leaving Argus both intrigued and slightly frustrated by her teasing response.

However, their conversation was abruptly interrupted by the growing whispers, which now carried an eerie and sinister tone.

Argus felt a chill run down his spine as the hair on the back of his neck stood on end. He glanced around, searching for the source of the haunting sounds, but could find no discernible origin.

Taking notice of Argus' abnormal behavior, Selene furrowed her brow in concern. She recognized the rapid deterioration in Argus' mental state, a consequence of his un-ascended status. With a heavy heart, she realized that time was running out, and she needed to act swiftly to prevent him from becoming one of the newest 'plaything' of the forest.

In one swift motion, Selene's hand shot forward, delivering a firm strike to Argus' temple. Darkness instantly consumed him as his consciousness slipped away, succumbing to the void of unconsciousness.

"Sorry" Selene murmured, her voice barely audible. "But it's best to deal with threats before they are made"

With Argus safely unconscious, Selene continued her journey through the Whispering Woods alone. The forest seemed to react to her presence, the whispers growing louder and more persistent. Shadows twisted and contorted around her, but she remained resolute, pressing forward without hesitation.

After what felt like an eternity, Selene finally emerged from the dense undergrowth of the forest. The familiar sight of the city's towering walls greeted her, a stark contrast to the eerie realm she had left behind. With careful steps, she approached the city gates, her gaze fixed on Argus, still unconscious in her arms.

As she passed through the gates, the city guards looked at her with a mix of surprise and relief. It was rare to see someone return from the Whispering Woods unscathed, especially carrying another person.

"What happened there?" one of the guards asked, his voice tinged with curiosity and concern.

Selene glanced at the guard briefly, her expression unreadable. "It's best not to dwell on the details," she replied cryptically.

Without waiting for further questions, Selene strode through the bustling streets of the city, her gaze fixed ahead. As the ambiance of the night-time city enveloped them, Selene's thoughts turned to Argus – the boy fast asleep, cradled within her arms.

Her eyes drifted towards the grimoire he had carried, its intricate cover beckoning her curiosity. She reached out and gently retrieved it from his grasp, her fingers tracing the golden lettering that spelled out its enigmatic title: "The Symmetry of Sacrifice."

A sense of familiarity washed over Selene as she read those words, and she couldn't help but ponder the significance of this unexpected encounter. With a determined glint in her eyes, she placed the grimoire back in his arms, vowing to explore the secrets it, and its owner, hold.

Curious about the whispering woods? Keep reading and your questions will be answered!

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