3 Hatred

Jaga was following behind Quetz wondering what they would do now. He said that he would feed her and give her a home but if he is a Faunus how did his family live in this kinda society.

"So what do your parents do." Jaga asked.

"Well my father is a blacksmith and my mother is a chemist." Quetz said turning around.

"How do they you know... live in a society like this with Faunus getting very little money and all this discrimination."

"Not sure but I'm not complaining now come on let's go meet my parents."

-10 minutes later-

Opening up the door Quetz pulled Jaga in the door and told her to prepare herself for his mother.

"I'm home and I have brought a new family member." Quetz yelled.

Jaga blushed extremely hard and looked at Quetzalcoatl with passionate eyes.

"You better have not brought home a pet I told you their will be no pets in this house." Shiva shouted.

The duo walked in the kitchen and were instantly grabbed by Shiva.

"Oh who is this gorgeous little thing oh my god~." Shiva snuggled Jaga.

"This is the new family member I was talking about. She is a Jaguar Faunus and has lived on the streets her entire life." Quetz said.

"Oh you poor thing of course you can stay here." Shiva said.

"Thank you." Jaga said before forcing Shiva's arms apart and moving next to Quetz.

"Sorry about that mother she's a bit clinging as you can see." Quetz rubbed Jaga neck fur and she started purring.

'Oh thought large cats lost their ability purr, hmm whatever it's cute.'

"That's fine so how did you find her." Shiva asked.

"She was in an alley getting beat up by some men they were about to rape her when I showed up." Quetzalcoatl said.

"Disgusting how can people be so evil." Shiva said with venom in her words.

"I'm sorry honey." Gerald said.

"You don't need to apologize anyway kids you go take a shower then head Quetzalcoatl's room. You will have to sleep their for now." Shiva replied

"That's fine mother she will be staying there."

"Haha that's my boy." Gerald laughed.

The duo went to the bathroom and got cleaned up washing each other. After getting dressed in some robes they headed to the bedroom.

"Goodnight Jaga get ready for tomorrow because we are going to start training."

"Training?" Jaga asked.

"Yes in order to continue protecting ourselves we must become stronger." Quetz said.

"I will do anything to be useful." Jaga responded

"Thats good because I will be needing a lot of help in the future." Quetzalcoatl said as he scratches her fur.

Jaga fell asleep purring comfortably.

-5 years later-

Two Faunus were fighting in a forest against each other. One was a snake Faunus another was a Jaguar Faunus.

Spitting 3 poison senbon at Jaga, Quetz jumped back getting away from Jaga deadly fist.

"Stop running." Jaga dodged the senbon and jumped towards Quetz barely missing destroying the tree behind him.

"No why would I do that." Quetz said dodging many fists with his agility then struck Jaga in her stomach with his fingers.

"Give up Jaga I just injected you with my venom unless you want to be in the hospital for a month you should stop fighting." Quetz said arrogantly.

"You bastard." Jaga yelled a dark yellow aura blasted out.

Jaga roared and her body got much larger with her entire body getting covered in fur.

"Oh, shit is that her semblanc—Argh." Quetz threw up a bunch of blood as Jaga moved so fast it looks like she teleported.

Punching his stomach as hard as she could Jaga sent Quetz flying through multiple trees. Quetz looked up at Jaga dashing towards him.

"Cheap shot try to escape these." Quetzalcoatl jumped up and slung two chains with curved daggers at the end.

Jaga smirked grabbing the chains and tried to pull but let go immediately after feeling pricks on her hands. Looking down at her hands she saw hundreds of tiny holes.

"You might have been able to overpower my previous venom but the poison on my chains are an extremely deadly combination of master chemistry and my blood only second to the poison on my daggers."

"Then I just need to finish you before I collapse."

"The harder you push yourself the faster the toxins move." Quetz smiled.

After a couple of minutes Quetz was able to outlast Jaga as she passed out on the ground.

Hoisting her up over his shoulder he decided to head home.

-1 hour later-

Shiva, Gerald, Jaga, and Quetz all sat at the table and started to eat. Shiva asked how their training was going and Gerald laughed at Quetz's giant bruise on his stomach.

"Well, mother let's just say that—Crash."

Everyone turned their head and saw a small ball land on the floor next to them. Quetz eyes widen but no one could move as it blew up.

Quetz semblance finally activated which turned out to be intangibility allowing him to phase through the blast. Out of instinct Jaga's semblance activate giving her an extreme physical boost allowing her to take the blast head-on.

As it blew up more fire dust grenades came in causing more destruction. After constant explosions, the house collapsed in on itself.

Quetz fell unconscious after a couple of blast and woke up hearing a bunch of shouting. Quetz was shouting for his parents and Jaga he threw a bunch of wood around trying to find them.

He moved a wood piece and saw his mother and father's charred bodies. Jaga forced debris off her and flinched in pain before seeing Quetz and moving over to him.

Seeing the tears in his eyes she already knew what had happened after spending 5 years with them she saw them as her own parents.

"Yeah, finally those flithly animals and that animal lover are gone!" A man shouted.

The crowd of people around the house cheered and laughed. Unknown to them 2 sets of enraged eyes landed on them.

