
Beacon Academy

The acrid fumes of scarlet blood stained the air. People were killed as wheat before the scythe. Tendrils of flame ate hungrily at the feast before it. Screams of desperation and pleading burned the ears as armed soldiers dropped from hovering bullheads. Bombs detonated and buildings crumbled.

A young boy crawled from beneath the rubble in agony and semi-blindness, flitting between consciousness and unconsciousness. Days of torture could be seen on him. Burns, deep cuts, and bruising covered the body.

Alone. Everything was gone. He failed. He broke their promise.

"I'm so sorry Kai," the boy whispered.


"Hey, wake up! Hey!!"

"Huh?" Rindel moaned as he awoke from his repose. Opening his one hazel eye, the bright light of the sun blinded his vision. Blinking a few times to adjust, Rindel turned to see who awoke him.

"We'll be there in five minutes," said the man who interrupted his sleep.

He replied with gratitude, "Oh, thank you for waking me up."

"Stay awake next time," the man said with disdain. Turning away the man muttered under his breath, "Can't believe the people that are allowed into this school."

Ignoring that last part, Rindel slowly stretched as he got up. The bullhead was full of an amusing assortment of aspiring students. Many were already socializing with friends, laughing, and smiling with joy at attending Beacon Academy.

He sighed as he thought back to the dream he had. Even after all these years that event still haunts him. Guess what they say is right. You can't run from your past. Still, that dampened his mood somewhat.

Over the buzz of the bullhead, Rindel overheard a conversation between two girls that caught his attention. One had fair skin with lilac eyes and bright golden hair like melted gold. She wore a slightly revealing short tan jacket that stops at her midriff with short, puffy sleeves featuring two gold buttons. Underneath was a yellow crop top with an emblem in black.

She also wore a pair of black mini-shorts along with a brown belt. To finish off, the girl had an orange infinity scarf and a pair of brown, knee-high boots. She seemed like someone who enjoyed using fists over words. Definitely going to avoid her later.

The other girl was pale with contrasting black hair and red tips. Similar to the color of her hair, she wore a black long-sleeved blouse with red trim and a matching skirt. To top off the outfit, a red hooded cloak was fastened to the girl's shoulders. Quite the color scheme honestly. But the startling silver eyes were familiar to him for some reason.

"Oh, I can't believe his baby sister is going to Beacon with me! This is the best day ever!" the blonde exclaimed while crushing the air out of the other in a hug.

They're sisters?! That was unexpected. He thought they were close friends or something. Maybe one's adopted possibly? "I guess you never know in this crazy world," he thought.

Wheezing from the hug, the younger sister said, "Yang, please stop."

"But I'm so proud of you!" Yang finally released her sister from the death grip.

"Really Sis, it was nothing."

"What do you mean? It was incredible! Everyone at Beacon is going to think you're the bee's knees"

"I don't want to be the 'bee's knees,' okay? I don't want to be any kind of knees. I just want to be a normal girl with normal knees," the younger one said in a small voice.

"What's with you? Aren't you excited?" asked Yang with some worry.

"Of course I'm excited… I just…" she sighed, "I got moved ahead two years. I don't want people to think I'm special or anything."

Pulling her younger sister into a one-armed hug, she said comfortingly, "But you are special Ruby."

Huh, so Ruby moved two years ahead. Preventing criminals from robbing dust stores must come with its merit. If he recalled, it was the notorious criminal Roman Torchwick himself Ruby fought. The news didn't say how he escaped though. They made it seem like she had Torchwick cornered. Wonder what happened.

Losing interest in the rest of their conversation, he turned his attention towards the screen showing the mugshot of Roman Torchwick.

"...The robbery was led by nefarious criminal Roman Torchwick, who continues to evade authorities," the newscaster stated. "If you have any information on his whereabouts, please contact the Vale Police Department. Back to you, Lisa."

The holoscreen changed to show a woman with silver hair and a blurry photo of a man in a white mask with gold markings. "Thank you, Cyril. In other news, this Saturday the mysterious figure now dubbed 'White Shadow' was spotted again fleeing a scene with over twenty White Fang members lying unconscious. This took place after the Faunus Civil Rights protest turned dark when the White Fang disrupted the ceremony. Many debate over whether…"

The news feed was cut off as a hologram of an attractive blonde with green eyes welcomed the students to Beacon and introduced herself as Glynda Goodwitch.

The students all stared outside the window after she was done speaking. From their height, he could see the entire city and the approaching Beacon. The cityscape bustled with people who looked like small ants, going about their everyday lives. Rows of towering buildings stretched over the tiny vehicles rushing along tangled lines of street.

Beacon Academy was an impressive combination of a medieval castle and modern architecture. From above, buildings and trees collided together to create a palette of greys, blues, and green. The campus was around 600,000 square meters from his estimates. He could see how everyone would love the view. He wondered what the other academies look like.

His sightseeing was interrupted however by the two sisters again when a blonde-haired boy suddenly vomited on Yang's shoe. He could only shake his head as the three ran around.

Overlooking the academy, Rindel muttered out loud, "Beacon Academy huh." With a small smile, he pondered what his life was going to be like now.


A/N: First Chapter is out! (Note: Updated 9/24 because of a change in the story)

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