
Welcome to Beacon

I stepped off of the ship and walked in the direction that everyone else was going. I was mesmerized by the massive tower in the middle of Beacon. It reminded me, in a way, of the Jedi Temple back on Coruscant. After reminding myself of the past I looked down in a sad manner, but eventually shook off my feelings, I was better off here, I was safe here. There were a lot of people walking to and from the buildings, it was surely an active day for everybody.

I was broken out of my mesmerized trance by a loud explosion. I quickly drew my lightsaber, not igniting it just yet, and ran towards where the explosion came from. When I got there, I saw a girl in red, one of the girls from the airship in fact, laying on the ground. Two other girls, one in White and one in Black were walking away in different directions. The one in white appeared visibly agitated. I sighed and helped the red girl out. I walked up to her and reached out my hand.

Jacob: Need some help there?

Red Girl: Yeah...

Jacob: I'm Jacob, by the way.

Ruby: Ruby...

Ruby then took my hand and I helped her up as we began to converse as we walked. We talked about plenty of things, but in all honestly it was mostly her talking and me listening. We eventually got to an area with a large fountain.

Ruby: Soooo... I got this thing.

Ruby immediately drew something from her back, which grew into a massive scythe.

Jacob: Is that a scythe?

Ruby: It's also a customizable, high impact sniper-rifle.

Jacob: It's a what?

Ruby: *cocks bolt* It's also a gun.

Jacob: Oh. Interesting! Such a marvel of engineering!

Ruby: Oh it was nothing, I kind of went a little overboard making it.

Jacob: Ah, so you made your weapon as well.

Ruby: All students at Signal forge their own weapons. So what do you've got.

Jacob: *draws lightsaber* I've got this.

Ruby: Is that a... sword?

Jacob: Eh... sort of...

Ruby: It doesn't have a... blade?

Jacob: Eh... sort of...

I then ignited my lightsaber, revealing it's brilliant purple blade.

Ruby: Wha- Is that a laser?

Jacob: It's called a lightsaber, an elegant weapon of a more... civilised age...

Ruby: O- Um... Okay.

Jacob: Just ignore I ever said that...

Ruby giggles.

Ruby: Well, I'm kind of a dork when it comes to weapons.

Jacob: I can see that... your weapon is very over the top... but in a good way, I kinda like it.

Ruby: I like yours too, Jacob. It's not every day that you see a sword with a burning hot plasma blade.

There is an awkward silence for a couple seconds before they resumed walking.

Ruby: So why'd you help me out back there, in the courtyard.

Jacob: Why not? It's my duty to help people, and you need help. Plus, I don't know anyone around here...

Ruby: Me neither... Hey where are we going?

Jacob: No clue, I thought you would know where to go.

Ruby POV

Several Minutes Later

Jacob and I entered the main building, where all of the first year students had grouped up. We were looking for a place to stand when I heard Yang yelling for me.

Yang: Ruby, over here! I saved you a spot.

I turned to Jacob

Ruby: Oh, hey I gotta go, see you after the ceremony.

Jacob: No worries, see you then.

3rd. Person POV

Jacob began to look around for an open spot to be able to see the ceremony.

Jacob: Alright, gotta find a spot, gotta find... a spot...

Jacob POV

I finally found a good spot in the sea of people in this big room. As I waited, I could hear two people arguing behind me. I turned around to see it was Ruby arguing with that girl in white from the courtyard. I decided to sit it out and just ignore it.

Girl in White sarcastically: Yeah, and we can paint our nails, and try on clothes, and talk about cute boys like Tall, Pale, and Ominous over there.

I perked up, I didn't hear what the girl said, but I sensed that she was talking about me. That might have been the force, but I don't think that's a thing that the force does, it might just have been a subconscious thing. I began to walk over to them to see what was up.

Ruby: Wow, really?

Girl in White: No...

Jacob: Hey, were one of you talking about me?

Ruby: It was that girl, she's Weiss Schnee.

Weiss: Heiress to the Schnee Dust Company

Jacob: ...

Jacob: What's that?

Weiss looked as if she were about to speak, but was interrupted by Ozpin's voice coming through the speakers.

Ozpin: I'll keep this brief...

Ozpin: You have travelled here today in search of knowledge. To hone your craft and acquire new skills.

Jacob: I'm actually here to hide.

Ruby: What?

Jacob: What?

Weiss: SHHHH!!!

Ozpin: And when you're finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people. But I look amongst you, and all I see is wasted energy... in need of purpose... direction. You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will show you that knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you to take the first step.

Ozpin walked off stage, leaving Goodwitch to step up to the microphone.

Goodwitch: You will gather in the ballroom tonight, tomorrow your initiation begins... be ready. You are dismissed.

Girl in Yellow: He seemed kind of off...

Ruby: Almost as if he wasn't even there.

Jacob points to the yellow girl.

Jacob: Hey Ruby, who's this?

Ruby: Oh, this is my big sister Yang. Yang, this is my new friend Jacob.

Jacob: Friend?

Ruby: Oh, I'm sorry, I- I get ahead of myse-

Jacob: No, no, it's okay. We can be friends.

Yang: See Ruby, I told you you can do it.

3rd. Person POV

Later That Night

It was late in the night and all of the students were preparing to go to sleep. Ruby was writing a letter to her friends back at Signal.

Yang: It's like a big, Slumber Party!

Ruby: I don't think Dad would approve of all the boys, though.

Yang: I know I do. *makes purring noise*

Yang: Hey, what's that.

Ruby: A letter to the gang back at Signal. I promised to tell them all about Beacon and how things were going.

Yang: Awww, that's so cuuuute.

Ruby throws a pillow at Yang's face.

Ruby: Shut up! I didn't get to take my friends with me to school. It's weird not knowing anyone here.

Yang: What about Jacob? He seems cool. There you go, plus one friend! That's a 100% increase!

Ruby: I'm pretty sure Weiss counts as a negative friend, back to zero.

Yang: There's no such thing as negative friends, you've just made one friend and one enemy. Speaking of Jacob, where is he? I haven't seen him since the ceremony.

Ruby: I think I saw him go to the roof, I don't want to bother him, probably just watching the night sky.

Yang: I'll go check on him.

Ruby: I wouldn't want to bother him, he's got a laser sword!

Yang: I'll be fine.

Yang POV

I went up to see if Jacob was on the roof, mostly just to prove a point to Ruby, maybe if her friend was actually there, she would appreciate what she has and come out of her shell. I opened the door to the roof, and what I saw was unreal. Jacob was there alright, but he was floating a foot off the ground in a sitting position, he was facing away from me, so he didn't see me open the door. I slowly inched towards him. He hadn't moved a muscle from that point before he spoke, still facing away.

Jacob: Should have assumed that I wouldn't have privacy in a school this size.

Yang: How- How are you doing that?

Jacob stood up with his feet on the ground and turned to face me.

Jacob: I'm meditating, it allows me to keep in touch with the Force.

Yang: The... Force?

Jacob: The Force. It is the energy field created by life that binds the galaxy together. Harnessing the power of the Force gives those sensitive to this spiritual energy extraordinary abilities, I have been training since childhood to hone my skills with it.

Yang: Like... an aura?

Jacob: No... your aura can only take you so far, the force is the source of all the building blocks of the cosmos. And only those sensitive to it can harness it to its full extent.

Yang: What about me, can I be able to use it?

Jacob: Unlikely, this world does not seem attuned to the force.

Yang: Can you at least try? Just humor me, please.

Jacob chuckled.

Jacob: Alright, if you insist.

Jacob POV

I channeled my Force energy and placed my hand on her forehead. Yang blushed a little.

Yang: W-What's going o-

Jacob: Shh, just trust me. Think about what you are passionate about, your happy memories, your goals, your ambitions, your desires.

Yang sighed

Yang: Okay.

You concentrated, feeling for any presence... and then you felt it. How could this be possible? You have never felt the force in anybody else, maybe you were just not paying attention. Regardless, it was undeniable, Yang Xiao Long was force sensitive.

Jacob: This is incredible! Y- You are force sensitive!

Yang: What? You're joking! You must be joking!

Jacob: I'm being completely serious. You have the capabilities to become a force user, and with the proper training, you could become something more. You are a capable warrior, but imagine that capable warrior with force abilities.

Yang: Training? Nobody knows about the force! W- Would you be the one who trained me?

Jacob: Not tonight, we need to rest. Let's head back down.

And this is where the problems began

Faulty_CyanideOFCLcreators' thoughts
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