
A man and a pendant

My name is Todoraki Miyu and I live in Shinjuku, Tokyo. I study at the Tokyo University of the Arts and am a first-year student.

My hometown is Hokkaido. I have told you everything about me but I didn't tell you about the most important thing that I am blind.

I can't see a thing since I was 12 years old due to the penetrative physical trauma but I conquered the problem with my keen sense.

Even though I can't see a thing I am pretty good at art since my childhood so I have always wanted to be an artist that's why I was admitted to the Tokyo University of Arts.

My university is about 10 minutes far from my home. As usual as every day I left my home to go to the university.

I always carry a stick so that I can know what is in front of me. There is a road that I have to cross to get to the university.

I was crossing the road but at that time a car broke the traffic rule and hit me, I collapsed on the road after getting hit.

But the driver was kind enough to get me to a hospital. After lying down in a hospital bed for a week I was finally discharged from the hospital.

The next day, when I was about to leave my home for university, a middle-aged woman came to me and apologized.

I was like ok thank you, who are you? The woman replied that she is the wife of the man who caused the accident at that time.

After hearing her words I told her that there is nothing to apologize for, everybody makes mistakes don't worry about it but be careful when you are driving.

The woman left my place after talking for a couple of minutes.

Right after the women left I said in mind that first you guys will hit a blind girl and comes to apologize, what a drama.

Whatever I have to go to the university right now so I better get ready. After getting ready I picked up my stick and a stretcher and left for my university in hurry.

I was walking in the street but when I was about to cross the road I remembered my accident and I stopped my steps.

That's when I noticed that lots of people were crossing the road but nobody even bothered to ask me if I need any help.

That's when a man came to me and asked if I need any help.

I felt so happy when he asked me that cause I was crossing the road for 2 years now but nobody ever asked me if I need any help.

I am a blind girl so, of course, I didn't see his face but when he was helping me to cross the road I touched his leaf-shaped pendant and asked his name.

He told me that his name is Chris Accel and he lives in London, England.

After crossing the road I asked him "why did he come to Japan". He replied, "he watches anime so he has always wanted to come to Japan".

I asked him if it was his first time in Japan. He replied that "no, it's his 2nd time in Japan.

We chatted with each other for a couple of minutes and left for our destination.

After a week

I was roaming the streets of Shinjuku on my weekend with my friends and suddenly a man grabbed my hand and said "How are you Miyu?"

I replied that "I am fine" and asked him who is he.

He then asks me if I forgot him so soon. After saying it he grabs my hand and gives me a pendant.

After touching the pendent I remembered that this is the leaf pendent that I touched that day.

Then I called Chris's name and tells him that I am sorry I forgot about you.

He then tells me don't worry nobody tries to remember me so it's okay.

I felt very embarrassed but didn't show it on my face.

He then asks me if I am free the next day. I replied that "Yeah I am free why do you ask?"

He looks at me like I asked him something obvious. He then tells me that he wants to watch the anime movie Kimi no Nawa.

I apologized to him and tells him that I am blind so I can't watch the movie.

He immediately touches my hand and says I know you are blind but you are not deaf and I don't understand Japanese so you are going to translate the whole movie for me, won't you?

I blushed so terribly that I couldn't hide my emotions but somehow I managed myself from hugging him.

After hearing our conversation for a couple of minutes my friends told me that they are leaving cause they remembered some important work.

As soon as they told me that they run from the place. They think that I don't know what they were trying to do.

After they leave the place we go to a nearby cafe named Gaikoku hito cafe.

We talked there for an hour and goes to the amusement park and rides the Ferris wheel, space crazy dance ride, and many other rides.

We enjoyed the day by roaming the whole of Shinjuku. At 8 pm we said goodbye and headed towards our home.

After I reached home I took a quick shower and lay in my bed and recalled the sweetest memory that I spend with Chris and fall asleep.

I woke up in the morning and saw that Chris sent me a voice message that he will come to my place to pick me up.

I get shocked and asked myself how he knew my place and suddenly remembered that I told him about my place yesterday.

I felt so stupid and laughed at myself.

At 1 pm he came to pick me up and we go to the EJ Anime Theater to watch an anime movie.

The movie started in a couple of minutes. As soon as the movie started he looked at the screen like it was gold.

When I asked him about it he told me that anime is like gold to him.

I didn't quite understand it but I understand that he truly loves anime so I decided in my mind that I will also become a weeb.

The whole time we were watching the movie he asked me a lot of questions about what the anime character was saying. I patiently answered his all questions with a smile.

At last, the movie ended with a heavy emotional scene.

Chris cried at the end of the movie I also felt sad but I am good at hiding my emotions so I didn't show my sadness to him and pulled him out of the cinema hall.

After that, we went to Gaikoku hito cafe and ordered two coffees.

Chris was still sad about the ending of the movie so I started to tell him some funny incidents about my childhood.

He laughed so hard after hearing about my childhood incidents.

After that, we went to Karaoke and sang till our throats dried and felt exhausted.

We enjoyed the whole day by doing a lot of activities.

I reached my home at midnight that day I was so exhausted but I enjoyed the day so it's okay.

The next day I asked him to teach me how to watch anime.

After hearing my request he laughed and told me that there is nothing to teach, you just have to pick up your favorite genre and enjoy the show that's it.

After telling me that he looked outside the window for a minute and asked me "How are you going to watch anime I mean you know you can't watch anime cause of your eyes".

After listening to his question I smiled and told him that I know that I can't watch anime but I can hear the character's conversation and enjoy the anime. It will indeed feel like listening to an E-book but that's my limit you know.

He cried a little bit and hugged me. I was like what is happening, is this the time?

After crying on my shoulders for a minute he wipes his nose and eyes on my clothes and tells me that he will become an opthalmologist soon and will treat my eyes so that I can see everything as before.

I hold his hand and told him that "You don't have to do that much for me, I will just be happy to as long as you remember me".

He doesn't agree with me and told me that "He will do everything in his power to let me see the world and him".

I couldn't tell him anything after that and blushed away. To remove the uncomfortable atmosphere he asked me some questions and told me that I love the romance genre and suggested me some anime to watch.

He suggested Horimiya, My Little Monster, Kaguya – Sama, and Eden of the East.

After hearing his recommendation I started watching Horimiya. The anime was impressive.

The start of the anime was a little bit slow but when it picked up the pace it gets interesting. I especially loved the Miyamura character.

He is a quite stiff guy but his heart is pure that's why I love the character.

We started to talk with each other about anime. I quite enjoyed our quality time when we talk about anime.

Chris stayed in Japan for 6 months. He was planning to stay in Japan for another few months but due to some important work, he had to leave Japan earlier.

He left Japan on the 25th of this week. I cried a lot when he left me but as you guys know I can hide my feelings so nobody noticed my sadness.

After a month I was walking in the streets of Shinjuku and I suddenly pushed a guy by mistake but when I pushed him I touched a pendent of leaf shape and I don't know why but it felt like it was Chris so I called his name loudly. (To be continued)

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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