
Remarried Heiress's Revenge

"Why marry someone you're not in love with and who isn't in love with you back?" . . Lola only married the man her father wanted her to marry because it was advantageous to their business. She didn't expect to be happy because she knew she and this man weren't in love. Her marriage appeared normal at first, but after five years of no child, she discovered that this man had decided to bring in another woman under the guise of surrogacy. After all of the ups and downs in their marriage, Lola decided to divorce him. She didn't think about getting revenge after successfully divorcing this man; it didn't matter at first, but when the reason he brought a surrogate in the first place came to light, she couldn't let it go. She intended to exact revenge at first, but her plans changed when she ran into her one and only ex-boyfriend from high school, Luis Borbón, again, who unexpectedly asked for her hand in marriage. Will Lola put her vengeance aside and agree to this marriage? Or will she concentrate on exacting her vengeance?

Kuchi_G_ · Urban
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149 Chs

Not Alone Anymore.

"Hey-" He stopped himself when he saw the look on Lola's face. Her expression was hard to read. Her lips were pursed tightly together and her brows furrowed. Her eyes were filled with sadness and her cheeks were flushed with anger.

"What happened? Are you ok?" He inquired.

"I'm fine," She responded stiffly.

He closed the door behind him and approached her slowly. When he stopped in front of her she finally looked at him and for a moment her gaze softened.

"Why are you here ?" She asked, softly.

His mouth dropped open as his brain tried to think of an answer. Why was he in her room?

"What?" His confusion mirrored the disbelief in her voice.

" Umm... well I just wanted to see how you're doing..." He mumbled, scratching the back of his neck nervously. It was a stupid excuse and he knew it but what could he say?