
Rem: Zero Starting A New Life In Another World At Zero For Rem

Rem just finished her song and she is very happy about it so she decides to get something to eat, but as soon as she starts going to the kitchen, Rem starts to feel a bit dizzy and very anxious in an unknown reason. She keeps ignoring these strange things happening to her until eventually she falls asleep. But she hears a voice, telling her to wake up, and she woke up, not in her own home, but in a fantasy world! Rem decides to explore the place and she immediately made the assumption that she is a video game character and her purpose is to have a great adventure! So she declared her video game name as Remura! The story of Rem's adventure will now begin! It will be awesome and fun! .. ... ... Right...? (I have a patreon! Please support me if you like the story! Patreon.com/TionUwU)

Vivalavistamia · Anime & Comics
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71 Chs

A New Face For A New Rem

Rem: Zero Volume 6, Chapter: 64! Tion_Official.

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It's been a rough day for Rem.

She has gone through a lot but she did it all with gaining a bit of Ram's and Subaru's trust.

But there is still one problem that is going to hit Rem with a train to the face.

It's the conjurer.

Rem decides to visit Beatrice and asks her for some things that could possibly help her, Beatrice just told her simple basic things Rem should know and that's all.

Beatrice suddenly smelled something.

The witch's scent, Rem backed her up by telling Subaru has also noticed it at some point, she asks if there's something about it that can relate to help to find the conjurer.

Of course, Beatrice tells her about the scent and the witch of envy.

Satella, the witch, the one that devoured the six other witches of great sins.

Beatrice added some things about Satella and her appearance.

Hearing that, Rem remembers something from the past.

"Her name is Satella. You can call her that."

Rem asks if there's any consequences when people use the witch's name.

Beatrice says there's nothing about it, if someone decides to use the witch's name for themselves, they have no fear in death whatsoever.

[Rem: Really? In that case.]


[Rem: If he's that brave for her, and she's that brave as well, I think they're doing just fine.]

Beatrice raises an eyebrow.

[What do you mean by that?]

Rem sighs as she looks at nothing.

[It's nothing.]

[Rem: Zero]


[Good morning!! The sky is blue and the sun shines bright! What a perfect day to hang the laundry! This will be the best day ever!!]

-the best day ever!!]

Emilia waves goodbye to the lesser spirits as she looks to Rem, who's coming.

[She's full of vigor again this morning.]

Rem stops in front of them as she bows at Emilia.

[Hello there, Mimilia! I hope you're doing well. I'll be doing lots of things today, and I'll enjoy all of it! Being a servant is great, don't you think?]

Rem rushes to Emilia and sits besides her.

[After I become tired, I rest from the grass or my bed! In my younger days, someone very special to me hugs me and let's me rest on their shoulder. I can't have that anymore, but I don't need that! Only unworthy losers will get to rest on someone's shoulders while they're being hugged.]


Rem looks at Puck who is doing… cat things, not really impressive but Rem thinks it is!

[You really resemble my cat! You're washing your face just like my cute mittens!]

She rubs both of his ears with excitement, she rubs his belly in excitement and she swings him gently around.

[Rem: I didn't know spirits could get sleepy. Do they oversleep as well??]

Puck floats to Emilia's head and that's where he lays.

[*yawn* Don't you get sleepy when you are exhausted? The spirit's energy comes from the power. When that power is depleted, *yawn* We react the same way as humans do..]

Emilia yawns as well, but seeing this Rem gets a little grumpy.

[Rem: Did you both stay up the whole night? That's really bad, but I'm kind of curious what you two were doing. Is there something you two hiding from me? Is it something important? Rem would like to know! So please welcome yourselves in telling Rem every single conversation you two had! If you do not think you can share them, don't worry! I'll be here, I like Puck, I like Mimilia!

Both of you like me too yeah?

[Emilia: Well, The one I like is Puck, and Puck likes me too. Okay, end of topic.]

[Rem: E-ehh?? Both of you like each other but not me back??]


[Puck: It would be nowhere!]

That old voice of Puck, reminds Rem of someone, but couldn't get a glimpse of it.

Puck floats to Rem.

[Puck: Lia is captivated by my charms, even though you're a lady, you're not a bad one, you could practice, but Subaru might be a perfect candidate but both of you are no match for me.

[Rem: Huhh??]

[Puck: It's best that you give up on-

Emilia both tugged Rem's and Puck's ears in a way for them to stop.

[Don't go too far with this. I will lose my temper too if you go on like this.]

[Rem: It hurts, it hurts! We're sorry!]

[Puck: It hurts, it hurts! We're sorry!]


Rem looks at her phone and sees it's time!

[Rem: It looks like I need to get going, or Ram and Subaru will scold me for being late! I'll see both of you later!]

Rem quickly runs inside the mansion and it's now Puck and Emilia alone.

Emilia just waved goodbye at Rem, confused as she let go of Puck's ear.


[Puck: What's wrong? You look worried.]

[Emilia: I feel strange. I'm not sure what it is.]

[Puck, Ah, I don't blame you, Lia. Things are getting a little complicated now.]


Subaru looked at what shattered and Rem accidentally bumped into the vase and shattered.

[Rem: A-ah! D-don't mind this! It's alright! I'll fix it!]

[Emilia: Complicated?]

Rem is cleaning up the mess she has done as she looks at Subaru with a happy and energetic smile.

[Don't worry! I'll be careful next time! I'm a bit clumsy today, but I won't next time! I'll clear all of this up right away so no one will trip!]

[Puck: About Rem. Her mind is in chaos now. SHe's mixed up internally and externally.

[Subaru: I'm happy to see that you have good intentions, but that doesn't mean you are free from breaking the vase.]

He lets go of what he's doing and is about to turn around.

[Subaru: I'll get a replacement and-

Rem goes in front and stops him.

[Rem: No worries! Let Rem do that instead! Rem caused it and she should be the one to fix it! Please do not worry about anything else and continue what you were doing. Subaru-sama!~]

[If this goes on… I am afraid she will have a breakdown soon..]

Rem puts the final touch and the vase with flowers looks fine!

It's like Rem never broke something!

[Rem: Ah~ It's really a relief to get the job done, right Subaru-sama??]

[Subaru: You took care of what you started, yes. …

When did you find out where the vases are kept?]


[Subaru: Did Ram-san tell you?]


Rem turns around and gives a nod.

[Yes! She was the one! She told me-

Rem covers left eye and lets Subaru see her right and Rem imitates Ram's voice, which is surprisingly almost similar.

"You will break a vase sooner or later, so I had better tell you where they are kept."]


Ridiculous, Rem laughs that one off, seeing that she can almost nail Ram's voice.

[Subaru: Rem-

Rem looks at the time.

[The time has come! The time where I do the errand Ram gave me!]


[Rem: I'll see you soon! I'll get going with my work! I'm sorry that we have to end it this way, but let us see each other soon!!]

[I don't feel great…]

*Bang *Bang Bang!

Ram looks behind her and it's Rem.

[Rem: Ah Ram-san! I just came to tell you that my knife skills have improved in just a day! Impressive huh?? I really got the talent!]

[I feel sick…I feel sick!... I feel sick!!...]

[Rem: Subaru-sama! Look! I created Puck with such delicate dedication! My fingers are really great! I'm so happy!!]

Rem throws the blanket up with enthusiasm as Subaru doesn't seem to like this.

[I feel sick, I'm going to throw up, I'm going to let loose!.. I don't feel so good, my stomach is rumbling, my head is in a daze, I can't tell what's happening, I feel sick!..]


[Rem: Hello there, Emilia-sama! I hope you're doing well! I'm just doing my job as usual, there's nothing to worry about! Feel great and be happy, okay??]

Emilia looks at Rem with concern as she continuously wipes the same floor over and over again while smiling at Emilia.

[Rem's Mind: I… I should be able to laugh more naturally. I should be able to make everyone happy! B-b-b-b--b-but! I-I can't! I need to gain their trust! I-I can do this! I need to work until I drop dead! I can't waste a single second doing nothing! Stop fucking around, Rem!



Ram was watching Rem just-

Rem turns around and faces Ram with a smile.

[Ram-san! I'm not slacking around, I'm not a lazy person, I'm very energetic! In fact, I finished all my work and some of yours as well!]

Rem just pushes Ram gently out of the room and insists on her to rest.

[Rem: Don't worry! If you have extra work, Rem will take care of it for you! Rem promises! You can go ahead and rest in your room, do have an afternoon nap and I hope you sleep well!!~ Hahaha!-

*HAAAUGGHHHHHH!!hh,.. *cough* ehg…. Ugh…

Rem gasps for air as she looks at the mirror panting.

[Rem: I-I look terrible… n-ngh..]

Rem closes the faucet as she wipes her mouth with a towel.

[Rem: There's no time for Rem to whine… ghh… Rem… You're an idiot… A huge stupid idiot…]

Rem after looking at her phone she leaves the room and walks to her next ta-

[Emilia: Rem..]

[Rem: !!...]

Rem tries to relax as she puts up a big smile and she turns around to Emilia.

[Mimilia! Hello! Yes? Is there anything you need with Rem??]

[Emilia: Remura, come here a minute.]

[Rem: Ah! That's not my actual name, but you intend to use it! I wonder what's on your mind Mimilia! Whatever it is, I'll support it no matter what! I'm a maid and servant of Roswaal now, and you are the higher up! So please let me serve you as much as I can!

You are a royal candidate, you deserve special things and lot's of love and praise!

But make sure to remember Rem! Hahaha!]

Emilia is starting to get concerned for Rem, she's really…

[Emilia: Rem…]

[Rem: a--- *sigh* It really saddens me to see there's nothing I can do for you, but I'll still- Wait a minute! Are you a fake Mimilia?? That's impossible! There's no way someone but herself imitate her! Such sadness and such surprise! Well villain! Come and fight Rem!

Hyaah! Haa! Yaa! Ha- Huh?

Emilia grabs Rem's hand as they walk inside the room she was in.

[Rem: A- H-hey, W-where are we…]

[Emilia: Enough, Rem.]

[Emilia: Right here, sit.]

Rem tilts her head as she fixes her hair.

[Uhm, why the floor? There's a lot of things that can be sit on and It's all better.]

[Emilia: Don't you mind. Just sit.]


Rem just runs to that spot and she sits down.

[Sitted down! Did I sit down right??]

Emilia just smiles as sits down right next to Rem.

…. .. .

. .. .. …




.- -



[Emilia: This is a special case, okay?]

[Rem: what?-

Emilia suddenly grabs Rem's head and onto her shoulder as Emilia wrapped her hands around Rem…

[Emilia: This position is a bit off, and it tickles a little.]

Rem, blushing and embarrassed is confused.

[Rem: Uhm, what's happening…?]

[Emilia: D-don't get so red! It's embarrassing! Also look this way not to me.]

[Rem: I-I don't know what's happening, but this is quite embarrassing, b-but if this is what y-you want then I'll oblige! I just wonder why this and not something else…?]

Emilia's voice, it's starting to get soft and calm.

[Emilia: This isn't for me, Rem. It's for you. For the time being, you can set aside that weird bravado of yours]

Emilia starts to rub Rem's head.

[Emilia: About all of this, you did tell me that you liked being hugged, and resting on someone's shoulder whenever you are exhausted, but you can't do that anymore because that someone you do that with isn't here anymore correct? Well, let me be that someone for today.

Only for today, because I'm not always available all the time. Today is very special.]

[Rem: Special… Ah jeez, Mimilia! It's only my second day here, I also said if I'm exhausted I can just go to bed or lay down on the grass, but right now- I can work all day everyday!!]

[Emilia: I can tell that you are really worn down. And you would not tell me what is wrong.

I don't think doing this would make you feel better, but this is all I can do.]

[Rem: A- h.hahah… M-mimilia… I- don't-...

Emilia continues to run her hands through Rem's hair and she does it gently.

[Emilia: Rem, are you tired?]

[Rem: N..No! Not at all, I'm fine..

[Emilia: Are you troubled by something?]

[Rem: M-mililia… If you keep going like this- I-I m-might be… c-captivated, if that happens, I-I…]

[Emilia: I understand. It must be-

Emilia gets closer to Rem's ear as she gently whispers in her ear.

-really hard for you..]

Hearing that Rem's nightmares and bad memories, they all shattered at once.

Emilia can feel Rem relax now, she isn't pleasuring herself no longer.

Rem holds Emilia's shoulder as a tear rolls down on her blushing red cheek.

[Rem: I… I'm really tired… I-It's… It's so hard… I-I'm scared… I'm in misery… i *sniff* might as well have died…

Emilia nods as Rem starts to wrap her hands around Emilia.

[Rem: I tried it all, I really did..! *sniff* I tried desperately! I did everything and I gave up so much of myself to make things right…!! It's true, I-I swear it's true!!]

More tears are dropping down as Rem puts her head on Emilia's shoulder.

[Rem: I-It's very hard, I-I never thought Rem would go this far…!!..]

Rem is choking on her own tears as she tries to calm down and Emilia nods.

[Emilia: I know.]

[Rem: I-I'm so scared, humiliated, everything just to get this far! M-ma… Why did you leave me… W-why did you leave Rem so e-early! It's been years… of Rem being alone… She's been trying so hard to save everyone from and put things where they are, a-and you're not here to see that… I want you to see it… I-I want you to be proud of her and give her a kiss on the c-cheeks… I really tried it ma! I really miss you… *Sniff* I-if she was here, I would've told her many things, many things I've done… Khkk!! I'm being so dramatic! I really hate myself for thinking and feeling like this!!!]

Rem continues to sorrow as everything slowly fades to black.

Subaru gets inside the room and looks around to find Rem, but it looks like she's here with Emilia.

[Subaru: Rem-san?]

Emilia puts a finger on her lips, shushing Subaru.


[Subaru: It looks like she's fallen asleep recently.]

Emilia nods.


[Emilia: Look, just like a child.]

Subaru does look and she seems to be tired.

[Subaru: I don't think Rem can do anymore work for today.]

[Emilia: You're right. Let her rest for today.


Taking leave after only two days of work, what a naughty girl.]

Emilia gently pinched Rem's cheeks.

[Emilia: Give her a proper punishment once she feels better, alright?]

[Subaru: E-emilia-tan. That's quite erotic don't you think? Also looking at her sleeping is making me feel like I almost don't want to.


Emilia just nods as she smiles.

Subaru just closes his eyes and he stands up and walks out of the room.

[Subaru: I'll tell Ram Rem will not be able to help out today.]

[Emilia: Subaru.]


[Subaru: Yes?]

[Emilia: Rem is a good girl. Understand?]


Subaru smirks as he nods as he walks out of the room.

Emilia looks at Rem, and she too smiles.

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Chapter Ends.

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[Rem: Rem just bawled in front of a girl… Sobbing and sniveling then falling asleep?? Then liking it?!! AhH!!! Rem! You knew one day that you're going to love someone someday and there's no denying it, but Rem! Why does it have to Emilia!!?? Why can't it be a man! Emilia is not a man!

Aren't women supposed to be for men??

Rem breathes in as she covers her face blushing.

[Rem: AHHH!! Rem's sexuality!! It's ruined! I'm done for!! I failed my ancestors!!]

[Beatrice: So, you come here in the middle of the night just to tell me this, I suppose?]

[Rem: Don't say that, Beako! You and I are close, aren't we??

[Beatrice: You and I are not- Wait, what did you just call me??]

Rem stops and looks at her.

[Rem: Beako? Subaru calls you that, so I'm just calling you that as well.

I'm not sure why~ But I think both of you have something, and friendship is one of them! We're in a friendship now aren't we? ]

[Beatrice: How can you be so bold in showing off your goodwill? This is beyond disgusting. This is totally revolting. Hmp!]

Rem just sighs and puts her hands on her waist tilting her head.

[Rem: Don't be a sad potato, Beako. … To be honest- …

Rem bows to her.

[I really need your help right now, I'm in a dire status and I hope you can help Rem out.

It's about those curses you told me.]

[Beatrice: I have already said, once a curse is released, there is now way to undo it.]

[Rem: Y-yes, I know, but before the curse is released, is it possible to sense it's presence?]

[Beatrice: There is a way to detect the presence of a curse before it is released.

Hearing that, made Rem lighten her mood up as she gets closer to Beatrice.


[In casting curse, there is a rule that cannot be broken, I suppose.]


[Rem: A rule that can't be broken?]


[Beatrice: It's to touch the target physically. In fact, This is imperative.]


[Rem: The ones Rem touched other than those in this mansion are the villagers at the foot of the hill…]

Rem stands up as she starts to think.

[That means I was cursed in this village and it was released, when I was back in the mansion that night. That proves my theory then about what happened to me then.

That also answers my theory on what happened to Subaru last time…

Because Rem didn't go there, Subaru became the target.

T-that's it…

That's it!!

The pieces of the puzzle are almost together! T-that's great!]


[Beatrice: Is that the attitude you adopt when asking someone's help, I suppose?]


[Beatrice: In fact, If my explanation was a help to you, should you be telling me something?

[Ah! That's right!]

Rem picks Beatrice up and she spins her around in excitement.

[Rem: Rem thanks you Beako! Because of you, I'm finally reaching the end of this tunnel!!]

[Beatrice: Gwa!Ah! Hey! Put me down!!]

Rem does so as she and she sees an angry Beatrice.


[Rem: Uhm, good night!]

Rem runs out of the room.

[Once again! Thank you! I like you!]

The sun has arrived, and morning starts here right now.

[Rem: Good morning everyone! A lot has happened, but with a new face, a new Rem has appeared! Like seriously, Subaru cut my hair yesterday and strangely enough, I look just like Ram.]

[Ram: There is one missing detail though.]

[Rem: Eh? What is it, Ram?]

Ram puts something on Rem's head and she ties a pink ribbon on Rem's hair, adding hair clips to it.

Ram backs off and looks at Rem.

[What do you think, Barusu?]

Subaru rubs his chin and nods.

[Hmm. She does look like a lot like you now. Hm… Let me just…]

Subaru grabs Rem and Ram's wrist as he puts them together and makes them hold hands.

[Subaru: W-woah! You two look like twins! Not going to lie, but Rem, how old are you?]

[Rem: A- I'm 20?]

[Ram: I'm currently under you, so there's no way we could be twins, but more likely as sisters trying to look like each other.]

Both of them get off as Rem checks her phone.

[Rem: Ah that's right! There's something I need to do!]

[Subaru: It's to hug someone.]

[Ram: And cry on their shoulder?]

[Rem: Hu- W-wait how many of you know this??]

Emilia yawned and was walking down the stairs and she saw the three of them chatting, especially Rem.

[Emilia: Ah, Rem. Good morning!]

She walks to them.

[Rem: M-mimilia?]

Emilia stops and looks to the side.

[Emilia: That… It's a bit awkward here.]

She then looks at her.

[Are you feeling well?]

[Rem: I-I'm doing j-just fine! I- …

Rem takes a deep breath in and out.

[Rem: Don't worry, I feel better now. ! O-Oh that's right! A-about what happened, I'm really…


Rem smiles as she looks at Emilia.

[About what happened. Thank you.]


[Emilia: Not at all. You are welcome.]


The three works walk inside the kitchen.

[Subaru: Today, we will start our morning duties, Rem-san.]

[Ram: Today, we will start the morning duties.]

Rem stretches and fixes her hair and looks at the both of them.

[Rem: Uh before we do that, I have a favor to ask the two of you.]

Both looked at Rem and they whispered to each other.

[Subaru: She's going to ask if she can get a hug and she'll cry.]

[Ram: She's definitely going to ask if she can get a hug and cry.]

[Rem: Is Rem really immoral?? N-no Actually. I just want to have a look at a village. There is nearby village, yes? Do both of you plan to buy anything?]

[Subaru: Well, we're running low on spices and seasonings. I planned to go shopping at the village tomorrow, those kids are for sure going to miss me and ruin me like last time, ugh.]

[Rem: If that's so, why don't you go today? It's better to buy them right now if we're running low.]

Subaru thinks about this.

[Ram: That wouldn't be a problem.]

[Subaru: Ram?]

[Ram: We have to get them anyway and there is no urgent work as of the moment.]

Ram points to Rem.

[And you can have Rem to help carry some things. That includes the heavy ones as well.}

[Rem: eh?]

[Subaru: Now that you put it that way…


[Rem: Fantastica! That's great!]

Ram looks to Rem.

[Ram: But Ram will come along as well. Let's surround Barusu, and he'll have a pretty flower on each side of him.]

[Subaru: huh?]

[Rem: ha?]

[Rem: I'm fine with that, a-as long as Subaru isn't going to pluck one of them..]

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Chapter Truly Ends.