
Summoning Class

The next day in the classroom, a person sitting in the last row of desks was staring fixedly at Edward.

'What happened yesterday... I'm sure of what I saw... Edward made that person disappear with a single move,' Amelin thought, her two eyes emitting a subtle glow as the scene she witnessed remained etched in her mind.

"I knew it... He's a wolf in sheep's clothing," Amelin thought a bit too loudly, catching the attention of the student when she returned her focus to the class.

"Did you say something, Amelin?"

"Huh? Oh, yes, I was just thinking about what kind of spirit I'll summon," Amelin quickly responded, noticing that Sillian had already arrived in the classroom and was now sitting near Edward.

"Hey, heard there was an intrusion yesterday, but the intruder vanished the same way they came in without anyone seeing," Sillian spoke, smiling and leaning on Edward's desk.

"Aren't you worried about that? You're the top student; surely, you'll summon a powerful spirit," the girl next to Amelin said.

"Well, I'll go check on Sillian, and we can talk more later," Amelin said, descending until she reached Edward's desk.

"How was your night? A loud noise woke me up yesterday, and I could hardly sleep afterward," Amelin said, sitting at the desk to the right of Edward.

"That shows that you really overdid it yesterday," Litty said, letting out a sigh.

"I was just talking about that with Sillian; strange, right? How did someone manage to break into this place?" Edward spoke, feeling a strange shiver down his body, as if he had been scrutinized from head to toe by a thousand eyes.

"It might be just a rumor, but it seems that a teacher we were supposed to have a class with disappeared at the same time as the intruder," Mine arrived, already saying this as she stood on the desk next to Amelin.

"If that's true, then it's a matter we shouldn't get involved in; it could end up causing us a huge problem," Amelin said thoughtfully.

"He not only managed to get approved as a teacher but also seems to have escaped the notice of even the principal, so..." Sillian spoke, holding her forehead and sighing. "Just when we became students, this had to happen, what terrible luck."

"Eh... Heard that, Edward? It seems we're in big trouble then," Litty spoke, teasing him, feeling the mana of Professor Adrwnr a few meters from the door, changing her expression, and speaking seriously. "He's here."

The door would open by itself, and Adrwnr entered, carrying a handheld mirror encrusted with various precious stones all over its base. "Now that I've arrived, everyone be silent. Your teacher will teach you about the magical world's most challenging discipline. Whether a necromancer or a spirit summoner, you'll need a lot of money. So, you should be thankful for studying here; after all, job opportunities won't be lacking when you graduate."

'Eh? Does that mean we'll become slaves to our own magic?' Many students thought the same thing, their expressions changing to one of displeasure.

"Look, by the looks of it, many of you are already thinking of giving up, but let me warn you. You're right, after all, the beginning of someone's career focused on summoning is always infernal," when Adrwnr said this, the number of students with disgusted expressions only increased, and everyone started murmuring quietly.

"Well, it doesn't matter; in most worlds, most summons need to eat, and they eat a lot..." Edward spoke, having a small flashback of a girl complaining about how much her elemental tiger spent.

"Now that everyone seems to hate summoning, think with me. If it's so difficult, why do so many mages want to be summoners?" After saying this, silence reigned in the room until one of the students responded to the professor.

"If you succeed, you won't have to do anything else since your summons will do it for you," Sillian replied, her eyes shining with excitement, being the only one so enthusiastic in the room.

"That's right, and damn, how did the rest of you not know that? It's obvious, haha," Adrwnr laughed, looking at the students grinding their teeth and complaining to themselves.

"But there's a catch; pay attention to the part about if you succeed because many want it, but few really exist. That's why it's the most challenging magic," Adrwn spoke, throwing the mirror to the side, where it would split in two and spin around itself, increasing in size and transforming into two women. One wore a blue dress with the left side of her face a skull, and her hair was black. The other wore a white dress, and the left side of her face was covered in runes while her hair was red, with flames emanating from the strands.

"There are three paths for a summoner: necromancer, tamer, and divergent. I will explain more about each one in the next class. Now, let's first find out which of the three you are," Adrwn clapped his hands, breathing a little before continuing, "Come, two at a time, and stand in front of them. Once the evaluation begins, do not move and just stare fixedly into their eyes."

"Why are all his summons women? That's strange," Mine said with a slight discomfort.

"It's because he's a divergent; my father told me about it. But I only remember that they are even more challenging to sustain than the other two summoner classes," Sillian spoke, thoughtfully with her eyes half-closed.

"We shouldn't think too much about it; what matters is that we'll get our summons, right?" Edward spoke, appearing excited.

"You're right; I'm curious about what we'll get," Amelin said, watching a small fire spider appear and land on the first student who took the test.

Next chapter